She could see that she was still a little cautious in the previous topic, but when she asked about her favorite food, she answered Mai Sakurajima without hesitation.

  It should be said that it is true.

  And her identity is Mai's younger sister.

  Probably more like the type of sister.

  But since debut till now, it has been in a tepid state.The biggest event is also just

  It stands to reason that this kind of sister who is a national idol, as long as the relationship is exposed, it will be praised by the media.

  In other words, she doesn't need this identity.

  It seems that there is a conflict in the family, but in fact there must be a conflict. It is very scary to say that they are half-parents.


  How can I go to her house to sign in every month?

  In what kind of identity?

  And can it be sustained for a long time?

  Although the Tucao system is messy, Qinglong is still looking forward to the reward value.

  After a little consideration, Qinglong decided to adopt the simplest solution.

  Give favors.

  Eating people's mouth softly, and holding people's hands softly, this is what he learned from Horikita Suzune, who taught the world.



  "Early to bed."

  Qinglong was looking at his phone in the room, and the door was knocked twice.

  It was Futaba's voice.

  Maybe she noticed that there was still light in the crack of his door.

  Although I wanted to find Mai first and then ask about Toyohama Kazua's information, it seemed that I had to give up first.

  It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning, and if you harass Mai at this time, your friends will be exhausted immediately.


  So the next day...  

  Mai Sakurajima.

  Mai Sakurajima pushed open the door and came out, instantly startled.

  "Why are you here!"

  Because she just opened the door and saw a man at the door, looking very sleepy.

  And she knew this man.

  "Because I want to ask you for information."

  Qinglong said. "Are you going to go out?"

  "Almost." Mai Sakurajima gently stroked her beautiful straight black hair.

  Also wear a mask.

  Today she rests.

  She doesn't like being stuck at home, although she needs to get dressed up when going out.

  So even if she is a big star, she still likes to dress up and go out.

  "Also, you blocked my number." Qinglong said.


  She hasn't pulled it back yet.

  However, Mai apparently did not intend to continue to bring back the number of Qinglong, who was blacklisted by her.

  "So, what are you going to do today?"

  She akimbo lightly. "I don't owe you anything now."

  "Yesterday's kiss... kiss, I did it too."

  "You should be satisfied."

  ps: Push the new book [Comprehensive: Beginning to rob Gulefiya].

Chapter 682

  "How can you be satisfied if you can kiss Miss Mai."

  Qinglong said. "That's why I couldn't help but come to the door."

  "Do not lie to me."

  "I always like to be glib." Mai didn't like this.

  "So, what do you want to ask me?"

  She walked up the stairs, even though Qinglong appeared in front of her, she was a very rational person and would not stop her plans for others.

  So as soon as she left, Qinglong followed directly.

  She is probably just doing ordinary fitness, because she is also wearing sports clothes and a towel, and she is probably going to run a long distance.


  "Your sister Fengbin and Hua." Qing 26 Takashi didn't hide it, "She is your sister, but she doesn't seem to be popular."

  "..." Mai.

  Mai turned around. "Why did you suddenly inquire about her?"

  "The next scene I'm going to shoot can add a passerby character to it."

  "Your sister is not very popular, you can give her a little popularity." Qinglong said.

  He and Mai are close in status, that is to say, they are both big stars.Then it is very simple to want to add a candidate.


  "Then you can arrange it." Mai said. "Although I take the initiative to introduce them, they may not accept it, but if you come, that person will probably agree."

  Although some care about who the person in Mai's mouth is.

  But Qinglong then asked, "How is your relationship with her?"

  "...Not much contact."

  "Although they are related by blood, there is very little real time to meet."

  "But that kid was pretty good when he was young," Mai said.

  "Why do you say childhood?"

  "...Hey, I now wonder if you really wanted to chase me after you kissed me yesterday, and now you are desperately trying to grasp the information around me."

  Mai gave up jogging and came to the park, standing under a tree.

  "I started out as a child star before I achieved my current reputation."

  "I know that."

  "Yes, but I was just a child at that time. How can a child be as rational as he is now?"

  "So there will definitely be complaints, even if you don't want to act or something."

  "Because it's very hard to train your acting skills in acting."

  "But I received letters from fans at that time," Mai said.

  "So, Fengbin and Sister Hua from your family sent you a letter?"

  "Well, it's her, but I didn't know it was her at first, only that my father had another child after the divorce."

  "It wasn't until later that I found out that the person who sent letters sent letters very frequently and was a little sick, and then my aunt went to check the other party's information."

  "Know the identity of the other party, and then tell me that the person who sent the letter is Fengbin Kazuka, my half-sister."


  Kiyotaka now understands why Toyohama and Hana did not hesitate to say [favorite food is Mai Sakurajima] during the interview.

  This child made no secret of his direct love for his sister.

  "So, haven't you been harassed by her?" Qinglong asked.

  According to his understanding, this kind of clingy sister will definitely not give up.

  "One time." Mai said. "He Hua was only twelve years old at that time, and he came to me by car. But he was scolded by my aunt to go back."

  "Although she was appeased a bit, she didn't come here much after that." Mai recalled.


  "By the way, you always say your auntie's, I've seen her?" Qinglong wondered.

  Because why do I feel that this little aunt has been doing all kinds of troublesome jobs that Mai Sakurajima's manager has to deal with.

  So her mother is responsible for looking good?


  However, Miss Mai looked at him in amazement. "Didn't you see her all the time?"

  "My aunt is my agent."

  "..."? ?what! .

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