And Qinglong didn't pay any attention to them. He also had some experience in this kind of thing.

  When he came to the student council, what caught his eye was Serafuru, who was wearing a magical girl costume and holding a magic wand.

  Although it was a different style from the magic wand in his hand, Qinglong recognized it.

  That magic wand is another artifact. I really don't understand, where did his sister get so many magic wands.

  Moreover, each piece is an artifact.

  "Brother Qinglong, you've come to school"~!"

  Although it was only a short time ago, Raville felt that this period of time was longer than a day.

  After seeing Qinglong again, he immediately flew into his arms, if not for Qinglong's preparations.

  He almost fell to the ground by this sudden leap, while Ravel spoke.

  Serafuru, who was indulging in role-playing, recovered her senses now and hurriedly stepped forward.

  Looking at Qinglong carefully, after confirming that the appearance is as good as before, and there is no damage.

  The magic power in his hands began to surge, and he began to probe Qinglong's body non-stop.

  After a while, after confirming that his younger brother has not suffered any other injuries except that he has become smaller.

  In Seraphlu's heart, she was also relieved, after all, she was such a younger brother, but she must not bump into it.

  During this time, I asked my sister Cana what happened yesterday.

  Selavlu can also be sure that the state of his younger brother Qinglong at that time was that there was too much magic power and his body could not bear it.

  This caused her body to get hot, and after knowing the reason, Seraflu felt a little guilty.

  She should have discovered this matter earlier, otherwise it would not have happened.

  When Qinglong left, Mingming also told him that he was away from home, and it was his friend who helped him a little, and his sister who helped him a little.

  However, she couldn't even solve this matter, she was such a failure as an older sister.

  "¨ˇRavel, go and call Xiao Cang, and tell Qinglong that he has returned to school!"

  After letting Ravel go outside and bringing Cana over to him, Seraflu began to greet Qinglong with inquiries.

  Then we discussed some and other things, especially after hearing that Qinglong would deny her sister.

  Suddenly, I became angry, my sister is my sister (De Nuo's), why do you pretend you don't know each other?

  "OK then!"

  Seeing Sister Serafuru, because he is going to pretend to be with Cana, and there are things that Serafuru doesn't know.

  After causing her dissatisfaction, she quickly admitted her mistake and said she would never do it again next time.

  He did this for no other reason, just simply not wanting to be locked at home by Seraflu any more.

  "This is just like talking, let me tell you, what you just said really pissed me off!".

Chapter 749

  When she saw her sister Seraphlu, she said that tears were about to come out, which made Qinglong also realize.

  The words he just said really shouldn't be said, at least not in front of Seraf.

  At the same time as Qinglong comforted, Leville also found her sister Canna from outside.

  Seeing the reunion scene of Qinglong's brother and his family of three, Raville consciously left the student council.

  And, before leaving.

  He also deliberately closed the door of the room.

  In the future, there will be other unrelated students who will disturb brother Qinglong and their reunion.

  "Brother, are you really okay?"

  After confirming, Qinglong in front of him has nothing at all except that his body has become smaller.

  This made Cang Na very happy, and her originally nervous and restless heart also relaxed.

  "Samael? Who is it?"

  "It turns out that as long as the creature that attacks you is your pet, its name is Samael!"

  After chatting with brother Qinglong for a while, Cang Na heard an unfamiliar name.

  Only after her inquiry did she find out that yesterday afternoon, it was only to attack Brother Qinglong's things.

  It's his (cgae) pet and has the name Samael.

  "Looks like it's true!"

  After asking Cana for a while about the details of what happened yesterday afternoon when he was in a coma.

  Qinglong was even more certain. The thought in his heart, when Cang Na asked, why did Samuel disappear?

  Could it be dead?

  Qinglong didn't, and directly told Cana and her sister Seraphlu the whole story of this matter.

  Instead, he explained that the reason why Samuel disappeared suddenly was that she was scared away by her attack.

  The reason why I say this is to round up the fact that Samuel disappeared by his side.

  It is also for the next time, when he resurrects Samuel, it will not attract the attention of Akeno and the others.

  When the time comes, there will be many unnecessary incidents.

  Kiyotaka left the student council after chatting for a while with his sister Seraphlu and his sister Canna.

  He was about to go to class in the classroom, but when he walked to the door of the classroom, he realized that something was wrong.

  Now that his body has become smaller, it will definitely attract the attention of those classmates, and when asked.

  If I told them that my identity was Qinglong, it would definitely cause a stir in the classroom.

  After all, in the whole school, in addition to Rias, Sona's family, and Ravel.

  The rest seem to be ordinary people.

  Of course, among these ordinary people, it is inevitable that there are many people who are spies on the side of the fallen angel.

  However, none of these matters anymore, because when chatting with sister Seraphlu.

  He noticed that the battle between fallen angels, angels, and demons seemed to be over.

  This also sends a signal to Qinglong that the next plot has already begun.

  If nothing else, his next enemy should be the Wall-E team and the Troubled Group.

  After walking around in the corridor for a while, he did not directly enter the classroom, considering his current situation.

  Qinglong thought, why don't he change his identity and go to school again?

  Originally, the purpose of his vest was to lurk beside Rias to deal with Hyoudou Issei.

  Up to now, the Scarlet Dragon Emperor has been devoured by all the scum left, and even Ddraig in the cage has been digested. .

Chapter 750

  Thinking of this, Qinglong felt that this method was feasible, and he was bored anyway.

  It would be better to open a few more vests to find something to do, but the most important thing at the moment is to resurrect Samuel.

  Just now at the student council, with Sona and sister Seraphlu, it was not convenient to use the resurrection card directly.

  He did this not because he didn't trust his sister Canna and sister Seraphlu, but because he was afraid that they would be worried.

  After all, things like resurrection usually cost a lot to be resurrected.

  And sometimes, no matter how high the price is, it is useless if there is no way to resurrect.

  This is why Qinglong didn't tell Zhu Nai what price he paid, and Zhu Nai didn't ask.

  Because she knows, even if she understands the so-called price, what the price is.

  Everything is useless, after all, people have been resurrected, it is impossible to reverse the time~.

  Back to the day when there was no resurrection?


  Soon, Qinglong left the corridor, looking for a place where there was no one to revive Samuel.

  In the teaching building, after walking around for a while, he went to the playground, although there were not many people in the playground.

  But there were a lot. In the end, Qinglong still felt that it was more appropriate to go to the library.

  When he came to the library, as usual, there were really not many people in it.

  Then I went to the second floor. For the bright first floor and the dark scene on the second floor, many people stopped.

  After all, the people who come to the library are people who really like to read and learn.

  On the second floor, there is not even a light, not to mention whether it is possible to read the words on the book, and even the road is a problem.

  After a while, Qinglong came to the second floor of the library, compared to the first time he came.

  I don't know if it's his illusion. It feels as if the second floor has become darker, but it seems that people often come.

  The floor on the second floor was clean, which surprised Qinglong.

  Could it be that the administrator of this library finally remembered and disturbed the hygiene on the second floor?

  Just when he was surprised, there was a faint voice in his ear, and the place where the voice came out was not far from him.

  This made Qinglong a little puzzled. In this dark second floor, besides him, who else would come here in broad daylight?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  It doesn't matter, it's important to revive Salmay, and I'll go there and see what happened.

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