Looking at Leville who still refused to get up from her body, Qinglong said helplessly, not knowing what was wrong.

  The more he grows up, the more his sister, who knew Sister Leville when she was a child, actually relies on him more.

  "Anyway, she's just a stray hair. If you want to feel uncomfortable, just continue to suffer. Who told her to speak ill of Qinglong!"

  Renare: "..."

  Even though she said so, Raville was still very quick, she got up from the ground, and then stretched out her hand to pull Kiyotaka up too.

  After pulling Qinglong up, he quickly ran behind him and began to pat the dust.

  "Brother Qinglong, I'll take a picture of you behind you. Next, can you pat me on the dust on your body?" Si.

Chapter 746

  Looking at Leville who was dusting himself, Qinglong wanted to say that there was no dust on his body.

  Of the three of them, the one with the most dust on her body should be Rena Lei, this fallen angel!

  However, after thinking of Renale, he had framed him, saying that he liked cute boys.

  Qinglong didn't have much affection for this fallen angel, and he didn't bother to mention her name.

  "Okay, you turn around!"

   After hearing Ravel's words, Kiyotaka ordered her to turn around, because there was no dust in front of her.

  When Raville turned around, Kiyotaka patted the dust on his hands, and was about to pat the dust on Raville's clothes.

  Then, he discovered an embarrassing problem, that is, there was no dust on Raville's top.

  What's more, it's a little embarrassing on Raville's skirt, and I don't know how to start.

  "Ravel, you better do it yourself!"

  After hearing Brother Qinglong's words, Leville was a little disappointed, so she had to do it herself and pat the dust on it.

  "What about you? Go out? Or stay?"

  "What are you going to do?"

  When Leville was asked to do it herself, Kiyotaka began to ask, Reina Lei, who had been silent the whole time.

  I want to ask her if she is staying in the dungeon or if she wants to go out.

  "Go out! Go out, definitely go out!"

  When Renale saw it, it was finally her turn to speak, and she hurriedly said, wanting to go out.

  There is no need to choose this at all. Now, if she continues to stay in the dungeon, something will definitely happen.

  "If you want to go out, hurry up and use this, otherwise you won't be able to go out!"

  After taking the dust off the dress, Raville took out a demon chess piece from her pocket.

  After that, it was put into Rena Lei's hands, her attitude was obvious, she would not be reincarnated as a demon.

  It was impossible for Lena Lei to get out of the dungeon, and Qinglong next to him saw this scene.

  Without saying anything, Renare quickly used the demon chess piece under the watchful eyes of the two of them.

  She has no choice but to be reincarnated as a demon, which is better than staying in a dungeon to die of old age.

  "Brother Qinglong, this is the demon chess piece that Sister Serafuru wanted me to give you, and now Renare has used one!"

  "Before, Sister Selavlu, I promised that there is one of my chess pieces!"

  After handing the demon chess piece into Qinglong's hands, Ravel explained to him by the side...  

  Moreover, in order to prevent Brother Qinglong from leaving her a demon chess piece, he deliberately repeated what Sister Serafuru said before she left.

  "Then this is for you! Knight!"

  After completing the identification of the demon chess piece, Qinglong took out the demon chess piece that symbolized the knight in his hand.

  "OK then!"

  After hearing that the demon chess piece she was about to give her was a knight, Ravel was still very happy.

  After all, elder brother Qinglong must leave such pieces as the queen to his fiancee Rias.

  At the same time, don't take a deep look at Lena Lei. In fact, just now, she gave Lena Lei the demon chess piece.

  In fact, it was her demon chess piece, which was also, in order to avoid Renale after obtaining the demon chess piece.

  Will jump out and dance with her, after all, after Renare was reincarnated as a demon, the collar on her head.

  It will definitely be taken down, and at that time, it is very likely that she will seek revenge, in order to prevent it from happening.

  She had no choice but to strike first. Anyway, her chess piece was Brother Qinglong's chess piece, so it was nothing. .

Chapter 747

  "Are you going back to school?"

  Today, the main purpose of Qinglong returning home is to change into suitable clothes, which has now been completed.

  It was also time to go back, so he started to ask Leville next to her, if she wanted to stay here.

  Go back to school, if he remembers correctly, Raville seems to be in the same class as Kitten.

  "Brother Qinglong, I want to go wherever you go?"

  In the face of Qinglong's inquiry, Raville immediately said that she wanted to go to the same place with him.

  "I'm afraid this won't work!"

  "Also, even if you follow me, I will go to the school next time, so you might as well just go to the school and wait for me!"

  Raville, who was originally unhappy, heard at 26 that Qinglong said that he would go to school next.

  This is the willingness to go to school first.

  "You close your eyes first!"

  From his pocket, he took out a magic wand that had become smaller, and Kiyotaka began to remind Raville to close his eyes.

  Then, after setting the location of the teleportation to the school, he tapped her with a magic wand.

  Soon, Ravel disappeared, and then he tapped Renare, who was reincarnated as a demon.

  I also teleported her to the school, and then I adjusted the location of the teleportation again and knocked myself.

  After a while, Qinglong returned to the bed again, and looked at the time at the head of the bed, more than ten minutes had passed by now.

  Quickly got up from the bed, put the magic wand in the bag again, and then stepped into the living room.

  I thought Zhu was the others, but they probably finished eating by now, but they were all waiting for him to get up from the bed.

  As for Zhu Nai, and her mother, they are in the living room at the moment, talking about some more private things.

  "Qinglong, you look so good in this dress!"

  Seeing Qinglong, who had been adopted as his adopted son, Zhu Nai's mother praised him beside him.

  Then he started to urge him to wash up before eating.

  "Mom, let's go!"

  After eating, Zhu Nai took Qinglong to go to school, which was different from before.

  This time, she didn't use teleportation magic directly, and she also had a younger brother by her side to accompany her to school.

  This is something she has never thought about.

  "Samael, have you really gotten up?"

  After leaving the shrine, Qinglong took the schoolbag and couldn't wait to ask Zhu Nai where Samuel went.

  But the answer he got was that Samuel wanted to attack him while he was in a coma.

  Although there were obstacles from Canna and others, Samuel disappeared after he came into contact with him.

  These are all the information he has just inquired from Zhu Nai's mouth about Samuel's attack on him.

  Qinglong can be sure that he will definitely be misunderstood. Samuel is just a dragon eater. How could he attack him.

  Besides, when Samuel came into contact with him, he disappeared quickly, leaving nothing behind.

  This kind of thing, combined with the words that sounded in his ears when he was asleep.

  It must have something to do with Samael, and maybe it was Samael who saved him.

  Thinking of this, Qinglong suddenly felt that his resurrection card seemed to be prepared for Samuel.

  As for the idea of ​​resurrecting the gods for me, Kiyotaka looked at Zhu Nai's mother.

  I gave up this idea, because this thing is not easy to control, and the water in the battle between gods and demons is too deep.

  Qinglong felt that it was better for him to sign in honestly. .

Chapter 748

  Qinglong was thinking about the use of the resurrection card, that is, after using it for Samuel.

  I didn't think about anything else. As for the resurrection of Samuel, I can't be too hasty.

  Because in the eyes of others, after using the ban, he fell into a cooling time.

  It is not possible to resurrect other things at will, otherwise, it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble, countless.

  In the chat with Zhu Nai, after a while, he came to the school and said goodbye to Zhu Nai.

  Qinglong just thought, go to Cang Na first, and tell her by the way that you don't need to worry about yourself.

  As he walked around the school, many female classmates aroused, wanting to approach him to chat up.

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