"..." Qianhua. .

Chapter 770

  "So, what do you want to say, Ishigami-san?"

  Qianhua found that she was actually taken out of the house by Qinglong, and then came to the outside of the street.

  It seems to be...the same thing that you can't say to Kyu and his younger sister Moeba at all.


  Qinglong said. "I am very grateful to Fujiwara-senpai and Shirogane Kei for their help."


  "Actually, my situation is not that bad."

  "Renting here now is just to increase empathy and then turn it into a positive image."

  "Because Fujiwara-senpai is willing to help, I think I should tell you the truth~"

  ? ...?

  Chihua's expression almost turned into Kaomoji.


  "I go!"

  Qianhua almost made a scene, "Ishigami, don't you think it's too treacherous!"

  "There is such a thing..."


  "It can't be said that it's all fake."

  "I was indeed excluded by my father, but my brother gave me some money."

  "Enough to live."

  "It's just that there's obviously no point in not going up or down."

  "Speaking of which, Otomo Kyoko couldn't go to high school either, and now he has transferred to another school, and Ogino has also been arranged to go to the valley to sell coal.

  So I should get out of this too. "

  "So isn't it important to run for your own image?"

  Qinglong said.

  "..." Qianhua.

  "It seems to make sense." However, very unexpectedly, Chihua Fujiwara found that she seemed to understand.

  Because Shi Shang's younger brother insisted on protecting Dayou Jingzi, outsiders have been misunderstood.

  Although those who care will understand him.

  But now his father still rejects him, which is quite serious.

  A family of high society like theirs is very troublesome, dirty, and in serious cases, may even be deprived of inheritance.

  So Qianhua responded.

  The current junior brother Shi Shang is indeed protecting himself.

  Anyway, he was kicked out by his father, so... using it to the maximum extent is the correct plan.

  slightly hesitant.

  "Ishigami, are you interested in becoming a member of parliament or prime minister?"

  Qianhua immediately asked.

  "You have some potential in these practices."

  "..." Well, the current atmosphere of the congressmen is very bad.

  However, the reason why Kiyotaka told Fujiwara Chika the truth was because she found out that she could use it, so he prepared to make a confession.

  Qianhua looks like a grinning, very sand sculpture, but her heart is very strong, and at the same time, because of her background, she can be a helper.

  Therefore, it is completely possible to gain her trust first and then ask her to help.


  "I'm not interested in these at the moment," Qinglong said. "I just want to have a good relationship with everyone at Shuichi Academy."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "After all, the students in this school still have connections, which may be related to my future."

  What Qinglong is talking about here is that the system proposes that the relationship between these people can be borrowed to convert it into money rights and so on.

  But Qianhua understood here that he was rejected by his father, so if the relationship could not be repaired, his future social work would also be affected.

  Because the students are distributed in all walks of life, there will definitely be rumors.

.. 0 ......

  It really has a big impact.


  "Help people to the end."

  Chihua said. "I, Chika Fujiwara, will lend you a little of my popularity."


  Chihua said. "Put it on when you go to school tomorrow."

  "You will wait for me directly at Xiaopo at the gate of the school tomorrow."

  "Then we go to school together."

  "First create the illusion of going to school together."

  Chihua said.

  Looks like it helped.

  But who is Qinglong?

  He immediately heard Qianhua's subtext, this guy just wanted to achieve his goal.


  The purpose is to let everyone pay attention to him again, and then he will do some positive things to win people's hearts and refresh everyone's views on him.

  Well, even if you don't date, it's okay.

  Think so.

  Qinglong looked at her.Four.

Chapter 771

  "In other words, Fujiwara-senpai is willing to help me." Kiyotaka said.

  "of course--"

  Qianhua gently patted Xiongkou as if she was packing a ticket to show that she was very reliable.

  "Thank you very much then." Qinglong said.

  "However, I'm curious, is it alright that Fujiwara-senpai and my relationship rating have dropped?"


  "Ah...this...it's okay, it's okay~"

  Qianhua wants to fight haha, because she can see from Qinglong's self-help by pretending to be poor, as long as the outcome of the matter can be achieved, then it is okay for her to not date~

  Since it's okay to not communicate, just to give students a doubt, then no


  Communication is difficult!

  Not only have to make time to answer each other's phone calls, send messages every day, and then make an intimate appearance in front of so many friends.


  It is also possible that the good times with friends will be restrained.

  She wants to be with Kaguya classmate, who wants to be with classmate~

  So now Qianhua doesn't want to help people to the end.


  "Fujiwara-senpai, have you ever thought about taking this opportunity to get along with each other?" Kiyotaka pretended not to see through her mentality.

  "Eh eh?"

  "Association... Ishigami... No way!" Qianhua said immediately.

  "Really?" Qinglong said. "I thought it was mutually beneficial, and Fujiwara-senpai could also use this to fill the gap in the relationship."

  "Hey Hey hey!"

  Qianhua said immediately. "I'm very popular at school."

  "So emotionally, it's not blank!"

  Chihua was a little flustered.

  Because she felt that this junior... this is trying to make a fake show! ? ? ?

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