At this moment, she understood the true meaning of this sentence, and she also experienced it for herself.

  Although the other party didn't say a word, just glanced at her, the other party waved the magic wand and left.

  But this is comparable. Being scolded for thousands of words made her even more scared, and Renale even suspected it.

  After the other party left, would he turn around again, and ran to continue to pluck the feathers on the wings behind her.

  Thinking of this, Renale decided to leave, but the door was locked and she couldn't leave.

  As for wanting to destroy the door, she also thought about it, but after several attempts, she gave up the idea of ​​destroying the door.

  If you have that strength, you might as well sit down honestly, think about life, and talk to yourself about your ideals.

  I don't know if it was the will of the world, knowing what she was thinking, and soon sent a person to open the door for her.

  It was this Ravel in front of me, just when Rena Lei wanted to go out, almost when their surname was Lei.

  Renale felt that this girl seemed to be very disgusted with her and kept a distance from her.

  The writing made Lena Lei a little puzzled. She clearly met this demon for the first time, so where did this disgust come from.

  Speaking of disgust, it should be her fallen angel who came to dislike this demon lady.

  After listening to the other party's words, he said that he was the one who harmed him and sent her to the demon who sent her to the dungeon.

  For the first time in her life, Lena Lei felt that people were sitting in prison, and the pot came from the sky, and she didn't even go out.

  How could it be, the young master of the devil who she didn't know where he was.

  "You're clearly a frame-up, you see, I've been imprisoned here all the time, and I'm going to take action on your brother Qinglong" ~!"

  "¨ˇ Then wait for me, and get out of this ghost place?"

  "Maybe, it's your brother Qinglong, fooling around outside, and he will only shoot him if he provokes others!"

  As she said that, Rena Lei was a little angry. Every time she thought that she was caught by the demon and was pulled out by him, she was a fallen god.

  Make feathers on the wings.

  His teeth were itchy with anger. For a fallen angel, being plucked out of the feathers behind him was a lifelong shame.

  "Oh? Listen to what you said, it's my brother Qinglong, who is fooling around outside, so he gets into this kind of thing?"

  Hearing the words of this stray-haired fallen angel, the expression on Leville's face became a little strange.

  Although on the surface, she is smiling at others, but at the moment, the expression is a smile that is not smiling.

  Looking at the fallen angel in front of her, Ravel slowly took out a whip from behind, woven from the skin of a dragon seed. .

Chapter 744


  Holding this Seraphlu sister, before she left, the whip that she had specially given to her was slapped hard on Renare's body.

  "Come on, is it you, when you were sent back by brother Qinglong, to get revenge on him!"

  "Deliberately put a curse on Brother Qinglong's body that lurks on his body and will keep getting hot?"

  Feeling the pain in her body, and the maid outfit she was wearing to please the Demon King Serafuru.

  Under that whip, they all started to rot, leaving a hole, all showing blood and flesh.

  Rena Lei was full of deep resentment towards the demon in front of her, and she no longer had the hippie smile she had before.

  After using the little magic power left to heal his wounds, he began to attack this demon.

  She didn't want to endure it any longer. Instead of living in such humiliation, it would be better to fight happily.

  Maybe, after this demon is dealt with, she will be able to leave here, when Renare is ready to mobilize her magic power.

  When I wanted to fight Ravel, I had trouble breathing, and it was originally just a decorative collar.

  At this moment, after feeling the magic power of Rena Lei, she began to tighten continuously, feeling the abnormality of her.

  Subconsciously, I wanted to use my hands to stop the collar from continuing to indent, but it was of no use.

  Feeling that breathing became more and more difficult, Renare subconsciously fell to the ground.

  After the collar felt that there was no surging of magic power, it began to slowly return to its original state.

  After experiencing it once, Lena Lei, who was on the brink of death, stood up tremblingly from the ground.

  It stopped her subconscious urge to continue pulling the collar around her neck, because if she did that.

  It is very likely that I will experience it again, and that kind of feeling makes Rena Lei dare not do some impulsive things.

  "What? Are you trying to hit me?"

  "You don't think I'm so stupid that I'll just come into this room without preparing anything?"

 (cgae) "Fortunately, you don't have a lot of magic power, otherwise, I really want to see what the scene will be!"

  Leville said, she was not angry at the end of this fallen angel, she just smiled, and dared to shoot at her?


  "That thing, I really didn't do it. I'm just an ordinary fallen angel. Where can such a curse be?"

  "If you really want to talk about a curse, it should be a high-level cadre among the fallen angels. The methods used have nothing to do with me!"

  In response to the fallen angel's answer, Ravel didn't say anything, just played with the whip in her hand.

  At first, I would think about what happened yesterday afternoon. Originally, Ravel was staying at school and preparing for class.

  But after hearing that Sister Serafuru had something to look for her, she hurriedly left the Kuwang Academy.

  When I came here, I wanted to meet Brother Qinglong, who I hadn't seen for a long time.

  When Ravel came here and heard the words of Sister Serafuru, she said whether she would like to become the family of brother Qinglong.

  Don't mention how happy she is, especially, Sister Serafuru also said that Brother Qinglong has arrived at school.

  Also, when she was in the same class with Sona, Ravel wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

  Go to the school and see if what Serafuru said is true and if Kiyotaka-san is really at school.

  When she was about to leave after taking the demon chess pieces handed over by Sister Serafuru, she heard that her brother Qinglong had an accident. .

Chapter 745

  When Ravel heard that Qinglong's brother had an accident, she wanted to say goodbye to Sister Serafuru.

  I want to see Brother Qinglong, what happened and do I need her help?

  I heard Sister Serafuru saying that she wanted her to stay, and she left this whip on purpose.

  It was used to ask Renale if he was responsible for this matter, because judging from her tone~.

  It is very likely that he will attack Brother Qinglong, and Sister Serafuru, after instructing some things.

  He left here soon and went to Kuo Academy, although Ravel wanted to go to school too.

  However, when I think about Qinglong's brother, it has something to do with Reina Lei who was locked in the dungeon.

  So I stayed, wanting to question Lei Nalei, and in her mouth asked about the method of saving brother Qinglong.

  But all this in front of her made Leville a little disappointed, because of what happened with Qinglong's brother.

  It doesn't seem to be, this fallen angel did it.

  However, this can't spare her. Just now, he actually wanted to attack her.

  Just at this point, the fallen angel in front of him should be hit with this whip again.

  Just when Ravel was about to lash out again, she heard this fallen angel.

  She kept saying that brother Qinglong was behind her.

  This is obvious, isn't it a lie?

  Last night, she heard Serafuru say that Qinglong had been in a coma.

  How could he wake up so soon? Besides, even if he woke up, Brother Qinglong should go to school.

  Instead, returning to the house here made Leville even more convinced that this fallen angel was deceiving her.

  Holding the leather whip, he whipped again, this time, it was more painful than the previous one.

  In order to avoid being beaten next, Lena Lei quickly ran to Qinglong's side and hid behind him.

  As for whether to do it again or not, after experiencing the feeling just now, Lena Lei no longer dared to think about it.

  "Where do I see you running?"

  After seeing the fallen angel and wanting to run away, Ravel hurriedly turned around and wanted to catch up.

  Then behind her, she really saw her brother Qinglong, who was always the one he remembered.

  After so many years, it still hasn't changed at all, and he quickly put away the whip in his hand.

  The whole person jumped up.

  In the face of the sudden appearance of Leville, Qinglong was not prepared, and soon, with a snap.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Qinglong was thrown to the ground by Leville, and something strange happened to him. He fell to the ground.

  It didn't hurt at all, and before he had time to think about it, he felt that Ravel was rubbing against him all the time.

  After a while.

  "Ravel, can you get up and keep pressing on me, it's very uncomfortable!"


  "Besides, even if you don't feel uncomfortable, you should think about it, Renare's feelings."

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