So, Sakuta hurriedly took everyone home.Four.

Chapter 676

  Rice Flower Economic General Hospital.

  At Qinglong's suggestion, Azusagawa Sakuta hurriedly took everyone home, and then sent her sister to the hospital.

  Azusagawa Sakuta's sister's full name is Azusagawa Flower Maple.

  It's a petite-small girl with brown hair.

  Currently only a sophomore in junior high school.After being pulled into the car by his brother Azusagawa Sakuta and taken to the hospital, he behaved a bit introverted and seemed to not like to communicate with people.


  "Then we just have to wait for the doctor's diagnosis." Qinglong said.

  Everyone, including him, his sister Futaba Riyo, and Yuzhen Kunimi and Sakuta Azusakawa are now waiting outside the clinic.

  The doctor is conducting a physical examination on sister Hua Feng.


  "..." Sakuta.

  As the older brother, Azusagawa Sakuta clenched his fists tightly, still looking very nervous.

  This is very worried about the performance of my sister.

  Should it be said to be the male protagonist of the original novel?It's infectious and makes people want to help him.

  And Qinglong looked at him and said, "Generally speaking, the situation of Sister Huafeng is like a kind of self-protection to escape from reality."

  "So what's really going to do is help her deal with the kind of reality she's trying to escape."

  "Know what she's trying to escape and help her."

  "Then she might get better."

  "And these need to be considered by your brother."

  In fact, when it comes to this, Qinglong's meaning is somewhat clear.

  What should be done, what needs to be done, then there is no need to go into too much depth.

  Then he can directly take his sister Liyang Futaba home.

  It's very troublesome to be outside so late.And not sleeping at night is the natural enemy of human beings.

  In other words, Qinglong didn't think it had anything to do with them, so naturally he didn't want to get involved too much.



  However, Sakuta seemed to give up the struggle.

  "Actually, my sister's situation here..."

  "I have a clue." Sakuta said, "About three days ago, I found that Hua Feng came home with a wound on her body."

  "At first I thought that someone had hurt her, but what's very surprising is that her scars were in front of me and never changed."

  "Yes, it's very super-everyday, it's the kind of self-appearance."

  "Then I found out on her phone, in the group chat of the class she joined, that she was bullied by her classmates..."

  "It's just that I wanted to report to the teacher the next day."

  "It turns out that Hua Feng has become ignorant of me."

  "It's like a different person."

  "So, this must be an extraordinary performance."

  Sakuta lowered her head in pain.

  And this time, following Sakuta's explanation, Futaba and Kunimi Yuzhen turned their attention to Kiyotaka at the same time.

  Because when he was at the beach he said things like the supernatural.

  So Sakuta's admission was almost an admission that what he said was true.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Don't look at him, he doesn't want to be busy.

  Thinking like this, the system prompt sound suddenly appeared in my mind.

  [Tick! ]

  [Congratulations to the host for triggering a common location for hidden check-ins. ]

  [Common location remarks: Sign in three times a week at any time, and each time you can get official qi value ranging from 1000-1]


  Qinglong quickly turned the system on and saw the location.

  [Common location 1: Azusagawa Sakuta's home. ]


  "..." Qinglong.

  So he wanted to leave and sat down again. .

Chapter 677

  A common check-in location is Azusagawa Sakuta's house.

  Qinglong felt that he needed to admire the system, and this location was absolutely unbelievable.

  It's so tempting just to go three times a week and not require a scheduled check-in.

  Qinglong closed his eyes and remained silent again and again, he felt that he still couldn't resist the temptation.

  So he just sat down.

  Just now I thought it had nothing to do with him, so I could leave with my sister Futaba, but for now, I'd better stay first.

  Futaba could go to Azusagawa Sakuta's house because they were friends, but it felt weird.

  So now he has to have a good relationship with Azusagawa Sakuta.

  "...I don't think Azusakawa-san, you don't need to be too nervous." 26 Qinglong said. "Because things are not so bad right now."

  "Looking at it from another angle, your sister actually made a profit." Qinglong said.

  "...Huafeng...she, earned...?" Wen Yan Zichuan Sakuta raised her head.

  And Qinglong went on to explain,

  "If you have two personalities, you will be diagnosed with schizophrenia, and with this symptom, do you think the other person is mild or violent and sick?"

  "It must be a mild personality."

  "So it's your sister's luck."

  "Her new personality is very tame, and you can see that she

  "And, no matter which personality it is, it should be your sister."

  "As a brother, I just suffer here and leave her aside. I don't know how to deal with it. I think my sister will be very sad."


  "...Ah, this—"

  Sakuta stood up immediately. "Then what I can do for Huafeng now is..."

  Kiyotaka said calmly and rationally.

  "Two aspects, 1 is the one you want to reflect, about my sister being coldly and violently bullied by her classmates."

  "To get rid of her bad circumstances."

  "The next thing is to cultivate, let her leave that environment first, that is to say, don't let her go back to school for the time being, but let her stay at home and keep her away from that environment."

  "And then slowly tell her that the bad environment has improved, so she can go back."

  "And that process takes time."

  "And the second aspect is to consider whether this sister's personality is a new personality fabricated by your sister because of this incident."

  "Or, the personality of the current sister is the personality of your original sister."

  "Maybe this sister is your real sister." Qinglong said.

  "Is there... such a possibility?" Azusakawa Sakuta was stunned.

  "Not sure." Qinglong said. "But your sister has indeed become two."

  "..." Sakuta.He quickly held his head and said, "Let me slow down."

  "That is to say, no matter what, what needs to be done is, 1, to solve the environment that Hua Feng hates. 2, to treat the current Hua Feng seriously, as a sister, right?"

  "That's pretty much what it means." Qinglong said.

  And then the doctor came out.

  "Family can come."

  "There is nothing abnormal about your sister's body."

  "Wait a minute, I'll call a psychiatrist," the doctor said.

  In other words, the doctor simply believed that Hua Feng had a split personality.

  And for Sakuta, the younger sister of the current new personality is also his younger sister. .

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