Chapter 683

  Family restaurant.

  Qinglong and Mai chose to ask for a private room directly. After the waiter brought the food, the two removed the glasses that were in the way.

  Mai originally wanted to continue running, but Qinglong's side was too unreliable, so she chose to go to the store to eat with him first.

  At the same time, clarify the ins and outs.lest he say the wrong thing.

  As Mai said, her current manager is not her mother.

  But the mother's sister, that is, the aunt.

  Mom is not involved in idol-related industries, but is a beautician.

  Auntie is the kind of person who is relatively cold but considerate.

  It's also because of a mistake in the past.

  Before she was an agent, she did not serve Mai exclusively, she had served an idol before.

  However, the idol's popularity declined due to mistakes, and the idol's company also fired related personnel.She was also fired for being in charge.

  After that, he became Mai's manager.

  "Now it has become meticulous'~."

  "It's a little too serious." Although Mai spit out such an accident, she can understand the situation of the aunt after the failure.


  Mai said. "Normally, I wouldn't understand her as my mother. With a daughter as big as me, how could my mother be so young!"

  Mai snorted.

  It even felt that Qinglong's mistake was incredible.

  — No, there is.

  The Mrs. Yukinoshita and Mrs. Yubihama that Kiyotaka met had a daughter as big as you, and she was still very young.

  But different worlds are probably different.

  So Qinglong reluctantly accepted the fact that Miss Mai's mother was actually middle-aged.

  But this way.

  He remembered the long black-haired lady Sakurajima in a blue female suit he met across the road when he walked out of the hotel yesterday.

  Think about the tall look of the other party.She's wearing flats, but she'd look pretty in high heels.

  It is really beautiful.

  If the other party is willing, and then hone his acting skills, then he can probably reach the level of Mai.


  "And then, I also know about Kazuha's debut as an idol."

  "But she's never going to be famous, so she'll probably be very busy."

  "I also thought that if I gave her a relationship, she might become popular."

  "But after her debut, Hehua's mother came directly to the door.

  And told that Hehua didn't need my help, and then he didn't want to help.

  And after my mother heard about it, she also said, don't help. "

  "¨ˇMom probably felt that there was nothing to say to Hua's mother, so she also told me not to contact each other." Mai said.

  ...Oh, it's like two families.

  Qinglong felt a bit of a headache for a moment.

  Because this is the performance of a family member of a man with two meals, isn't this a portrayal of his future?

  "Haven't you ever thought about living in harmony?" Qinglong asked.

  "It's useless. When my mother was pregnant with me (well, well), she cheated on the other party, so I don't need this kind of father."

  "And my family was very poor at that time."

  "Hehua's mother's family is very rich."


  It's such a rubbish father, so there's no need to persuade him.

  "Then, anyway."

  "I gave her the role of a passerby." Qinglong said, "Let your sister be a little more popular."

  "Well, I'll treat you to breakfast today." Miss Mai pushes the not.

Chapter 684

  Mrs. Fir has been married for 2 years, and her relationship with her husband is not good.

  And yesterday, she cheated with the handsome courier.

  Although she was obsessed for a while, she didn't want to continue.So I decided to reject the other party strictly today.


  The doorbell rang, and her heart tightened.

  He hesitated a little, but went to open the door anyway.


  Sure enough, she saw the handsome young man delivering the courier, who was also her cheating target.

  At the same time, it is very clear why the other party came back today.


  "Feel sorry."

  She wanted to say that she couldn't go on like this. Although her relationship with her husband was not good, she couldn't keep being sorry for each other.

  But before the words were spoken, the courier had already entered the door.

  He stood at the entrance, "Then please sign here."

  It looks businesslike.

  "..." Mrs. Shanmu, she stretched out her finger to sign, but then raised her hand to pick up the signature slip, only to find that the courier threw away the pen and the courier slip.

  Then hold her with soft fingers.

  And his warm fingers gently touched hers.

  "I'm not wearing a ring..."

  "Your relationship with your husband is not very good..."

  "Looks like I can continue with you—" The courier threw the other party on the ground, and Mrs. Fir felt her heart beat faster again.



  "Do it again, Suzuki, your eyes should be more focused."

  "Also, Qinglong-Jun, you can rest now."

  Following the director's voice, Kiyotaka stood up, while his exclusive manager, Miss Totsuka, handed over the energy drink.

  "Qinglong-kun, today's acting is also very good."

  Now Qinglong and his agent are on the set.

  His identity in the world of Senior Bunny Girl is an actor, so his job is naturally acting.

  And now what I'm shooting is the scene where Mai-senpai said before that her sisters Fengbin and Hua can be placed.

  "So-so. (cgae)"

  Facing the agent's compliment, Qinglong smiled.

  Of course, who told him to have a super good girlfriend - Kushida Kikyo.

  Even if you encounter a scene that is more difficult to act, just make up your mind about how she will act, and then copy it out.


  Kiyotaka looked at Ms. Suzuki, who was asked by the director to re-experience the practice of eyesight.

  The full name Suzuki Ayako is the same name as Suzuki Sonoko's sister in Conan World, but her performance and identity are very different.

  She is just a little idol.

  And it comes from the combination of sweet bullets.

  Kiyotaka remembered that he asked the director to invite Kazuka Toyohama, how did she become the current Miss Suzuki?

  "The president of Suzuki and Sweet Bullet is a niece and aunt."

  "It should be Qinglong-kun, you don't have a strong request to be Fengbin and Hua, so the president of the other party took the opportunity to give his niece the opportunity to show his face."

  In other words, the president arranged for Suzuki to replace Kazuha Toyohama himself.

  It seems that Kazuka's mother also hides Kazuka's relationship with Mai Sakurajima.

  He didn't let the president know about his daughter's relationship with Mai Sakurajima.

  He didn't even give his daughter a chance to rise.

  Thinking like this, Qinglong decided to change his approach to contact with Sister Hua. .

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