Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 115: Heroes and heroes


It's not the same thing to always be on the ground. Pretending to be pretending, Noor is ready to get up from the ground.

When I saw that Noel took the initiative to sit up and was about to stand up.

Hinata quickly helped Noel's right hand, her cautious look, for fear that he would fall if he accidentally fell.

Tsunade suddenly threw the messy thoughts behind his head, and like a young field, he helped Nuoer to the other side, and slowly lifted him from the ground.

One left and one right, when the two women helped Noel up...


The gathered inhabitants of Konoha, as well as the Konoha ninja who maintained order here, all cheered at this moment.

Cheers, overwhelming, straight into the sky.

While the parents were cheering, a group of little ghosts who had no control at the moment ran towards Noel and others.

Even if the reaction came over, the parents of those little ghosts had no intention of catching up, so they stood on the ground and watched with a smile.

With a group of imps taking the lead, many young people also started to act.

Under Tsunade's eyes, the dark personnel responsible for protection did not stop the running ghosts, so they came to the three of Noel.

"How is the enemy?"

"Master Lord, have you been injured?"

"Thank you for saving us, Lord Noel."

"Are you tired? Do you want to rest again?"

The little ghosts just came around, and you shouted at me.

Those boys and girls who took a step late could only stop beside the few people in the dark part, and did not step forward to compete with the imps.


Suddenly, the word "hero" rang out from the crowd.

At this moment, everyone was quiet at this moment, so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing.

When the next second seemed to be agreed, everyone shouted out neatly.

"Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero!"

It lasted for a while and there was no sign of stopping.

Seeing this, Tsunade knew that if he wanted to make everyone quiet, it was estimated that the hero Noel would say a few words, otherwise it would really endlessly shout.

Just think about it, and gently hit Noel with your elbow.

"Just say a few words, otherwise they will not stop on their own initiative, and you don't want to be surrounded all the time."

"Isn't that what Huo Ying should do?"

"No way, what you did told the slug to tell everyone that now you have become a hero of Muye, and at this time they want to listen to what you say."

"Um...all right."

Just after talking softly with Tsunade, Noel raised his hands high and made a gesture to stop everyone.

Why not call it?

Stop it, everyone in Muye shouted in unison, even if it broke the throat, it couldn't be communicated, and it was impossible to stop everyone.

Seeing Noel's gesture, when everyone understood the meaning of the gesture, they told everyone around them.

Ten pass, ten pass.

Soon, the shouting people stopped one after another, their eyes all gathered on Noel, waiting for his speech quietly.

When it was completely quiet, Noel was stunned.

I really did not expect that the people of Muye could be completely quiet so quickly, so that he had no time to think about it.

Being looked at by everyone's eyes is really not a good environment for thinking.

It's time for that, then it can only be made daringly.

"Cough, first of all thank you for your love."

Thanks a bit, Noel quickly thought about how to continue, and then continued.

"You call me a hero, but I don't think so...

In my opinion, those Konoha ninjas who died to defend Konoha are the real heroes.

It was at the cost of their life that they tested out the intelligence of the enemy's strange abilities, and this is where the victory is now.

It's them"

Hey, hey, he made up a bunch of blinds and pushed the credit to the dead wood leaf ninja.

With the reminder of Noel's words, the eyes of everyone were gradually wet, and tears fell uncontrollably, especially the families of those who died in the war.

Although the credit was given to a group of dead people, would everyone really forget the credit of Noel?

Obviously, this is impossible.

On the contrary, by doing so, Noel reaps the goodwill of everyone, which is simply a big profit.

Touching the heart to push the credit, but this is just the beginning.

The people around consciously gave way a little, and Noel made a ninety degree bow.

"Because of my carelessness, the bodies of the heroes have been completely destroyed, and the families of the heroes have not been able to meet the last side. I apologize for this, right..."

"No! This is not your fault, Lord Noel."

"You are to protect us who survived."

"In order to protect us, you risked overdrafting Chakra and the vitality to fight the enemy, Lord Slug told us about this."

"Hurry up, we don't blame you."

"Yes, you did nothing wrong, no need to apologize to us."

"You and they are all kind, you are all heroes of Konoha!"

"Yeah, you are all heroes of Konoha!"

The families of the fallen were all moved by Noel's move, and no one intended to blame him.

At the strong request of everyone, Noel no longer maintained a ninety degree bow position.

But when he got up, all the personnel including Huo Ying made the same action at the same time.

"Thank you."

And this returned to everyone bowing together, very sincere thanks to Noel.


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