
  "But you were basically rejected, didn't you?"

  "Speak up."

  "Fujiwara-senpai are all second-year students, right next year will be third-year."

  "As a result, I never even talked about a relationship."

  "It's very poor--" Qinglong said.



  Thousand flowers!

  "You bastard!"

  "You're so brave!"

  "To actually mock such a cute senior."


  "So, Fujiwara-senpai doesn't actually have any experience in love."

  "But in school, I often call myself a love master, love detective Qianhua or something...Puchi——"

  Qinglong smiled.



  "..." Qianhua!


  She is active in the group of girls as a love detective Qianhua... But, she is true... she has never been in love.


  Thousand flowers.

  If she is exposed, her reputation will definitely be affected...  

  "Are you trying to threaten me?"

  Qianhua immediately looked in Qinglong's direction.

  However, his eyes froze when he looked over.

  Because she saw Qinglong took out some banknotes directly.

  There are ten thousand denominations on the banknotes.

  "Stone... on the stone..."

  "What kind of person do you take me for!"

  Qianhua said quickly. "Don't take the money out."

  But Qinglong took out the money unhurriedly.

  "Qianhua-senpai's tutor is very strict."

  "Even with the secret help of grandpa."

  "However, there is still no way to spend more than 15 yen a month."

  "I just go shopping with my friends. I can only watch and don't buy, and then shop in the window. Window shopping is the literal meaning, no matter how much you like it, there is no money to buy it."

  "It's obviously a family, but they live such a frugal life."

  "Although the parents hope that you will develop the habit of not spending big money."


  "It's high school now, so I want to go to karaoke with Kaguya-san~"

  "Don't you want to go to the water park with Kaguya-san?"

  "Don't you want to go?" Qinglong whispered in her ear.

  And this is no less than the devil's whisper to Qianhua, who has a brilliant family background but is economical.


  Qianhua immediately hugged her head.

  This is the performance of her heart is about to fall. .

Chapter 772

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Qianhua immediately held her head.

  "So, you can consider my proposal Fujiwara-senpai."

  "During the relationship, I can give you material rewards."


  "If you get the money, you can drink a cup of milk or two cups of milk tea."

  "And going out with friends to be happy~"

  "You really want to entice Hayasaka-san from Kaguya's class to go out with Kaguya-san~"

  "Although Kaguya-san is in the Shinomiya family, she has a lot of constraints, and even smiling, it's hard to be sincere."

  "Every day she travels in the car at home, but she must be envious of other students who walk to school by herself outside the car and go to school with friends."

  "She also yearns for 26 who can leave good memories with her friends."

  "And these...you can't do it, Fujiwara-senpai, are you really a friend of Shinomiya-senpai?" Kiyotaka continued to summon the devil.

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Qianhua's defensive power was immediately reduced.

  "How can you move out Kaguya-san."


  Qianhua's hands finally dropped.

  This is also her self-defeating performance.

  "So," she said. "How much do you give me a month?"

  "20 a week." Qinglong said. "80 a month."


  Chihua was stunned for a moment.

  Because of the pocket money that the family gave her, her mother gave her 5, and she often courted her grandfather, and then her grandfather added 5 to her.

  Of course, this is a case of hiding from the mother.

  and so.

  She is really poor.

  Although I don't mind the consumption of ordinary people, 10 yen is not enough to buy much.


  I want to drink milk tea. -300

  This novel is so interesting, I bought it and hid it (because she was not allowed to watch it at home) -600

  This manga is awesome - 500

  This little owl is super cute - 10...


  Not anymore.

  There are many to buy.

  She also wants to go shopping with Kaguya classmate~

  And these...all need money.

  need money.

  need money.

  need money.


  "Let's date~"

  "Shi Shang classmate."

  "I suddenly think you are very attractive~" Qianhua was defeated.


  "Then let's fake dating for a while." Qinglong said.

  If it's just to get him a positive evaluation and improve his evaluation in school, then a little intimacy with Qianhua will be enough to attract everyone's attention.


  His goal is not just that.

  It is necessary to gain a good relationship with these elite children of Shuchi Academy.

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