Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 93: I am willing to marry you


I would like to ask again, but seeing the state of Hinata now, Noel gave up decisively.

It can be seen that Hinata is too nervous and shy to marry someone in a few days, and has no time to think about other things.

Because of this, Noel gave up persuading Hinata to give some advice so that she could be quiet.

What else can I do, I can only decide everything with the cheap father-in-law, Nissho Nisshin, anyway, Hinata can't count on it.

Before, I have discussed the more important things.

In the following time, Noel and Rixiang Rizu decided on some trivial matters.

It didn’t take long for everything to be decided.

He glanced at Hinata, and Hirohizu turned his gaze to Noel again.

"The little girl will take care of you in the future, please take good care of her."

The change of the day's direction and the day's foot suddenly made Noel stunned.

I can hear that the words of Nissho and Azuzu come from the heart, and I really think about Hinata.

You know, he started to solicit himself at that time, so he brought up the matter of marriage, never thinking about Hinata’s wishes.

The accident was an accident, but I did not forget to reply.

"Please rest assured that I will take good care of her."

"That's good."

With a nod of satisfaction, Hirohizu could hear that Noel was not talking casually, and then continued.

"After everything is discussed, I won't bother you young people here."

Out of courtesy, Noel was about to get up and deliver.

It's just that the Japanese sun and the Japanese foot smiled and raised their hands to stop it, and then walked out of the meeting room by themselves, creating a space for the two to be alone.

When the door was closed, Hinata finally recovered.

Yes, what Hirokazu said just now not only surprised Noel, but even Hinata was very surprised.

Hinata always thought that her father didn't care about himself, and never thought he would say what he had just said, which made her very touched by the accident.

"The beginning was to draw me in. When I gradually saw you find happiness, plus you are going to marry in a few days, probably this makes him want to understand."

Knoll embraced Hinata in his arms, whispering his conjecture, and added after thinking about it.

"I estimate that if you tell him that he doesn't want to marry me, he will be on your side."

"Please don’t mess with assumptions. I was really forced to help but before I got along with you for a while, I gradually fell in love with you. I am willing to marry you."

Raising his head and staring at Noel, Hinata's eyes were full of sincerity.

Suddenly for a moment, Noel didn't expect the silly girl Hina to be taken seriously, but what he said made him very happy.

After leaning in, he kissed Hinata and said with a smile.

"Are you confessing to me?"

After being kissed, Hinata's face turned red instantly, so ashamed that she buried her face in Noel's heart, and how dare she continue to stare at him.

Thinking that Hinata would not answer, Noel was so disappointed.

Disappointed in less than a second...

"Well, I'm confessing to you."

Hinata did not raise her head, but kept her face buried in Noel’s heart, and responded very quietly.

Gently pushing Hinata away, Noel held her face with both hands.

"I accepted."

Before Hirata responded, Noel leaned over and stamped her directly, but this time it was no longer a tap.

After the two had enough seals, they left the reception room together and walked out of the family land.

I wanted to go on a date, just remembered that there was someone waiting at home.

Hinata offered to go back first with Noel and take Camilla to play together.

"It seems that during the time I left the village, you got along well with Camilla."

"Her character is very similar to me, as if I saw another myself, probably for this reason, which made us quickly friends."

After hearing Hinata say this, Noel realized that she and Camilla were indeed quite similar in character.

Subsequently, the two went to the marriage room while chatting.

Walking on the way back, no matter where they go, they are the focus of attention.

There is no way. Under the widespread spread to the family in Japan, the good news that the two are about to get married is already well known in Muye, and it is difficult to think of it as a focus.

In this regard, Noel was nothing, and did not care.

And Hinata knew very well that it was better to get used to it as soon as possible.

So, even if I was a little embarrassed, I still held Noel's right arm tightly, and there was no sign of letting go.

Walking and walking, she gradually began to adapt, and the whole person relaxed, and no longer felt embarrassed.

In this way, in the case of being the focal person all the way, walk towards the marriage room.

When I came to the wedding room and was about to open the door, the door opened.

As the door opened, Camila's figure appeared in front of the two.

Camilla, who bowed slightly and stood in front of the door with a smile on her face, welcomed Noel's return.

"Welcome back, Lord Noel."

"Well, I'm back."

Noel nodded, reached out to rub Camilla's little head, and responded with a voice.

Enjoying the killing, Camilla took the initiative to rub the palm of her hand, just like a kitten.

Being ignored, Hinata didn't care much.

After spending a few days with Camilla, it became clear that she was not deliberately ignoring herself, but that Noel was very important to her, making her temporarily unable to see others.

Understanding to understand does not mean that you are willing to be ignored forever, only to make Camilla notice yourself.

"Camilla, how can you only welcome Noel, me?"



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