Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Back to the kingdom of ghosts

Closer to home.

With the arrival of the second fetal movement of the reincarnated eye, Noel can sense that the pupillary power is constantly increasing, but his eyes can not be used for a short time.

"It seems that this time will be blind."

That being said, it is indeed impossible to see anything with both eyes.

However, perception alone can understand everything around him, not really a blind man.

Ghost country.

In the hall in the palace of the ghost kingdom, Noel's figure suddenly appeared here.

The guards outside the main hall responded quite quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Noel, who had just arrived, was surrounded by groups. If the people here didn't see him, he even attacked him directly.

See who the people are, and the guards who guard the main hall immediately kneel down on one leg.

"Very good, let's all get up."

When someone broke into the hall, the guards could react so quickly, and Noel nodded in satisfaction.

After sensing for four weeks, I found that all the girls were no longer here.

"You come to Daphne and Estes, and the rest go back to their posts."


The guards responded in unison, and then retreated according to Noel's instructions.

The two men who had just been pointed out by Noel, after they had left the hall with the rest, immediately ran to notify Daphne and Estes.

All the guards withdrew, and Noel walked to the throne of the hall and sat down, waiting for the summoned two to arrive.

Didn't let wait for too long, one of them arrived first.

"My dear, I heard Darwin said not long ago that you will return to the ghost country in these two days. I didn't expect you to come back that day.

Entering the main hall, Estes walked towards Noel while talking, and finally sat directly in his arms, arms around his neck, and his head was attached to his heart.

Noel's eyes were still closed, and she curiously spoke again.

"My dear, why don't you look at me with your eyes closed?"

"The power of my eyes is evolving, and I cannot see anything with my eyes for a while."

Slightly lowering his head, Noel reached out to lift Estes' chin and explained to her in her arms.

Ben was just pure curiosity, but after seeing Noel explain it to herself immediately, Esters was very happy.

Happy to be happy, but did not forget the business.

"My dear, let me report to you on the progress of this time."

"it is good."

"From the day you left, we started to expand outwards with the ghost country as the center, so that the spies of the ghost country have become more and more, including Muye Village, where you now live temporarily."

"All dealt with?"

"The first group of Konoha ninjas to investigate, did not find the target you specified, so we all died." Hearing the words "first batch", Noel knew that Muye would continue to send people after those people lost contact.

I guessed it, but I did not interrupt Estes, but continued to listen to her report to see what else happened.

"The first batch of Konoha ninjas, they wanted to infiltrate at night from the beginning, but they triggered the enchantment, and finally we were wiped out by the net, and the second batch of wooden leaf ninjas, they learned a lot of wisdom. I didn’t dare to collect some scattered information outside like the previous batch of people, and no signs of action have appeared so far."

"The second batch of people, how did you determine their identity?"

"Some of the original residents who were expelled from the ghost country came back and wanted to sell this information to us. Some people have been sent to determine whether the information is true or false, but this time they have not been wiped out."

In the following time, Estes reported all things to Noel, and at the same time answered his inconsistencies.

Learned a lot from it.

For example: among the ninjas who came to explore the kingdom of ghosts, not only the ninjas in Muye Village, but also the ninjas of the land of the land and the country of the wind.

During this time, Esters and others expanded outwards, and the movement was certainly not small.

The ghost country is located between two great powers, and these two great powers are the land of the land and the country of the wind.

The attacking of a small country by the ghost country will of course immediately attract the attention of two large neighbors, so it is a sure thing to send people to investigate the intelligence.

After all, these two great powers cannot determine whether the ghost country will advance to their territory after resolving the neighboring small countries.

Of course, in addition to determining whether they will attack their territory, we must also see whether there is the possibility of cooperation.

All these things were tortured from the captured population.

Yes, all those who sent the kingdom of earth and the kingdom of wind to send inquiries by the kingdom of ghosts were arrested.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Esters and others to know these things.

In addition to these things, the rest are trivial trivial matters that will not be explained one by one.

Not long after the report, Daphne finally arrived.

Feeling the arrival of Fanny, Noel smiled slightly at Esdes.

"Don't care about the two countries, and soon they will have no time to care about the ghost country."

Estes was puzzled, but did not ask.

It is clear that when Noel wants to tell himself, he will naturally say it.

At this time, Daphne, who had just come to the main hall, looked left and right, as if looking for something.

In the end, he looked at Noel with a puzzled look.

"Sir Noel, didn't you tell me that you found the material before, but where is the material?"

"This place is a bit small. Come with me to the open space first."

After that, Noel patted Estes on the back, motioning her to get up from her arms.

Subsequently, the three walked out of the hall together.

When it came to a suitable open space, Noel first sealed off the space in this area, and then released the snake that was captured not long ago.


"Seek flowers", "Seek all kinds", "Seek collection"

—————Seek flowers, seek income, order, seek rewards——————

"Qiu Monthly Ticket", "Qiu Automatic Subscription", "Qiu Reward"..

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