He could clearly feel that this pet, Samuel, was very interested in Chilongdi's cage hands.

  "What? You want to eat this?"

  Hearing Qinglong's words, Samuel was very happy, he kept flapping his wings and circled around him.

  "However, you don't seem to be able to eat this, at least not yet!"

  Not only Samuel has an idea for Chilongdi's cage, but he is no exception.

  The teacher said that Kiyotaka was like using a predator to devour Hyoudou Issei's memory, as well as Chiryuutei's cage hands. .

Chapter 723

  "People often say that the Chilong Emperor, one of the two dragons, is very powerful, so let me try it today!"

  Having said that, Kiyotaka did not directly use Predator or Samuel to solve the problem, the banned Hyoudou Issei.

  Instead, he took out the sword in the stone and wanted to pass Hyoudou Issei to test his true strength first.

  In general, aside from the right hand of God and predators, Qinglong's positioning of his own strength is somewhat vague.

  Although, his bloodline has evolved and has reached the level of atavism.

  But the overall performance, except for the magic that can put some ice, there seems to be nothing special.

  As for the fate of Hyoudou Issei, needless to say, no matter what, he will die here today.

  However, in terms of time, there is a long and short gap.



  He fought for several rounds with Hyoudou Issei, who had become banned.

  With the sword in the stone in his hand, Kiyotaka found his strength, and at the beginning, he could almost completely defeat Hingdou Issei.

  However, as time went on, Qinglong found that the next battle became a bit difficult.

  This result should have a certain relationship with the artifacts used by both parties.

  Of course, in the whole battle, the ability that can play a key role is probably the ability of "doubling".

  As the battle time became longer and longer, the opponent's multiplied strength also began to become stronger and stronger.

  This also made Qinglong, unable to help but sigh, as expected of the Chilong Emperor's own ability, which is strong enough.

  Faced with this situation, I am afraid that only the White Dragon Emperor can perfectly restrain it!

  "Vice President, you should surrender. Now, do you feel more and more difficult?"

  "Fighting again, it's not good for you or me!"

  "Just pretend that I didn't see the matter of the fallen angel. After the two of us, how about the water from the well doesn't make it into the river?"

  At the beginning, Hyoudou Issei was indeed a little scared. The divine weapon he had awakened could not defeat this fallen angel.

  However, as the battle intensified, Hyoudou Issei gradually discovered that the opponent became weaker and weaker.

  Immediately, I felt that my confidence increased greatly, and I began to persuade the other party to stop fighting with him in a stubborn way.

  "You're right, in the next battle, I really can't beat you, but I didn't say no other way!"

  "Next, you have to be careful!"

  Hearing Hyoudou Issei's words, Kiyotaka felt that what he said really made sense to him.

  It's a good way to do it right now.

  However, Qinglong still refused. The reason why he fought with him just now was that he said that the purpose was to test his own strength.

  Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time for him to show his true strength.

  Thinking of this, Kiyotaka ordered Samuel to rush up directly to attack Hyoudou Issei.

  In the next battle, he was too lazy to participate. In this case, it should be handed over to the natural enemy of the dragon species, Samuel, to solve the problem.

  And what he has to do is to watch their battles from the side (to Zhao's), seize the opportunity, and directly use the predator, Hingdou Issei, and the cage hands of the Chilong Emperor.

  After all, Irina and Hyoudou Issei are childhood sweethearts.But both of them have not seen each other for several years, and both of them have become strangers.

  Even if he said in front of Irina that he was Issei Bingto, the other party would not doubt it.

  "¨ˇBing Teng Yicheng, you can go in peace, your childhood sweetheart, and the cage hand, I will take care of it in the future!!".

Chapter 724

  Hyoudou Issei, who was not far away, looked at Qinglong, who was opposite, and stayed where he was after he finished speaking.

  From the backpack, he took out a strangely-shaped pet and let it out.

  It made Hingdou Issei a little puzzled, not knowing what the vice-chairman was going to do, and soon, he guessed a possibility.

  That is the vice-chairman. Knowing that he can't beat him, he finally decided to compromise with him and wanted to shake hands and make peace.

  Thinking of this, a bright smile appeared on Hyoudou Issei's face, ready to step forward to thank him.

  After all, without this vice-chairman, he might not be able to awaken such a powerful artifact.

  Yes, that's right!

  It is an artifact. In the battle just now, he had a lot of communication with this artifact in his hand.

  I learned that this thing in his hand turned out to be the Chilong Emperor, one of the two heavenly dragons, and a deadly enemy.

  It was the White Dragon Emperor, which made Hingdou Issei a little speechless, because this was the beginning, and he found a very powerful enemy for him.

  Just listen to the name of the White Dragon Emperor.

  Knowing the other party, it is definitely not easy to provoke, but there is no way, if it is not for this artifact, I am afraid he will die.

  "Partner, don't go there, I feel a dangerous breath and I'm slowly approaching!"

  Through the battle just now, Hyoudou Issei understood a truth, that is, no matter what happens, as long as he listens, his partner's words are right.

  "Is it dangerous?"

  Hearing this, Hyoudou Issei looked around subconsciously, and found that next to him, except for the vice-chairman.

  There is also a pet with a strange shape. It seems that there is nothing else. Could it be that this vice president wants to attack?

  "Vice president, you said that we are all students of Kuwang Academy, and you are also the vice president of the school!"

  "Can we not fight in the nest?"

  "After all, in school later, you will definitely look down and not look up to see you. Is this really good?"

  Thinking of this, Hyoudou Issei stopped and began to maintain a safe distance from the vice-chairman.

  Then, he said next to him, hoping that in this way, the opponent's thoughts of wanting to fight can be relieved.

  "Fight in the nest?"

  Hearing this (cgae), Qinglong smiled, just because they were in the same school, it was too far-fetched.

  If this is the case, the war between angels, demons and fallen angels can be regarded as a fight in the nest, after all, they are all in the same world.

  Besides, even if you want to fight in the nest, it depends on the object, and Hyoudou Issei in front of him.

  Obviously, it is only suitable as a stake for practicing combat.

  Originally, Qinglong wanted to compare the other party to a tool person to measure his own strength, but this Chilong Emperor, because he can multiply infinitely, obviously does not meet the title of a tool person.

  "Yes, it's a fight in the nest!"

  "We are all students of Kuwang Academy. There is a saying that we rely on our alumni when we go out!"

  "Maybe, the two of us have common hobbies, just like me, like..."

  Just brought the topic to hobbies, but Hyoudou Issei soon found out, a rather embarrassing thing.

  That is, the two of them really don't have a common hobby, which gives Hyoudou Issei some headaches.

  "Why didn't you say anything?"

  "In addition to watching movies, your hobbies include climbing the walls of girls' toilets and talking about which girl has longer breasts and thighs behind other people's backs?".

Chapter 725

  Hearing the vice president, he even said all his hobbies and hobbies without a single word.

  Hyoudou Issei was really taken aback, how could this winged vice president know him so well.

  Could it be that the vice president is a big man in men's clothing, secretly in love with him, and then has a thin skin, so embarrassed to say it directly, he can only keep inquiring about him behind his back?

  Thinking of this, Hyoudou Issei began to look at Kiyotaka, and then looked a little disappointed, even if this vice-chairman is a big man in men's clothing, he is not the type he likes~.

  What's more, the vice president in front of him couldn't possibly be a big man in men's clothing, and it was just his guess.

  "Partner, the danger is getting closer, or let's retreat, I can feel a very strong warning of danger!"

  "If we don't pull back, the two of us will definitely be explained here, otherwise it will be too late!"

  As time passed slowly, Ddraig felt a kind of coercion from his soul.

  He started quickly, reminding his host to leave here as soon as possible and stop chatting with this fallen angel.

  At this moment, Ddraig can be sure that the coercion that comes from the soul is definitely related to this fallen angel.

  This is the first time in hundreds of years that it has felt this kind of coercion from its soul. It must be known that even its nemesis, the White Dragon Emperor, has never given it such a big coercion.

  As if it was its natural enemy.

  This makes Ddraig very puzzled, because according to its memory, there is no one at all, or the artifact is its opponent, and it is more able to give it coercion.

  "I don't care why you know me so well, but I won't play with you, stop pestering me!"

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