Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 94: Wedding day


In an instant, a few days passed without knowing it.

The wedding day.

Among the family of the Japanese family, the bride's family first held a "goodbye banquet" to entertain close relatives.

When the bride left the gate of her family, people used a broom to “sweep away” the bride’s footprints, and hung white lanterns in front of the door to show that the bride would live in harmony after marriage and never return to her family.

Under the **** of friends and relatives, we went to the marriage room between Hinata and Noel.

Friends and family gathered together.

In Hinata at this time, her hair was picked up and tightened with a turtle-shell comb, and she wore a white silk kimono dress. White is a symbol of the beginning of a new life and also means the end of the original life.

Because, from this moment, the bride is no longer the father's daughter, but a member of the husband's family.

Nuoer, who is next to Hinada, is wearing a black silk kimono, wearing a zebra skirt under her kimono, holding a white folding fan, and wearing white casual shoes.

The two stood in front of the door together, welcoming the invited guests.

The guests attending the wedding are also dressed in festive costumes, especially the bride's girlfriends are dressed up brightly, making the wedding ceremony icing on the cake.

When all the invited guests arrive, the guests will in turn send congratulatory congratulations to the bride and groom, and some also sing and dance to cheer for the wedding.

In the sound of blessings from relatives and friends, the groom presented flowers to the mother-in-law and the bride presented flowers to the mother-in-law. There is such a link.

However, Noor was alone in Muye Village, and this link was eliminated.

Not long after the congratulations were over, the wedding officially began.

The priest appeared and prayed for the blessings of the newly married couple Noel and Hinata.

Afterwards, the ceremony of "Three to Three Drinks" was held.

In the cheers, applause and blessings of the guests, a "three-three-three-nine-time pair of wine drinking" ceremony was held, that is, the bride and groom drank three pairs of wine with three pairs of wine glasses, and finished three drinks per glass.

After drinking, the bride and groom left the wedding hall surrounded by guests.

Next was the banquet time. Noel was left to entertain guests, and Hinata had to change clothes before appearing in front of others again.

Yes, at the wedding, the bride has to change several sets of clothes.

The first time is to take off the white dress and put on a gorgeous dress embroidered with auspicious patterns, the colors are gold, silver and red.

Finally, I have to put on another dark, kimono worn by the unmarried girl. This is the last time the bride wore this style of kimono, as the end of her innocent girlhood.

Two words, trouble.

Three words, very troublesome.

Four words, very troublesome.

Fortunately, there is no need to be as troublesome as Hinata, otherwise Noor, who is already afraid of trouble, will never be able to smile again.

Speaking of wedding banquets, every food on the table represents a good wish or happiness, prosperity, or longevity, and more children.

For example, the head and tail of the fish are both rolled up, and the whole fish forms a circle, symbolizing that the couple will never separate. The dark red color of lobster represents good luck.

As for desserts, Hinata chooses sticky rice **** made of sweet sticky rice to entertain guests.

In this way, the grand wedding lasted until the evening.

When everything is over, guests will be sent away one by one.

Sending the last guest away, Hirokazuka let the servants start to clean up and then came to Noel.

"I'll go back first. The servants will leave on their own after packing up. You go to accompany Hita."

"Brother-in-law, I will go back with my father and mother, bye."

Waving goodbye as he ran, Hiroshi Hanako ran towards his parents who had not walked away.

"Hinda married only today, and now you are planning for the future of Huahuo, you wish that the daughters would marry everyone, right?"

"Anyway sooner or later."

"I know, but you don't have to let Huahuo be allocated to him, but her brother-in-law."

"Kiss and kiss, isn't this better."

Just after catching up with my parents, I heard the content of the conversation between the two.

The two of her parents continued to talk about it without any worries, not worrying about being heard by her.

Huahuo, who is only eleven years old, does not seem to understand what she and others are saying.

"Japanese foot, you really are so optimistic about this son-in-law, even Huahuo intends to equip him?"

"If it wasn't too small for the fireworks, today is the wedding of their sisters."

"It seems that you are serious."

"Relax, wait until she reaches the age of marriage. If she doesn't want to, then I won't force her."

After a glance, the daughter walking beside her wife, Huohuo, said to the Japanese foot.

After observation, I found that my second daughter Spark had a good impression on Noel.

As long as it can develop smoothly, this kind of affection will become affection sooner or later, it is just a matter of sooner or later.

When the fireworks reach their age, as long as they mention the promise of allocating her to Noel, there will be eight or nine successes.

So, there is nothing to worry about at all.

Noel certainly has no knowledge of these things.

Even if he knew it, he would not go against it, but would clap his hands and applaud and praise his cheap father-in-law.

At this time, Noel, after seeing the figures of the three leaving, walked upstairs.

What are you doing?

At night, the bride Hinata is waiting in the room, what else can she do?

Of course it is...hehehehe...


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