Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 130: Go to the Iron Kingdom


Time passed quickly, and a day passed in a flash.

At this moment, at the gate of Muye Village, a large number of people gathered here early in the morning, standing there waiting quietly.

The arrival of the 5th generation Naruto, the people gathered here are a little bit moved, and no longer stand there stupidly.

With the arrival of Tsunade, the people waiting here took the initiative to separate to the two sides, giving way to the middle road.

"Master Lord, the safety of Master Naruto will come to you."

"Xi Yan, you have to protect Lord Naruto."

"Sir Noel, and Xi Yan, Lord Naruto please you."

"Master Naruto, be careful on the road."

Gangshou led the people to walk in the road, and the people who had just given way to separate to the sides screamed at this time.

From the words of these people, it is not difficult to see that they are all coming to see off.

Tie Zhiguo and his entourage were selected as the guardians of Naruto.

One is Noel, and the other is Xi Yan who took off the mask of the dark part.

Hearing the see-offs, the three Yunyin Ninjas who followed behind suddenly looked at Noel.

Through the information probed yesterday afternoon, the three Yunren learned that it was a person named Noel, who resolved the crisis of Akatsuki's invasion of Konoha, but he was not able to actually see each other.

Now that I can see a real person, of course I have to observe it carefully.

Looking at Noel's back, Han couldn't help thinking.

‘Is he the one who solved the crisis in Konoha? ’

It's just that, apart from being so handsome, I couldn't see anything else.

No matter how careful the observation is, Noor is not like the strong man in the mouth of Muye residents, but like an ordinary handsome guy without power.

Han Shi couldn't imagine how the seven Xiao members who could force Konoha into such a field were repulsed by such a person.

Not only did Han think this way, but even the duo who followed her too much thought about it, simply couldn't understand it.

It is possible to destroy Konoha in such a miserable state, and even one of the famous three-forbearers has not lost the battle. This is enough to prove the strength of the seven Xiao members. They can never be seven parallels.

Thinking about it, there is only one possibility.

That is, Noel will hide very much, and his strength is too high to wait for others, so that people can not see what.

Now, Noel can be selected as one of Huo Ying's guards to participate in the Wu Ying Conference, which further illustrates this point.

‘What you see with your eyes is definitely a very deep disguise. It must be right. ’

When the three thought about Noel, they unknowingly walked outside the wooden leaf gate.

The front hand stopped, but fortunately the three of them reacted quickly, or they ran together.

Seeing Gang hands turned around, Han led the two to aside.

"Before I came back, Konoha pleased everyone."

"Yes! Lord Naruto!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, the wooden leaf ninja who came to see him off echoed in unison.

Nodding his head, Gangshou put on the red and white hat with the word "fire", and then he spoke again.

"Let's go."

After finishing talking, he did not stay any longer and stepped away.

Nuoer and Xiyan, as well as Yunyin's three ninjas, hurried to keep up with the leaving Tsuna.

"Bon Voyage"

Looking at the backs of the few people who left, the people who came to see off all raised their arms and waved, shouting all the way down the road and being careful on the road.

The figures of several people gradually disappeared...

Until they were completely invisible, the crowd gathered at the Muye Gate dispersed, and then invested in the reconstruction work.

On the other side, several people who are far from Muye Village are walking in the dense woods.

These people did not rush to the road and moved at the normal walking speed.

Walking along, Noel, who was walking side by side with Tsunade, reached out and grabbed her.

"I really can't stand it anymore. This ghost hate is really not for you. Don't wear it anymore."

The sudden move made Tsunato a little frightened and almost punched him.

On the other side of Gang Yan's Yu Yan, she had already pulled out the ninja sword more than half.

"I said, why are you so nervous?"

With a glance at the two women, Noel felt they were a little too nervous, and said very dumbly.

Tsunae and Yu Yan's mouth twitched, but he didn't expect that the wicked man would sue first, even as if he was right.

Snatching the hats in Noel's hand, Tsuneo stared at him fiercely.

"You still have a face to say, if it wasn't for you so suddenly, how could we have such a response, you dare the wicked to complain first!"

"I just shouldn't have stopped, I should have cut it with a knife."

After taking over the delivery of the hat, Yu Yan also spoke at this time, said with her teeth gritted.

Ignoring Xi Yan's words directly, Noel smiled and drew his hands close to him, and reached out to live in Xiaoman's waist.

Suddenly for a second, Tsunade's refreshing face suddenly flushed, but trying to break free was futile.

"What are you doing!"

"I hug my fiancee, it seems like there is nothing wrong with it."

"But...but...and outsiders..."

"Look at it if you like, you must learn to get used to it as soon as possible, otherwise we will..."

Before the words were finished, Tsunato quickly reached out to cover Noel's mouth and didn't let him continue.

You can't cover it, otherwise, I don't know what Noel will say without saying anything.

She knew very well that Noel really dared to say anything about it, there was no taboo at all, and she could not guarantee whether she would say something shameful.

She would rather be hugged like this, and she would not let Noel continue, nor could she break free anyway.



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