Hiratsuka quiet.

  The red evening dress she was wearing.

  Slender feet covered with black high heels.

  And the cheeks are slightly pink, which makes people feel very heart-warming.

  Her neck was slender and slender, like a swan, and no matter who looked at it, she would be praised as beautiful.


  Qinglong took out his mobile phone and took a photo of her like this.

  "You, what are you doing!" Teacher Xiaojing was taken aback.

  "You wait."

  Qinglong began to fiddle with the phone.


  got a reply.

  "I sent your photo to three people.~"

  "Then their replies are all the same.-"

  Qinglong showed the screen to Xiao-Jing.

  And Xiao Jing also saw it.

  Qinglong: Is this woman beautiful?My cousin went on a blind date and said she was ugly.

  Yubihama: Your cousin needs to see an ophthalmologist, isn't she a beauty?Moreover, it seems that Hiratsuka-sensei looks very similar.

  Speaking of which, everyone is discussing, if Hiratsuka-sensei dresses up, it must be very beautiful.

  A color feather: cousin?Hurry up and start a relationship with this cousin, this man's eyes are not good.Also, how do you get

  The picture of this big beauty?

  Yukino Yukino: ... This girl looks familiar.But I can confirm that this is a beauty.

  Miura Yumiko: Your eyesight is not good with this form. According to my experience, this beauty can be entered with fine makeup.

  Become a super beauty.

  But I always feel like I've seen her somewhere.

  Hayato Hayama: Hikigu-kun, don't make a fuss, this is Mr. Hiratsuka, and it's very beautiful.


  Teacher Xiaojing staring at Qinglong's screen

  In other words, this is not sent to three people at all, but five people.


  "You actually have a good relationship with so many students. Let me feel at ease." Xiaojing said.


  But this made Qinglong sigh directly.

  "what happened?"

  Qinglong's performance is too blatant.

  Hiratsuka-sensei thought something had happened to him.

  Of course, she was in a good mood.

  I thought these were all acquaintances.

  They are complimenting her on her beauty.a time.It's a little embarrassing.

  "I mean. Hiratsuka-sensei is still worried about me at this time."

  "It's not just that people are beautiful, but they are also beautiful inside."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "So I can't understand why Hiratsuka-sensei's excellent places are not discovered." Kiyotaka said.

  "Although I smoke and drink, these can be corrected."

  "And. Although it looks sloppy, it still does a lot of housework."

  "You can even cook."


  Qinglong said. "I thought about it for a long time."

. . .

  "Hiratsuka-sensei, it's not your fault at all that you can't get married."


  Teacher Xiao Jing was stunned.

  "Hikigu, you praise me like this without sugar." But she still felt very happy.

  Because at least I feel that I am so understood by the students, which is really touching. ,

  Then she heard Qinglong say.

  "I'm not complimenting you, but I'm aware of this fact."

  "This must be, God's arrangement, waiting for me to discover."

  "So, if I don't marry Yang Nai, then you must be my first choice for marriage." Qinglong said.

  ? ? ? ?

  Yang Nai happened to pass by.

  Then I heard Qinglong's words.

  what the hell.

  Is her husband going to cheat in front of her now?Four.

Chapter 642

  "I'm here~"

  Yang Nao's voice came from a distance.

  She came gracefully like a light butterfly.

  Because she is good-looking and always smiling, people can't help but pay attention to her.

  "Isn't this Xiao Jing-"

  "I didn't even realize you were here just now~"

  Yang Nao's voice is cute and sweet.She came directly to the middle of Mr. Kiyotaka and Hiratsuka.

  "However, Bikigu-kun, don't always cause trouble for Xiaojing." After X entered, Yang Nai blinked slightly, showing a cute smile, but her gray-red eyes had become serious, "After all , Xiaojing is my very important teacher and friend."


  Yang Nai is still very strong.

  It seems to be caring about Teacher Jing, and at the same time affirming Teacher Jing.

  But more importantly, it was still telling him.

  Shizuo Hiratsuka is his teacher, so identities must be handled well.

  Don't think about other things.

  Obviously, she should have heard the declaration of her husband's derailment just now.



  Kiyotaka waited for Yang Nao to come over, so he bowed gently towards Hiratsuka-sensei.

  "I'm here to thank Hiratsuka-sensei instead of Yono."

  "Not only do I have to deal with a troublesome student like me, but also take care of a troublesome person like Yang Nai. It's really hard work." Qinglong said.

  "It's really annoying - they didn't cause Xiao Jing a lot of trouble."

  Yang Nai gently poked Qinglong with his elbow.

  This time, the taste is very similar to Kushida-san.

  All are insincere.

  She must think she is doing well.

  But being able to become friends with the teacher shows that in the eyes of the teacher, you are a very troublesome person, and if you don't have much contact, it may become very bad.


  When Yang Nai proposed to get married, she agreed without hesitation and asked to go directly to the district office.

  This shows that she has always been troubled about becoming the heir to Yukishita's family.

  And if he didn't collapse before meeting him, this must have been helped by Xiaojing.

  Xiaojing is a very charismatic teacher in the original book.

  So thanking each other so much, Qinglong felt it was very necessary.


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