"I didn't expect it to be this classmate. It looks like a little brother. Hello, my name is Himejima Akeno'~!"

  Himejima Akeno said gently, and at the same time began to introduce everyone from the Supernatural Research Department for Kiyotaka.

  "Well, hello, but I want to ask, what's the matter with you bringing me here?"

  "If there is no urgent matter, I will go to class later!"

  Since they didn't recognize it, Qinglong felt that he could manipulate it to lurking beside them and explain it to them when necessary.

  So, he pretended to be Mengxin who didn't know anything, and began to tremble and asked with some doubts.

  "Can you show us in front of us, how did you make that fallen angel's magic disappear?"

  Rias said that in order to avoid this human being, she would be frightened by them, so she did not say that they were demons.

  After all, it was the first time she had seen that kind of method. She had to know that their usual battles relied on magic.

  Before, she lurked aside with Youdou, ready to wait for a crisis before taking action.

  But I saw with my own eyes that a large-scale magic attack disappeared after a single swipe, and more importantly, the fallen angel was picked up by him next, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared again. King's).

  This has to make them suspect that this person is very likely to be an artifact user.

  Maybe, even he himself doesn't know, just like her subordinate Gasper, he has the ability to stop time.

  However, compared to the time stop, the ability to invalidate the magic attack is probably the more shocking thing.

  "¨ˇ I don't know either, isn't this just fine?".

Chapter 709

  Hearing the words of this human being in front of him really brought a lot of shock to everyone present.

  Just have a hand?

  Is not this nonsensical?

  Every one of them present has started, but they can't let the magic disappear.

  This made Rias guess even more that the human being in front of him must have an artifact on him.

  And, it's all about hands!

  It's just that she hasn't fully awakened yet, and it's even bigger to pull Qinglong in and become her determination.

  Just aiming at the ability to make magic disappear, even if it is not a god-killing tool, it will definitely not be an ordinary artifact.

  "Actually, it's not all about having hands, maybe it's because I believe in science!"

  "After all, those fallen angels, angels, demons and other creatures, to put it bluntly, are carbonyl creatures!"

  "They are a species, in fact, no different from us humans, except for a pair of wings."

  "To put it bluntly, their ancestors may have an inexplicable relationship with animals such as crows, big white geese, and bats, and this unique species was born!"

  Seeing that the scene was a little deserted, Qinglong tried his best to analyze the origin of these species from a scientific point of view.

  After all, isn't there a book about the origin of the tauren?

  Those demons, angels, and fallen angels (cgae) may be born in this way.

  After all, this is very scientific and also in line with the theory of evolution.

  As his voice fell.

  Rias smiled bitterly.

  I don't know what to say next, after all, his words seem to be insulting their ancestors.

  Made her very angry.

  However, after accidentally glanced at Akeno.

  In her heart, regarding the origin of the demon, she felt that what he said seemed to make sense.

  After hearing what Kiyotaka said, Zhu Nai, who was originally smiling, became silent.

  I don't know what she is thinking about writing in her heart, but it should be related to her identity.

  After all, just like Qinglong said, she has the blood of humans and fallen angels on her body.

  Qinglong looked at the silent crowd, and he knew that what he said might be too much.

  It is estimated that Rias and the others have not taken action against him, but they have already tolerated him the most.

  But Qinglong couldn't do anything about it. The reason why he said that was for the reward of the Sword in the Stone.

  Just when the sign-in task was triggered, the condition for sign-in was in front of them.

  Explain the theory of evolution to them, and then you can get the reward, the sword in the stone.

  Moreover, the reason for saying this is not only to be able to obtain rewards, but also to refuse the next thing.

  After he made such a fuss.

  Originally, Rias wanted to reincarnate him into a demon and become a servant, but now she no longer has the mood, so she asked the kitten to give Kiyotaka back.

  It also let him escape.

  Without revealing, he himself is the identity of the devil.

  The most important thing is that Qinglong has just obtained the sword in the stone, and he can't wait to touch it.

  If the kitten hadn't been beside him, he would have taken out the big sword now.

  Regarding the sword in the stone, in this world, it should be regarded as a high-ranking artifact, and it cannot reach the level of the god-killing tool.

  But this is not bad!

  At least it is much better than Kiba Yuto's creation of the holy sword, and Kiyotaka is very happy to think of it here.

  The kitten who was taking him home next to him saw the face of this human, after saying such excessive words.

  Unexpectedly, with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but look at Qinglong's eyes, revealing some pity.

  She can already be sure that this person is afraid of being a fool! .

Chapter 710

  No wonder, he was able to say such excessive things just now, it seems that all this is not his fault.

  If you think so, then everything this human said can be explained clearly.

  No wonder he said that the ancestors of angels, demons, and fallen angels had an inexplicable relationship with animals.

  And he also said that he believed in science. I'm afraid even the most common magic, science can't explain it!

  Thinking of this, Tacheng Kitten decided to tell Rias the news when he went back.

  Let her stay away from this fool, after all, she has heard that this kind of thing is contagious.

  Thinking about it, the Tacheng kitten started to move, after measuring the safe distance.

  I started to keep a distance with Qinglong.

  After a while, he came to the door of the classroom and watched Qinglong enter the classroom~.

  The Tacheng Kitten returned to the Supernatural Research Club, and told Rias and Zhu-Nai about her guesses just now.


  Hearing this, Akeno was a little puzzled.

  Because when the human came in just now, it looked normal, how could it be a fool.

  "This matter may have something to do with his artifact. When he fully awakens the artifact, it shouldn't be like this!"

  After hearing what Kitten said, she came to such a conclusion after synthesizing the situation of many artifact users.

  Rias had heard of some special artifacts before when they were not fully awakened.

  It will be affected by the artifact and do things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, not to mention, the human artifact is to make magic disappear from the root.

  This is what kind of power she will exert after she is completely awakened, I am afraid that even her brother has never seen it!

  However, how to help that human awakening artifact next is a problem.

  Now she has too little information.

  She only knew that he could make magic disappear from the root, and she had never heard of this type of artifact.

  The only thing to know.

  It was his artifact, probably related to the hand. Thinking of this, Rias had a headache and didn't know what to do.

  However, the matter of awakening is not in a hurry. The first thing to do is to win him over.

  After what happened just now, Rias almost forgot about her business. She brought that human here because she wanted him to be her family.


  after entering the classroom.

  The class was already over, so Qinglong went to his seat and noticed that his sister, Canna, hadn't come back yet.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Come to think of it, there should be something important, and then I listened carefully in class.

  Time passed quickly, and when the school bell was finally heard, Qinglong hurried out of the classroom.

  Suddenly, he felt that this class was a torment for him, when he obviously didn't go to school.

  He also fantasized about how wonderful it was to go to school, and felt really suffering after a morning.


  Get out of college.

  Qinglong thought about whether he should try the Predator skill first, or to test the Sword in the Stone.

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