"Otherwise, I'll show you how powerful the God Extinguisher is. This is something that even gods are afraid of!"

  In the face of Hyoudou Issei's threatening display, Kiyotaka ignored him and flew down from the sky.

  He silently walked to the bench next to him and began to watch the upcoming show.

  As for why he knows Hyoudou Issei so well, it's not that he has any special hobbies.

  Qinglong had read the original book when he was not transmigrating. It is no exaggeration to say that no one knows more about this Chilong Emperor's hobbies than him.

  As Kiyotaka sat down, Hyoudou Issei next to him became even more puzzled as to where the danger came from.

  However, I don't want to.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Since his partner Ddraig was urging to leave quickly, what he had to do was to leave as soon as possible.

  It was useless to think so much. Just when Hyoudou Issei was about to leave, he saw the pet and stopped him.

  Originally, he was the only pet with a strange shape, and it only had wings, so it was nothing unusual.

  After all, all the fallen angels had appeared, and it wouldn't be a big deal if there were more cats with wings.

...... 0

  But with this close look, Hyoudou Issei discovered that this pet was weird.

  Its upper body is a fallen angel, and its lower body is actually a dragon, which really surprised Hyoudou Issei.

  "Partner, I'm afraid we're going to encounter big trouble. Whether we live or die, we can only rely on God's will!"

  Ddraig's helpless voice made Hyoudou Issei a little puzzled. Just a small pet, what kind of trouble is it?

  What Hyoudou Issei didn't know was that this was only Samuel called the Dragon Eater, and its strength had nothing to do with size.

  It was born to be the nemesis of the dragon species, and it has the ability to make snakes and dragons obliterate their existence.

  "Forgot to tell you, this Samael, but the dragon god sees it, and it must be afraid of existence, I wish you good luck!" Four.

Chapter 726

  In no time.

  Hyoudou Issei was defeated, and Qinglong, who was not far away, seized the opportunity and decisively used the Predator.

  Soon Hyoudou Issei, as well as the cage hands of the Red Dragon Emperor.

  All were devoured.

  Seeing the prey in front of him, he suddenly disappeared.

  Samuel, known as the Dragon Eater, wandered around for a while, and found that he had really disappeared.

  Then he flapped his wings and flew back to Qinglong's shoulder.

  After he devoured Hyoudou Issei, Kiyotaka's mind began to play movies about Hyoudou Issei.

  Rather than calling it a movie, it might be more appropriate to use the name Memories.

  After accepting the memory of Hyoudou Issei, Kiyotaka knew a lot of things that were never mentioned in the original work.

  Among them, there are some childhood sweethearts, Irina's daily life when she was a child, and also said that when she was growing up.

  To become Hyoudou Issei's bride, Kiyotaka felt a little happy after reading all these memories.

  Because of what's to come next.

  Just waiting for Irina to appear, and then having a showdown with her.

  It is said that Bing Teng Yicheng was his former name, but now he has a new name, Qinglong.

  Plus, with these childhood memories, as evidence, don't worry, Irina will not believe it.

  After receiving all the memories of Bing Teng Yicheng, Qinglong wanted to take out the cage hands of Emperor Chilong.

  By the way, let's see if he can transform into a dragon-like Chilong Emperor now.

  In the original work, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor in the state of dragon transformation are very handsome as a whole.

  Just when Qinglong was thinking about taking out the cage and transforming into the Chilong Emperor, he wanted to fight five.

  Qinglong discovers a strange thing.

  Logically speaking, after using Predator to devour Hyoudou Issei, he should be able to use the divine weapon on him.

  He also plundered it, but he didn't find out about the Chilong Emperor's cage hand, this god-killing tool.

  It seems that with the disappearance of Hyoudou Issei, the "Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor", the god-killer, also disappeared out of thin air.

  Qinglong quickly denied this possibility.

  Because, when he devoured fallen angels and demons before, he didn't find such a thing.

  Just when Qinglong was depressed, soon in his mind, the movie started playing again...  

  Different from the last time, the object in this movie, Haoran, is Ddraig, the Chilong Emperor himself.

  From the birth of Ddraig, to being made into an artifact, to previous hosts, and to the battle with the White Dragon Emperor.

  All of them appeared in Kiyotaka's mind. This situation was very similar to the scene where Hyoudou Issei was swallowed up before.

  It's hard to believe that just now, he used the skills of a predator to devour Hingdou Issei at the same time.

  In this god-killing tool, Ddraig, who was sealed in the soul state, was also swallowed and digested?

  Thinking of this, Qinglong didn't know whether he should be happy or sad now.

  Because of this situation, it is very likely that in addition to more memory, he also has combat experience, these tasteless things.

  You won't get anything else, it's not as good as before, grabbing it directly from Hyoudou Issei.

  If you do that, you can at least use the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor to transform into a dragon.

  After accepting all of Ddraig's memories, Qinglong's heart was filled with regrets. .

Chapter 727

  It seems that in the future, when dealing with Wall-E, it is impossible to directly use the Predator. Otherwise, the fate of the White Dragon Emperor will probably be the same as that of the Red Dragon Emperor.

  All of them are swallowed and digested by the skill of predators, and even the soul is not left.

  Thinking of this, Qinglong began to feel fortunate. Fortunately, this drawback was discovered so early.

  Otherwise, after the White Dragon Emperor in the second dragon was also swallowed and digested, it is estimated that there is no place to cry.

  Compared to the doubling of the Red Dragon Emperor, the weakening of the White Dragon Emperor can also be regarded as a very powerful ability.

  After putting Samael on his shoulders into his schoolbag, Qinglong was about to leave here with his wings flapping.

  Then, he found that something was wrong with his body, and his whole body began to get hot and sweaty.

 26. This feeling is very similar to the last blood boosting, which made Qinglong a little puzzled.

  Obviously he didn't do anything, how could he have such symptoms, and he didn't dare to think about other things.

  After feeling his body getting hotter and hotter, Kiyotaka hurriedly flapped his wings, preparing to fly back to school.

  In this state, the helpless Qinglong had no choice but to use the magic of his whole body to make the temperature of his whole body.

  in a normal state.

  But doing this is only temporary, so it is very difficult to get out of here as soon as possible. Under this strong temperature, every time he flaps his wings, it is very difficult.

  Not to mention fighting.

  Outside this kind of danger, a low-level demon or a fallen angel could be encountered casually. In this state, Qinglong had nothing to do with the opponent.

  Resisting the physical discomfort, Qinglong slowly flapped his wings for nearly an hour.

  I just came to the side of the road not far from the school, there is still about [-] meters away, and I can fly back to the school.

  "Isn't this Qinglong-Jun, what happened to you?"

  After school, Zhu Nai, who had been busy at school for a long time, came out and was about to go home, and found that Qinglong was different.

  Hastily stepped forward.

  Looking at Qinglong, who was constantly steaming on his body, Zhu Naigang wanted to give him a hand.

  He felt that Qinglong's body was very hot like a red-hot soldering iron, which made Zhu Nai a little puzzled, what happened to Qinglong-Jun?

  Before Zhu Nai could ask more questions, he found that Qinglong had fallen into her arms, and his body was making a sizzling sound.

  This shocked Zhu Nai, and he didn't know what to do. He felt the very hot Qinglong in his arms.

  She quickly flapped her wings and flew to the shrine. When she flew home, she was in her school uniform.

  At this moment, Qinglong's body has been scalded by the intense temperature.

  Zhu Nai didn't have time to take care of his school uniform, and dragged Qinglong to the pond behind the shrine.

  As soon as Qinglong was put into it, he made a chi chi chi sound, and water vapor began to fill the surroundings.

   Those who didn't know thought that this pond was a hot spring.

  Looking at Qinglong, who was lying peacefully in the pond and seemed to be safe and sound, Zhu Nai went to prepare to change clothes.

  After a while, Zhu Nai changed into a new set of clothes, still a little worried about her younger brother.

  He returned to the pond again, and after a while, the water in the entire pond had gone down by a third.

  It really shocked Zhu Nai. Compared with the water in this pond, she was more worried about whether Qinglong could survive.

  Standing by the pond for a while, looking at Qinglong who was still awake, she began to feel anxious. .

Chapter 728

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