[Sign-in completed.Congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in of Mai Sakurajima's desk. ]

  [Get 3000 points of official qi. ]

  [Redeemable jobs opened. ]

  Qinglong found that an interface like Taobao shopping appeared on the void interface of the system.

  [The railwayman needs to consume 300 points]

  [Member candidates need to consume 800 points]

  [The director needs to consume 1500 points]

  Oh oh.

  Really redeemable.

  But he didn't move, his goal was for the Prime Minister, so there was no need to exchange for other things.

  Thinking like this, he pushed open the window, and then quickly climbed down the high wall like a lizard, and finally crossed it again.

  High walls, and then came to the street.


  He yawned.

  Look at the phone again, it's out of power.

  So if you want to use your mobile phone to make a taxi (cgae), it will not work.

  So he was ready to go home.


  The streets became very empty at 2am.

  But there are

  There is a riverside from the school to the home. Walking along the guardrail, you can feel the slightly slender sea breeze, which is very comfortable.


  His eyes were suddenly drawn, and he found that there were three people and a bicycle under Jiang Bin.


  "Thank you so much for coming."

  "Kuni, and Futaba."

  "I really don't know what to do."

  "My sister, something is wrong." A boy was talking, a boy he had never heard of.

  "What happened to Hua Feng?" This was another boy's voice.

  "Don't panic, make things clear first." And this is a very familiar voice.

  It was... Futaba Riyo's voice.

  Qinglong knew that it was after 2 o'clock, and after 2 o'clock, his sister Liyang Futaba was still outside?

  Without even thinking about it, it went right away.

  And the distressed words of the boy who spoke at the beginning also entered Kiyotaka's ears.

  In fact, he encountered something in the past two days, and found that his sister seemed to be bullied at school.

  But she refused to help her sister.Then when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found my sister crying in bed.

  And this sister is not like the original sister.It was as if his personality had suddenly changed drastically.

  Not only that, I don't know him at all, and I don't remember my parents.Can't remember herself.

  It was as if it had been replaced inexplicably.

  And their parents went on a trip and could not be contacted.

  And here he is, at a loss.

  "In fact, I have seen this kind of performance." Qinglong suddenly approached the guardrail where the three of them were talking. .

Chapter 675

  Although at first I was surprised that my sister who didn't like to communicate with others actually went out at midnight.

  But Kiyotaka already understands that this is because Futaba's friend is in trouble.

  Futaba Riyo has two friends.

  One is the original hero Azusagawa Sakuta, and the other is Sakuta's friend Kunimi Yuma~.

  Yes, Futaba's friends are not of the same sex, but of the opposite sex.

  And, from the current point of view, the regulations of [the opposite sex can also be friends-] are really maintained,

  very important.

  But the relationship between the three should be really good.

  Because at this time, because of such a sudden news from Azusagawa Sakuta, the two of them ran over in the middle of the night by different means.

  Futaba was probably hit by it.

  But Kunimi Yuzhen came directly by bicycle. It is not raining now, but his clothes are wet.This is the sweat after riding at high speed all the time.

  This is an awe-inspiring guy.


  And now Sakuta is overwhelmed by her sister's situation.

  Found out that my sister was being bullied.

  Then her sister's personality completely changed, and she couldn't even hold him back.

  This kind of thing is like being deeply hurt, and then turning off your personality and lending your body to other personalities.

  Sakuta's dismay was that she found out too late.


  "I've seen this state before."

  Qinglong directly tapped the guardrail by the beach with his hand.

  The body pressed down from the top and then looked at the three of them.

  On the edge of the beach is the road, and there are street lights on the road.

  The light of the street lamps directly reflected Qinglong's appearance.

  And Qinglong can also see these three people here.

  The elder sister Futaba ignored it first, she was wearing a coat and did not look outstanding.

  And two boys.

  The first is the tallest one, with a well-proportioned body, long athletic talent, and long and powerful hands. This should be Yuma Kunimi, who joined the basketball club once said by Futaba.

  And another boy.

  The appearance is Zhou Zheng, and the height can only be said to be equal, but the expression becomes painful and helpless.

  This is someone like an older brother who is caught in the situation of his younger sister.

  And this boy should be the hero of the original book, Azusagawa Sakuta.



  Futaba called out the name of the outsider who suddenly broke into the three of them.

  "This guy is my brother." Futaba said.

  "But I remember seeing him on TV—"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Kunimi Yuzhen said.

  And Sakuta also began to recall.

  "I don't think the focus is on me now," Qinglong said. "It's about your sister-chan."

  "I've seen your sister's situation."


  "..." Sakuta.

  Azusakawa Sakuta fell silent for a moment.

  "I just heard from you that your sister's personality seems to have changed, and she doesn't recognize you at all, right?"

  Qinglong pressed on the railing and said. "Then there is something extraordinary about her."

  "This super-everyday is caused by the strong emotions inside the teens."

  "And the disease has a name."

  "Puberty Syndrome."


  "No, Qinglong, what nonsense are you talking about." Futaba interrupted him. "Sakuta is here to worry about her sister."

  "And you suddenly said adolescence syndrome."

  "Then take Sakuta's sister to see a doctor," Kiyotaka said. "Suddenly you don't know someone, and then it seems like you've changed. Then go see a doctor first. Is there a problem with this option?"

  Of course no problem.

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