Chapter 685

  Called up the system again and checked the request to establish a monthly check-in location in Fengbin and Huajia.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Originally wanted to help her become popular, and then make her appreciate him.

  Get the other party's favor by bestowing favors, and then you can visit her home every month in a fair and honest way to sign in~.

  But now the plans are not keeping up with the changes.

  I didn't take into account the fact that she was still replaced.

  So Qinglong felt that he had to get in touch with Hehua-sister in another way.

  Sister Hehua is studying at the Noble School of Xincheng Girls' High School.

  She had debuted as an idol half a year ago, but her schedule is no match for him and Mai.

  So it belongs to the type of people who want to be popular or not, and then have to go to school and study obediently.

  So after checking the schedule with her agent, Miss Totsuka, Kiyotaka came to the station near the aristocratic school of Xincheng Girls' High School.

  It's afternoon school time.

  He put on a hat and a mask and sat here at the station.

  Probably waited for more than half an hour.

  He finally found the target.

  Toyohama Kazuka, wearing a blue girl's sailor uniform, came to the train station and waited for the train.

  She is not very tall, but very slender.

  The skin is snow-white, the hair is blond, and the facial features are a bit like a foreign half-breed.

  But my parents are real natives.

  But it was also because of her appearance that she became conspicuous.

  ...not conspicuous, people around her just think she is beautiful.

  So she obviously debuted as an idol, but basically she doesn't need to wear masks when going out like he and Mai.

  As an idol, this is quite a failure.

  While watching Kazuka, Qinglong picked up the phone and snapped a photo from her side.

  His movements were hidden, and the other party didn't notice it at all.

  Generally speaking, neon here does not allow mobile phones to eliminate the flash and the sound of pressing the shutter.

  But money can make a fool of yourself.

  Using the power of money, he successfully obtained the candid mobile phone.


  The color in the photo is slightly different from the reality.

  But since Toyohama and Hana are cute, it should be no difference.

  But her expression was a little distressed.

  Maybe it's because you don't have a vision for your life.

  Thinking like this, Qinglong found that she had turned on her phone.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  There are two recorded videos on the phone.

  One is a video of the process of rehearsing with the combination of sweet bullets formed by other companions, probably to increase the memory of the body by watching it back and forth.

  But she quickly clicked on another video, which was a TV event with Mai Sakurajima.

  She downloaded it.

  But she quickly put away the phone, because a middle-aged woman came from the side.

... .... ...

  "Hehua, didn't you put on your mask?" said the middle-aged woman.

  "Mama—" Feng Bin and Hua pointed out each other's identities, "It's not that exaggerated anymore."

  "I'm not hot either," she said helplessly.

  "It's not hot anymore!" However, this sentence seemed to anger the mother, "Obviously, as long as you work harder, you can surpass that woman's daughter."

  The woman she's talking about here is probably Mai Sakurajima's mother.

  Then the daughter also refers to the linen.

  In other words, Kazuha's mother regarded Mai-id's mother as an enemy.And also want to suppress each other.

  Don't hesitate to use your own daughter.

  Her mother is somewhat utilitarian.Four.

Chapter 686

  Fengbin and Hua's mother seems to be her agent.

  But she is just a little idol now, although she joined the team, so the company has arranged the same agent for all of them.

  in this way.

  Hehua's mother should have spontaneously followed her daughter.

  To be honest, this is actually kind of annoying.

  He Hua quickly quarreled with his mother.

  But Kazuka kept her mouth shut.

  Follow your mother to the company of the Sweet Bullets.

  The president of the company is an old woman with heavy makeup, a bit flirtatious.His surname is Guanyue, and he likes to smoke while talking.

  The reason why Kiyotaka understood so clearly was that he asked his agent, Miss Totsuka, to check the information about Hehua.

  Then the news was more predestined.

  Because Miss Totsuka used to work in this company under the president of Kanzuki.

  She joined the Sakura group at that time.

  And is the captain inside.

  But it didn't turn red in the end.

  Eventually he retired when he got old.

  Looking at it now, the company really hasn't made any progress at all.

  But probably because of this, when he named President Guanyue's company to send Fengbin and Hua to play, she directly prevaricates her niece.


  And the sweet bullet of flowers is a total of five people.

  Apart from Suzuki Ayako, Toyohama and Hana, who Kiyotaka had met before, and the other three girls, they all belonged to the sweet-looking type.

  Although the president is not very good, the songs that the president paid for are still very good.

  If there is no other aid, as it is now, the sweet bullets group can only become an underground idol.

  The so-called underground idols are not able to appear in the mainstream media, and the location of the performance can only be a low-level LIvehouse.

  Otaku and office workers like to come here at night.Swing with idols under the music of [Double Twice].

  As for the income, the ticket is about 1000 yen.

  Then there is the sale of some idol-related peripherals.

  Like glow sticks.

  There is also a photoshoot with idols after the final performance.

  About 500-1000 yen.

  If the monthly income of the team is 200 million yen, it will be required to keep half of it as activity funds, and then take half of it and turn it over to the company.

  Then the remaining half can be distributed evenly by the sisters.

  Exchange it up.A girl can only get about 10 yen.

  Looks good.But ordinary working in convenience stores is more than this number.

  The girls know very well that they are looking forward to fire...  

  If it can fire, then you can get out of here and go mainstream.

  So it's basically a dream.


  The dream is full, but the reality is too skinny.

  Qinglong came to the vicinity of the livehouse.

  "There is a live performance every night at 1000:[-], and the ticket price is [-] yen."

  Members are giving out tickets.

  So what I saw was the sweet bullet girls wearing cute skirts, but they were handing out flyers all over the street.

  Handing out flyers is not very effective.

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