Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 116: Sister-in-law


After thanking, the residents of Muye finally dispersed at the request of Noel.

As for Naruto, Tsunade, she whispered a few words to Noel and left.

This is also impossible. Whoever let the current Muye Village be razed to the ground, accommodation and other issues need to be dealt with by Tsunabe, even if you can’t continue to stay with Noor.

Looking at the back of Gangshou leading the dark part away, Noel remembered that there seemed to be one less person.

"Hina, what about Camilla?"

"I let her stay with Hua Huo, and there are people from our family who are protected by the sun, you can rest assured."

Hearing the words, Hinata said where Camilla was, and let Noel know she was very safe.

Knowing where Camilla was, Noel nodded slightly.

"Then let's find them in the past."

"Okay, let's go."

In response, Hinata hugged Noel's right arm into his arms, his head still leaning forward.

Subsequently, the two left together slowly.

When the two walked out of the big pit, they saw that most of the Konoha Ninja had already invested in the reconstruction work, and many young and strong residents were also helping.

Anyone who sees Noel passing by, who is already busy, will greet him very enthusiastically and thank him again.

Along the way, Noel will nod slightly in response.

It didn't take long for the two to finally arrive at the location of the Japanese family.

However, it can be seen at a glance that not all the people of the Japanese family are here, only a small part of them.


"Master Lord!"

Upon hearing the words, Noel saw the two girls running in a hurry.

One of the maidens flew over in a leap just before arriving.

Seeing this, she could only draw her right hand from Hinata's arms and step forward to pick up the maiden who flew. Noel did not want her to fall to the ground or accidentally bump into Hinda.

"Brother-in-law, I have heard Lord Slug say, you are so good!"

Fly arrived, hanging on Noel like a koala, the girl said with a look of excitement.

"The fireworks are coming down, how can you hang on Noel like this, it is really rude."

"What does it matter, just hugs the brother-in-law."

"That won't work, hurry down!"

"No, I don't want to listen to you."

Hearing the elder sister Hina, the Japanese fireworks still didn't get off Noor, and twisted her little head to the side.

With a small waist wrapped around the fireworks, Noel prevented her from accidentally falling. "We are a family, don't care about any etiquette, it's better."

"That is, we are all a family, I just hug my brother-in-law, sister you are really stingy, hum!"

Seeing Noel speak for himself, the fireworks were more straightened.

Huahuo smiled, now she hugged tighter, her face still rubbing against Noel's heart, did not stop ignoring Hinata, enjoying the warm embrace.

Hinata smiled helplessly at this, and was no longer planning to continue to say anything, but felt that it was necessary to remind.

"Her husband, you must not spoil the fireworks, if she treats others like this in the future, it will not be a good thing for girls."

"I only hug my brother-in-law, so I won't do the same to others!"

Fearing that Noel would have misunderstood, he was enjoying the fireworks in his arms, and quickly uttered an explanation.

Hinata didn't think much about what Huahuo said.

After all, now that the fireworks are only eleven years old, Hinata doesn’t think she has any thoughts about Noel, and she feels that she is not using words properly.

"It wouldn't be the best, of course, but I still want to remind you that if you don't come down anymore, be careful to be seen by your father and mother. Then you will wait to be cleaned up."

Hua Huo pouted, not caring at all.

‘Father said, when I grow up but want to marry my brother-in-law, they won’t clean me up. ’

Before everything is officially decided, she won't tell her sister Hinata in advance, so she can only say something in her heart.

Originally, he had a good impression of Noel. Now he has become a hero to save Konoha, which is more in line with the image of Prince Charming in Huahuo heart, so I don't want to grow up and marry him.

"I know, I'm so wordy."

Hua Huo reluctantly left Noel's arms, in order to avoid her sister Hinata discovering anomalies in advance.

But she changed the way, put Noel's right hand into her arms, and then continued to speak.

"Brother-in-law, please tell me how to defeat the enemy, I really want to know."

"Okay, let's find a place to sit down and let me tell you slowly."

With a slight smile, Noel nodded in agreement.

He promised Huahuo. He looked at Camilla, who was silently standing, and reached over with her left hand, rubbing her little head, and then said.

"I am back."

"Welcome back, Lord Noel."

Ben was still a little lost. When the big hand touched his head, Camilla looked up and saw Noel's smile, and immediately showed a sweet smile.

At the same time, she thought to herself.

‘Sure enough, Lord Noel did not forget me, so happy. ’

Subsequently, the four found a place with few individuals to sit down.

After sitting down, Noel did not immediately tell Huahuo how to defeat the enemy, but first asked how there were so few people in the Japanese family.

It was later learned that Hirohizu received an order from Naruto and took a large part of the people to help, leaving only a dozen or so Ninjas of the Japanese family to protect their families.



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