Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 129: Urgently convene five shadow talks!


People who entered the office wanted to report to Tsunate verbally.

As the words were about to be exported, he saw a ninja wearing Yunyin's logo forehead, and he swallowed them back.

I can only move forward quickly and offer the letters I hold.

"Fortunately, thank you."

After receiving the letter, Tsunade didn't rush to open it immediately, and smiled at the person first.

The Konoha Ninja who came to report did not expect Naruto to say this to himself.

"No...Unfortunately, I retreated first, Lord Naruto."

It was a little flattered, and the Konoha Ninja was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Tsunei watched the man leave, and then opened the envelope in his hand, and took out the letter for inspection.

See the contents of the letter...

"An urgent meeting of the five shadows!"

I was very surprised. Tsuna said the content subconsciously.

Not only was she alone, there was one in the office, all looked surprised.

The Five Shadows Congress is a deliberative mechanism of the five heads of state.

The time of the first five shadow conference is after the initial establishment of the five major powers, the purpose is to discuss the issue of the distribution of tail beasts.

Generally speaking, when there are conflicts or major decisions among countries, the Five Shadows Conference will be held.

From the first time to the present, this is the second time that the Five Shadows Conference has been held.

Not surprised at all, that's really strange.

After recovering from his mind, Tsunade did not pay attention to the situation of other people, and then read the contents of the letter.

The curiosity was hooked, and the other four people present looked at Tsuneo with a grudge, complaining the same sentence in their hearts.

‘Why, half the words and half the words, want to die! ’

My heart is like being scratched by a cat.

Even more uncomfortable is that the three Yunyin ninjas who are outsiders want to know but cannot ask.

Unless Gangte is willing to speak out actively, they can only learn about the Five Shadows Club from Leiyingkou after returning to Yunyin Village.

Mute doesn't have such annoying things. It's clear that Tsunade will tell himself sooner or later, only to wait a little later.

It didn't take long for Tsunato to put down the letter under the eyes that the four people yearned for.

"The Wuying Conference is about to be held, and I will answer Lei Ying in person."


"The initiator of the Five Shadows Conference is your fourth generation of Lei Ying."

"I will convey your words to Lord Lei Ying."

Hearing that the initiator was Lei Ying, Han didn't hold on to things and agreed with Tsunade's proposal.

Based on her understanding of Ziying Leiying, she could guess that there was no need to complete the contents of the letter.

Seeing Han agreed with his proposal, Tsunato decided to give out a piece of information.

"Also, let me tell you a piece of information."

"Appreciate further details."

"Xiao's goal is human pillar strength. Although they don't know what they want to do with the tail beasts, Xiao must catch the living human pillar strength. The people in your village might still be alive."

"Really!?" x3

Whether it was cold or too much duo behind her, she asked in unison.

"I don't need to lie to you. The person in Shayin Village, Zhu Lifengying, was rescued by us from Muye, and was the information he provided to us personally."

After thinking for a while, Tsunade felt it necessary to remind and speak again.

"Compared with revenge, I think you should rescue the Eight-tailed Man Zhu Li first, otherwise he will really die."

"Master Naruto, thank you very much for the important information."

Bowing ninety degrees, Han Zhen sincerely thanked.

Thinking too much of the duo, they also quickly thanked Tsunade for bowing.

For three people, this information is really too important, and the bow is not enough.

You know, at first they thought that Chilawi was dead, and even Rai Ying thought so, so he only thought about revenge.

The information given by Ke Gangshou made them understand that Chilawi could not die in a short time, and it might save people alive.

As soon as thanks to Wan Gangshou, the three of them frowned.

It is clear that if you want to save Chilawi, you have to fight for time.

However, even if you return to Yunyin Village immediately, the journey will take four to five days, which will bring the information back.

"You go to the Five Shadows Club with us and report the matter to Lei Ying directly there. The province's Bai Bai ran back to Yunyin Village, wasting precious time saving people."

Seeing the three people's thoughts, Tsuneo proposed to them.

I feel that the proposal is feasible, but there are still some things to be determined, otherwise it will delay the time.

"Master Huo Ying, can you tell us where the five shadow meeting will be held."

"The location is in the Iron Kingdom. It takes more than a day to arrive from Muye, which is definitely better than rushing back to Yunyin Village or sending a letter back."

"What about the departure time?"

"Starting tomorrow morning, I think Lei Ying, as the initiator, should have arrived by then."

Questions and answers, after confirming several questions, Han Xianggang finally decided to go to the Iron Kingdom together.

When the matter was over, Tsunade asked Mute to take three people to find a place to rest.

Then, silently led the three people away.

There was only himself left in the office, and Tsuneo leaned back on the chair, talking to himself.

"I really didn't expect Yunyin Village to be attacked. Even the eight-tailed man Zhu Li was successfully captured, and he didn't know if he had caught a few tail beasts. Whether he would come to catch the nine tails again was really a headache. "

After finishing talking, start to close your eyes and recuperate and consider other things.



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