Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Go! Harm this world as much as you like!


Daphne passed the light, and Noel absorbed it without hesitation.

Estes, who had not spoken for a while, looked at Wan Snake, who was lying on the open ground, and seemed to want to understand something.

As for whether the conjecture is correct, this can only be known by asking.

After a moment's wait, after Noel had absorbed the ray of light, Estes asked.

"My dear, are you going to throw this big snake to the land of the land or the country of the wind?"

"Yes, there is indeed this idea."

Without concealing the need, Noel admitted directly.

Upon hearing the answer given by Noel, Estes found that as he had guessed, the big snake in front of him was really used to harm two great powers.

Guess is right, but just don't understand how a big snake deals with two big powers.

Estes just wanted to ask, but Noel spoke first.

"When the transformation is completed, I will put it directly into the territory of the land country, and then the land country will have no time to pay attention to this."

"What about the country of wind?"

"The country of the wind will not matter even if it doesn't matter, because the name of the country of the wind cuts the military expenses of Ninja Village in its own territory, so that the village of Shayin doesn't listen to the command of the name of the village, as long as we have not attacked the territory of the country of the wind, It is impossible for the ninjas in the village of Shayin to fight against us."

After a moment's pause, Noel spoke again.

"But the land of the land and the country of the wind are different. The name of the land of the land is on an equal footing with the shadow of the village of Yanyin. As long as the request of the name of the country of the land is not too excessive, then the shadow of the village of Yanyin will agree to assist ."

When the question was answered, Esters nodded and said that he did not speak again.

It's just curiosity. Even if the ninjas in the village of Shayin are attacked, she won't frown at it, and she won't be able to have more powerful people in order to satisfy her desire to fight and kill.

Of course, now the information given by Noel is quite useful for the expansion of the kingdom of ghosts.

Suddenly thinking of something, Daphne felt it necessary to tell Noel.

"Sir Noel, I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

"This is the case. The black snake has a special ability, which will make it pass through, the ground becomes black, and the creature cannot survive. Now it has not been transformed, so the ability cannot be exerted. You’d better use it first Remove or put away, otherwise it will be bad after the renovation."

"As you said, it's better to put it away first."

After answering the sentence, Noel immediately started to work.

The space above the black snake cracked, and when it was determined that the open space was stable, it was received inside.

If it wasn't for Daphne's reminder, he really didn't know that the black snake had this ability.

Fortunately, it's too late, otherwise it's a real country of ghosts, only the kingdom of the dead living in ghosts.

You know, this is the daughter country created by Noel. It can be said that his harem is not an exaggeration. I don’t want to be a dead place here.

The matter is busy, but there is not much time to stay in the kingdom of ghosts.

So, of course, we should gather with the girls still in the palace and spend a happy time together.

Two days later...

The complete transformation of Wan Snake is completed, and now it is truly a black snake among the three major Warcrafts.

Since the black snake is a transformation of the psychic beast, the snake will be much stronger than the black snake from the zero world.

After spending two days in the Kingdom of Ghosts, now that the Black Snake is finished, Noel should leave here.

No way, it takes at least two days for New Kakashi to return to Konoha. Noor has no reason to return to Muye Village later than them.

Run to the Land of Earth at full speed, and then use the teleport crystal to return to Konoha, so that you arrive earlier than the new Kakashi, so you won’t be suspected.

After thinking about what to do, Noel greeted the women and left the country of ghosts.

Leaving the country of ghosts, flying at high speed.

It took a little time to finally cross the border of the kingdom of ghosts and burst into the territory of the kingdom of earth.

Under the ultra-high-speed flight, the border guards guarding the border of the country of land failed to find that someone had broken in, and even a shadow could not be seen.

In the end, Noel found a remote place without people, and then stopped and did not go deeper.

As soon as I stopped, I immediately started.

Connect the different space where the black snake is stored, and open the outlet of the different space in mid-air, then the figure of the black snake falls out from the inside.

The black snake released at this time has grown from tens of meters to nearly 100 meters in just two days.


With a loud noise, the huge body of the black snake fell from the air to the ground, and the turbulent waves made the sand fly away.

Noel's eyes narrowed sharply, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Go! Scourge this world!"

When the sound of the words just fell, the black snake with her eyes closed, opened her eyes violently.


The black snake raised its huge head, and it gave a roar to the sky as if to announce its arrival.

After the call was cool, he plunged into the ground.

Soon, nearly a hundred meters long black snake burrowed into the ground completely and disappeared from Noel's field of vision.

"I believe that in the near future, I will hear your reputation."

With a slight smile, Noel took out a teleport crystal and crushed it.

Teleporting the crystal to pieces, his figure disappeared without a trace in the territory of the land kingdom.

As soon as the forefoot left, there was a change here.

The dirt on the ground turned black, spreading at a very fast rate.

In places that have been transformed into black mud, insects and animals will instantly die, and the trees will be withered after being blackened.



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