Chapter 706

  Saying that, Kiyotaka took out the magic wand that her sister Serafuru gave her before she left.

  Hand it to Cana.

  "Uh, don't want this, after all, this is a gift from your sister, how dare I ask for it!"

  At a glance, Zhi Quocang can be sure that this magic wand is definitely her sister's.

  Although she has never seen it before, my sister used this magic wand to hit people, but think about it.

   Her sister, who always likes to play magical girls, this artifact is definitely hers!

  After seeing Cang Na's rejection, Qinglong was also a little helpless, not knowing what to do with the magic wand in his hand.

  After all, it's impossible to pull out a magic wand when you fight with others later, right?

  Those who knew thought it was an artifact, and those who didn't know probably thought that he had a special hobby in this regard.

  After chatting with Cang Na for a while, under her leadership, he went directly to the class.

  With the arrival of Qinglong, the class suddenly became noisy, and they were talking about this classmate who was more handsome than Youdou, what was his name, and whether he would get along well.

  There were even some rotten girls who began to put him and Youdou together, discussing who was attacking and who was receiving.

  Hearing this, Qinglong felt his scalp numb. Are his classmates so busy?

  You have time to discuss these useless things, you might as well preview the textbooks you will learn next.

  Although he was very speechless, as the new class started, the teacher in the class quickly noticed Qinglong.

  Ask him to go to the podium and make a brief self-introduction. Seeing this scene, Cang Na actually cheered him up.

  He was just doing a self-introduction, and it would be so dangerous to introduce himself in class.


  When Qinglong came to the podium.

  He understood why Xiao Cang would cheer him up, he just said his name.

  The female classmates in the audience began to gossip wildly, asking questions and asking about his measurements.

  This made Qinglong a little speechless, he was a handsome boy, where did he come from?

  When he asked the question, it was only then that he realized that the measurements he thought were different from the measurements mentioned by these people.

  God damn it, man!

  What kind of class did Xiao Cang find for him? Why are these people so strange...  

  [Ding~Trigger the hidden sign-in task! 】

  [Sign-in conditions: In front of everyone, say frankly and directly that you are a sister control, a sister control! 】

  [Sign-in Reward: Special Skill Predator]

  [Time limit: three minutes]

  Hearing the sign-in request this time, Qinglong was a little confused whether he wanted to complete this sign-in task.

  After all, in front of such a classmate, directly and generously admit sister control, sister control or something.

  I always felt a little embarrassed, especially since he happened to have a sister of the Demon King and the sister of the student council president.

  Looking at the countdown of the time limit, it was getting smaller little by little, and Qinglong didn't bother to care so much.

  He did this simply to complete the task and acquire the special skill "Predator", and nothing else.

  If others think about other places, Qinglong doesn't mind and turns their ideas into reality.

  When Qinglong was thinking about how to speak, a question from a female classmate in the classroom gave him a good step.

  "You said, my hobbies?"

  "I don't know the sister control, and the sister control counts?".

Chapter 707

  When the female students present heard the news, they all felt that their opportunity had come.

  In the future, he must use various methods to recognize him as Qinglong-kun's older sister, as well as his younger sister, so as to increase his chances of becoming his girlfriend.

  Besides, even if he has a girlfriend, it's fine. After all, she is only Qinglong's younger sister, and she can also be close to him.

  Just when all the girls in the class were thinking about how to become Qinglong's sister next.

  Cang Na, who is Qinglong's younger sister, will be very excited. Is my brother confessing to him?

  Thinking of this, Cang Na felt that his face was very hot, and he didn't know what to do next.

  Do you want to find a chance to show her sincerity to her brother, so that he can take Rias into the 26th gate.

  After all, as long as her brother is alone, plus her sister is enough, I don't want others to take away her brother.

  Otherwise, tell my elder sister about this, saying that my brother has always liked them.

  Let my sister go to Sazex's house and cancel this engagement?

  Thinking of this, Cang Na decided to go to her sister after class to discuss this matter.

  Following Qinglong's remarks on the podium, he was content to acquire that special skill called Predator.

  It's just that many people are watching it now.

  Otherwise, Qing Longfei ran outside to test the power of this special skill.

  Thinking of this, he began to look forward to being able to leave the get out of class as soon as possible. This would be true, and he felt the long time.

  Finally, in the long torment.

  Wait until get out of class is over.

  Qinglong was about to get up when he found his sister Canna running out of the classroom quickly.

  This made him feel a little inexplicable. After all, in normal times, Cang Na would definitely say hello to him first.

  After leaving, I think there should be something more important.

  "Qinglong-kun, are you missing a sister?"

  Just as he was about to leave the classroom, there were quite a few girl classmates who began to surround him and began to ask him if he lacked his sister.

  This gave Qinglong a headache. If he had known that he should not have said those words, the trouble would soon come.

  "Qinglong-kun, how old are you? You look a lot younger than me, should I be your sister? Isn't there a saying that you rely on your sister when you go out?"

  "Looking at your appearance, you don't look like someone from Kuwang Town, you must have transferred from another place!"

  "Stinky woman, stay away from my brother Qinglong, you old woman, you want to seduce my brother Qinglong!"

  "Who are you talking about an old woman? I didn't hear Qinglong's younger brother, she said she likes the big sister? It's your airport!"


  Amid the noise of these people, before he left the classroom, the second class started again.

  In desperation, full of regrets, just now, he should maintain a cold personality.

  It shouldn't be so easy to talk, but a group of people surrounded him, leaving him nowhere to go out.

  The key is that these classmates are still pretty good-looking, which makes him a little unbearable to do it directly.

  This is a headache, and I finally made it to the end of the second get out of class.

  This time, he learned to be smart, and he didn't dare to stay in the classroom too much, so he ran out of the classroom quickly.

  Soon, he felt that someone was holding his hand, and the other party was very strong, and he was very strong and pulled him aside.

  Looking up, it was a female classmate with some red hair, who looked familiar.

  He seems to have seen it somewhere, but he can't remember for a while, what is his name?


  No, it doesn't seem to be called this name. After thinking for a while, Qinglong recognized it.

  Isn't the girl in front of you Rias? .

Chapter 708

  After hesitating for a while.

  He was forcibly pulled by Rias and came to the Supernatural Department, where there were many people.

  After a brief look, he recognized quite a few of these people, Zhu Nai, Kitten, Yuto and others.

  Next, did Rias want to fight him in front of these people?Or break off the marriage?

  But it shouldn't be possible, after all, he is much stronger than that turkey man and Hyoudou Issei.

  Then why did you pull him hard and bring him here, which made Qinglong a little puzzled.

  Moreover, Rias didn't seem to have met him, which meant that Rias only knew that he had a fiancé, who was Sona's older brother and Serafuru's younger brother, so it was impossible for Rias to recognize him.

  "Minister, is this the one who grabbed the fallen angel with his bare hands and without using any magic power?"

  Kiba Yuto said.

  Hearing Yuto Kiba's words, Kiyotaka realized that it was because of the fallen angel that he was brought here.

  No wonder, when the Fallen Angel was discovered, it was not far from Kuwang Academy.

  Rias should have noticed that, after all, Kuo Academy is the devil's territory.

  Everything around them, I am afraid they have long been aware of it.

  Speaking of this, he was careless, and he didn't even notice that someone was spying on him.

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