"It looks like you are really married."


  And Hiratsuka-sensei just because of Kiyotaka's sentence [Hiratsuka-sensei, it's not your fault that you can't get married..  ...but I'm waiting for me to grow up to meet you. ] and was frightened.

  Because it's like he likes her.

  This was the first time she had been confessed by a student in her thirties.

  of course.

  She also knew that Yang Nai and Qinglong were married.And then the embarrassing scene of being caught by Yang Nai.

  Of course it's embarrassing.

  So now Qinglong took the initiative to divide the boundaries and widened the distance, but it gave her a step down.


  When Qinglong said that just now, he almost forgot his identity, and then... he almost became emotional.


  "It is indeed married." Hearing Xiaojing mention this, Yang Nai sighed softly. "But there are still a lot of things that will be troublesome after that."

  "Now it's just for him to see relatives."

  "Then wait for the mother to let go and wait for the ceremony to be officially handled."

  Yang Naidao.

  Like an inexperienced adult who had to get married, he sighed softly and said everything about adults.

  This feeling made Xiao Jing feel... a little envious.

  Because this is the trouble in her life that she finds troublesome, but has not encountered until now. .

Chapter 643

  Because Yang Nai was caught in an embarrassing scene, Teacher Xiaojing wanted to leave voluntarily.

  And Qinglong knew this very well, so he didn't stop it.

  Just watched Xiaojing return to her parents again.

  He was then escorted to receive the bride's bouquet.


  He stayed with Yang Nai.

  After introducing it to a bunch of relatives, no matter what others think, he is directly bound to Miss Yang Nai.

  But because it is now, it is very leisurely.

  "Yano, tell me about Hiratsuka-sensei's past." Kiyotaka said. 26

  "You don't really like her, right?" Yang Nai immediately became alert.

  Just like a cat, his eyes immediately entered a state of battle.

  "Although when I talk about Miss Caizi, I think you are an exaggeration, but Xiao Jing is your teacher." Yang Nai said.

  "Of course I know that." Qinglong nodded calmly.

  "Just curious."

  "Because Yang is a very troublesome person, I think you must have troubled Hiratsuka-sensei a lot." Kiyotaka said.

  "Hey, hey, you're slandering me like this... However, Xiaojing is one of my few friends, and it's a little tiring to pretend to be good in front of so many people.

  But in front of Xiaojing, you can not pretend. "

  "And when my side is facing Xiaoxuenao directly, it will make Xiaoxueno misunderstood or even scared."

  "So Xiaojing can accept me here, which is a very strong support for me." Yang Nai said.

  It turned out to be the case.

  Qinglong gently held her hand.

  "It's no use trying to appease me now." However, Yang Nai pulled his white gloved hand out of his palm.

  "Because now Yukinoshita's family is all on you."

  "So don't appease me and let me continue the inheritance."

  "..." Qinglong. "I'm not the type to eat clean."


  Yang Nai deliberately pulled the tone very long, which seemed to be completely unbelievable.


  However, Yang Nai still sighed softly and said.

  "Xiao Jing's Hun is an adult, but he looks like a child."

  "Hey... don't get excited just listening to the HS part." Yang Nai used a chilled wine glass to freeze it.Then he said, "But you're right."

  "Xiao Jing is obviously very beautiful, even if she doesn't dress up seriously, she has a good foundation."

  "People are tall, and Hungarians are also big."

  "I'm still in good health."

  "At the same time, the family background is not bad."

  "Then why haven't you been married?"

  Yang Nai said, "Probably she is more injured."

  "Injured?" Qinglong tilted his head.

  Because even if he asked, Hiratsuka-sensei would not tell him.

  So we can only start with people who know Hiratsuka Shizuo.

  For example, Miss Yang Nai.

  And Yang Nai's speech now is already very surprising.

  Has such a Hiratsuka-sensei been injured?

  "Probably three years ago."

  "She didn't think about dating when she was in school. When she was really about to graduate, she found that the people who pursued her were not as good as her, and at the same time she felt that it was too small to just find a circle in school.

  So I graduated.

  And when I graduate, I find myself busy adapting to students.

  Well, what she chose after graduation was to become a teacher.

  And she was already 25 years old when she reacted. "


  Qinglong nodded lightly. .

Chapter 644

  Yang Nao then explained to Kiyotaka about Hiratsuka's past that only she knew.

  "Xiao Jing was 25 years old when she realized it.

  And this reaction came when she found out that a classmate she had a good relationship with in college was married. "

  "Let her react, everyone is going to take their own lives."

  "Because I didn't think about these things before, I started late. So she could not avoid having a blind date under the supervision of her parents."

  "Blind date candidates include elite presidents in the IT industry, as well as specialized programmers. Or people who specialize in finance. Or official units and the like."

  "There are also very perverted people." Yang Nai said. "The type of person who feels that he is obliged to come to the meeting, and then goes to the door to block people after refusing on the spot."

  "When you meet Xiaojing's parents, you just call uncle and auntie like a sick girl."

  "And this kind of person also made an alarm and some other means to deal with it to make the other party completely stop."

  "Oh." Qinglong nodded. "Since there is such a terrifying performance in the face of unknown men. Then why did you directly drag me to marry when you saw me?"

  Qinglong listened to Yang Nao's narration, and also felt her fear of such a morbid man.

  "Because you look harmless to humans and animals!" Yang Nai said.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Well, there are indeed many people who think so, and Mrs. Yukinoshita also thinks so.

  So Qinglong continued to listen.

  "Then why did Xiaojing fail to have such a blind date? Because it was basically the first meal or the second meal.

  Because Xiao Jing is an idiot, he always sells his interests to others.

  The first time we met, or something, I invited each other to eat ramen together.Then, he will send a bunch of information about Copra noodles to the other party.

  Can be directly up to 88 '~. "Yang Nai said.




  It's really a bad interest to let elite and rich people eat oily and very cheap ramen with her.

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