I was a little confused, and then I thought, why don't I use it together when I meet a demon or a fallen angel.

  After thinking about it for a while, Qinglong felt that this method was good. After all, he didn't know if he could meet fallen angels or demons.

  After all, this thing is hit and miss.

  In order to increase the chance of encountering low-level demons or fallen angels, Qinglong took a remote path.

  Soon, he came to a remote church with a gloomy appearance. If an ordinary person just stood here, he would probably turn his head and run away.

  However, this was the place he was looking for, and he took out the sword in the stone and walked inside.Four.

Chapter 711

  Not far from the church.

  When Zhu Nai was out of school, he obeyed the minister's instructions and went to Qinglong's class.

  I want to invite him again to go to the Supernatural Research Association and become Rias's family.

  Then I saw the human, and when school was over, he ran out of the classroom quickly.

  Like crazy, the classroom is so scary, which made her even more sure, Kitten-chan said.

  That human is really an idiot.

  Also, a crazy fool.

  A good handsome guy turned out to be crazy and stupid, wasting his face against the sky in vain.

  This made Juno feel a little pity.

  However, when thinking about all of this, it was all caused by his unawakened artifact.

  This made Zhu Nai a little relieved, as long as he helped him wake up, the artifact related to the hand would be fine!

  In order not to attract that human's attention.

  She deliberately kept her distance and stayed behind him the whole time. She wanted to see what was going on, so he hurriedly ran out of the classroom.

  Then he followed behind him, walking east and west, completely aimless.

  If he wanted to think of something in common, it would be that the places he went to were all remote and dark places.

  If Zhu Nai didn't know that she was not exposed, she would have thought it was this human who had discovered him and was teasing her.

  But fortunately.

  That human finally stopped wandering around, but went to a remote church instead.

  Then a sword was summoned out of thin air. This method was very similar to the manufacture of the holy sword of You Doujun. It seems that this human has many secrets.

  Just as she stepped forward, ready to take a close look at what happened next.

  Then I saw that behind the human, there were a pair of dark wings.

  Akeno, who is a mixed blood between humans and fallen angels, recognized at a glance that they were the only wings of fallen angels.

  This scene deeply shocked her. In the morning, she was still an ordinary human being.

  At this meeting, there were even more fallen angel wings, and suddenly an unbelievable thought appeared in her heart.

  It's impossible, this human.

  Is it also a hybrid of a fallen angel and a human?

  Thinking of this, Zhu Nai's heart is very uncomfortable.

  Because she felt the blood of a fallen angel flowing in her body, making her feel dirty and disgusting!

  Whether he is a human, a fallen angel, or a hybrid of a human and a fallen angel...  

  Akeno felt that she had to tell Rias and the others about this, so that they could be prepared!


  After trying the Predator skill, Qinglong was surprised by this special skill.

  I didn't expect this predator to be so domineering and able to devour the enemy directly.

  This is nothing, the most important thing is that after swallowing, he can still use the ability of the other party.

  It's not wrong for him to say in front of the whole class that he is a sister-in-law, a sister-in-law, etc.

  Regarding the ability to inherit the other party, just like the fallen angel just now, his wings were inherited by Qinglong.

  Although there is some doubts about why there are fallen angels in this church, but this is none of his business, so he doesn't bother to think about why.

  After seeing the power of the Predator skill, Kiyotaka felt that he would play it later.

  After all, the difference between angels, fallen angels, and demons in this world is to look at the wings.

  Thinking of this, Qinglong was very happy. In the battle just now, the only thing that made him a little disappointed.

  The power of the sword in the stone was not exerted. .

Chapter 712

  After seeing the power of the predator through the fallen angel, Qinglong was ready to continue walking.

  I want to attract some more, low-level demons, to try the power of the sword in the stone.

  As time passed, he also found a lot of low-level demons and fallen angels.

  Without exception, all of these were eliminated by him, and at the same time through the skills of the predator.

  After swallowing the fallen angel, he once again obtained the wings of the devil, which made Qinglong feel the next step.

  He can go to the angels.

  to obtain their wings, which can be of great use in the following events.

  On the side, Zhu Nai, who has been watching Qinglong, saw Qinglong who was just a fallen angel at 26.

  At this moment, he turned into a demon again.

  This shocked Zhu Nai. After all, in her cognition, the wings of demons and fallen angels were fixed.

  The human being in front of him could have the wings of a fallen angel and the wings of a devil.

  In other words, this human might be a hybrid of a fallen angel and a demon, just like her.

  Only this answer can perfectly explain that Qinglong-kun has the bloodline of the devil while possessing the bloodline of the fallen angel.

  Thinking of this, Himejima Akeno looked at Qinglong with sympathy in his eyes.

  After experiencing what her father did, no one could understand Qinglong Jun's inner feelings better than her.

  Then he left here, preparing to go to the Occult Research Department, preparing to tell Rias and the others about this.

  Hopefully, they will not ask too much about Qinglong-Jun.

  Because it may touch the scars in his heart, in Zhu Nai's consciousness, he has automatically thought of Qinglong-jun as someone who has the same background as her.

  Sure enough, fallen angels don't have a good thing.

  Rias and others next to them were a little shocked after listening to Zhu Nai's explanation.

  Regarding such an example, Rias had heard from her brother that there was a man named Walli on the side of the Fallen Angels.

  Similarly, it has fallen angels and the blood of demons.

  Thinking of this, Rias quickly agreed to Zhu Nai's request. After all, no matter what race this kind of hybrid is, it is very unpopular.

  At the same time, Rias had heard Akeno mentioned that that human being is also likely to be a holy swordsman.

  It only made her a little shocked, after all, about the holy swordsman, her subordinate Yuto Kiba is.

  Yuto next to him, after hearing about the holy swordsman, gave him a big shock in his heart.

  The thing about the holy swordsman was something he could never forget in his heart.

  Kiba Yuto thought of this, and when he saw the human, he was going to ask about the holy sword.

  Maybe that human being is one of those partners in his memory.

  At the same time, Rias made up her mind that she must bring that human being into the ministry.

  As time passed slowly, Qinglong returned to the academy and began to prepare for the morning and afternoon classes.

  When he came to the class, he saw his sister Canna, who had already returned to the class.

  Qinglong went up to say hello, ready to ask where she had just gone.

  After all, this is also his duty as a brother, and he should take care of his sister.

  "Brother, do you want to kiss and kiss?"

  As Qinglong approached, before he could speak, he heard Cang Na say such a strange thing. .

Chapter 713

  Leaving aside the so-called kissing and adding kisses for the time being, just addressing him directly as his brother made Qinglong a little shocked.

  If he remembered correctly, this was the first time he heard that Cang Na directly called him brother.

  In the past, Cang Na never called him that, but just talked about things directly.

  "What is kissing and kissing?"

  Hearing that Cang Na finally agreed to call him brother, Qinglong said in his heart that it was impossible to be unhappy.

  Then I started to ask about the matter of kissing and adding kisses, after all, they are already brothers and sisters.

  Isn't this kind of relationship enough?

  "Don't ask, just say if you want it!"

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