Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 89: Create Black Snake


In the air, a gap suddenly opened.

As the rift opened itself, a giant snake tens of meters long fell out of it.


With a loud noise, the serpent fell **** the ground.

The flat ground is now sunken by more than half a meter, and the surface is quite cracked.

The raised dust flew in the air, but this still could not cover the huge body of the giant snake.

'Out! ’

At the moment of landing, Wan Snake, who had been awake, fled here with the first thought, and immediately connected to the earth dragon cave of the psychic snake family.

However, it was found that it was still unable to connect with Dilong Cave.

Can't go back to Dilong Cave, immediately knew it was the result of some reason.

As for the reason, it didn't think much about it, nor did it have time to struggle.

The only way now is to escape from this place by yourself.

Just about to leave...

"Where are you going?"

A familiar voice came, and the snake that was about to leave was froze in place, and it didn't dare to move.

People with this voice, it is no longer familiar.

After acknowledging the planting, he turned around the huge snake head and looked back, and said something.

"what do you really want?"

"If you don't want to become a dead snake, it's best to stay honest and don't move."

After warning Snake, Noel turned to Daphne next to him and continued.

"How about, can this product become the main material?"

"I don't know if it tastes good."

Staring at the giant snake, Daphne's mouth drooled.

This is not a question, how could Nor know that Daphne didn't hear her.

What else can I do, only ask again.

Only this time, I first tapped on Daphne's small head to pull her back to reality.

"Quickly wipe the saliva in the corner of your mouth, and then tell me whether this product can be the main material, don't think about eating all day."

After recovering, Daphne quickly wiped the spit from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve and smiled embarrassedly at Noel.

Without rushing to give the answer, I began to observe Wan Snake seriously.

No way, just thinking about Wan Snake is not good, how can there be time to observe whether it is suitable.

Look closely, and patted again.

Wan Snake didn't dare to mess around, and his mood was so bad.

The most annoying thing is that the little girl who is banging on herself is saying that she wants to eat herself.

I have only eaten by myself, how could anyone be treated as food.

Qi is useless, and there is a terrible person watching. Even if Snake doesn't dare to attack, he can only swallow his voice.

After careful observation, Daphne returned to Noel.

"No problem, it can be used as the main material of the black snake, Lord Noel."

"Then I need help?" "Sir Noel, then you help me stun this snake, which will make it easier for me to transform."

"it is good."

Noel nodded and walked towards Wan Snake.

Facing Noel who came, listening to the conversation between him and the little girl finally made Wan Snake unable to bear it.

Although it is not clear what the other party is going to do to itself, it is certainly not a good thing.

Everyone has to do something with themselves, of course, can't continue to sit and wait for death.

Standing/upping the upper body, the snake mouth opened to reveal sharp fangs, a posture to attack.

"What the **** do you want to do to Lao Tzu!"

Noel did not answer, but stopped in front of Wan Snake.

The next second, a terrifying coercion was released.


When he stood up/up, a pair of ten thousand snakes who were going to attack, instantly blinked with white eyes, and the huge snake head hit the ground.

"It's up to you, Daphne."

"No problem, wrap it with me."

Daphne said with a fierce mouth.

When Noel returned to Esdes, Daphne began to transform the Snake.

Opening her mouth slightly, she exhaled black gas at the snake.

More and more black gas was spit out, and soon the huge body of Wan Snake was shrouded in it, and no one could see it again.

Seeing that the first step was completed, the magic spell came out of her mouth, and the powerful magic power was mobilized.

At the same time, the black gas shrouded in thousands of snakes began to turn clockwise.

As the magic spell continued, the black gas turned faster and faster, and a black tornado soon formed.

The sky is discolored, the clear sky is covered with dark clouds, and the wind is blowing wildly.

In the tornado formed by the black air, the purple scale armor on the body of the snake is gradually turning black.

When the black scale armor changed from the tail to the head, a single horn slowly grew at the top of the head.

The unconscious Wan Snake, as the unicorn finished growing, it stood up and faced the sky.



And in the next second, the black gas rotating around the snake at high speed seemed to be summoned by this roar, and poured into his mouth frantically.

At this time, Daphne stopped continuing to read magical mantras and looked at Noel.

"Sir Noel, do you need me to erase the serpent's consciousness?"

"Erase it, leaving the beast's instinct is enough."

After thinking a little, Noel responded.

Now that Noel has said so, Daphne certainly has no opinion.

When the snake's consciousness was erased, the black gas also completely poured into it.

"After a day, this snake will completely merge with black gas, and then the black snake will really be completed."

"I need control of it."

"no problem."

With a happy agreement, Daphne put her right palm in front of her heart, and then a ray of light fluttered from her mouth, and finally the light floated on her palm.



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