Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 133: Follow, I wait for you.


The expected result is just to try it.

Although the result is expected, now it will still be a little disappointing, but it is just a little disappointing.

What else can I do, of course, to go to the other room next door.

He closed his mouth, turned around and was about to go to the next door, but saw Yun Yin's three people, once again stiffened.

‘Nima! Why are they here! ? ’

When did the three people arrive? Noel really didn't pay attention.

There are three people over there, and now they are neither walking nor walking.

There can never be a sentence "We haven't seen anything". Isn't that the place where there is no silver?

Therefore, the three can only stand there embarrassingly, looking at each other with the same embarrassing Noel, waiting for someone to break the embarrassing situation.

After waiting for a while, there was no one to break the awkward situation, and finally Noel stepped forward.

This is also impossible. It is impossible to stand still and stand still forever, which would make it more embarrassing.

"Hanmei, I will stay at night. You are always welcome to come."

After winking at Han, he walked to the room next door, pushed the door and walked straight in.

In the corridor, only three people were left in a daze.

"Sure enough, the handsome guy is tasteful."

First of all, I went back to the weight of God, what I knew, and then couldn't help it.

"Light, who makes you a good figure without the captain, a normal person will choose the captain, you have to learn to get used to this kind of thing."

"Asshole! You're verbose!"

Hearing the words, Qing was instantly ignited and rushed towards it.

These two men began to chase after another farce.

When they patronized the noisy two, they didn't notice Han's anomaly at all, otherwise they would definitely be surprised.

In the eyes of the two, Han is a bit cool, calm, calm, smart, and a cold-hearted person who has never seen her smile, and has always maintained a cool ice face.

But now, it's rare to have a shy look on her face, how can this not surprise people.

It was so rare to see them, but the two were just blindly fooling around and did not notice at all.

Han walked into the room first and was thinking about something in a state of absentmind. He didn't stop them as he always did, and he could be said to forget them.

After entering the room, he casually found a place to sit down.

‘Is he kidding, or is he serious? ’

I thought, looking at the wall on the right hand involuntarily, as if I could see through the wall, just staring at it all the time.

Suddenly, I didn't know what was going on in my head, and my whole face became red.

‘No, no, no, he already has a fiancée, and the fiancee is still Huo Ying, he must be kidding. ’

It's just, the next second...

‘That’s just fiancee. They are not really married. Even if they are really married, it’s normal for three wives and four concubines. If it’s too big, I’ll be small. ’

The more I think, the more ridiculous it is to the point where I don’t care if I have a fiancée or if I am married.

In the end, Han struggled with the question of whether it was past.

It's just that it's very troublesome to get no results for a long time.

In order to solve the embarrassing scene, Noel did not know to bring such trouble to Han, it was just a joke.

If you let Noel know, it will definitely make her stop thinking about it, and don’t waste her time to come over and fight together until dawn.

However, he didn't know it, and he didn't.

In another room...

Noel, who had just come out of the bathroom, immediately noticed that there was something wrong in the room, and his eyes were staring at the table not far away.

"It hasn't been before, who put it on?"

Before he finished speaking, Noel instantly denied his thoughts and continued.

"No! If someone comes in, I can't help it!"

Someone came in to put down things and left silently.

Based on Noel's perception, someone has been there and he can't find it, let alone go out without a sound.

The most important point is that no ghosts have been close to the room just now, and the duo in the hallway just think too much.

Thinking, his eyes moved to the open window.

"Not right, even if I came in from the window, I will find it."

Shaking his head slightly, he was too lazy to continue his random thinking, and decided to take a look.

When you arrive at the table, directly reach for a piece of paper on the table.

"Follow, I will wait for you."

Reading the content on the paper, Noel felt confused.

"It's inexplicable. I was alone in this room, not even a small animal. Follow a ghost!"

Just after complaining, the paper moved independently, as if it were alive.

After seeing this, Noel finally understood what he meant and immediately released his hand.

The paper did not fall to the ground, but floated in front of him and began to fold on its own.

Soon, the paper became an angel.

When he saw the shape of the origami, Noel knew who the other person was.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the origami circle around me, and then floated towards the open window.

"I want to see what tricks you guys can play."

Without informing the others, Noel decided to go to the meeting alone and set off to follow.

Of course, it is not unprepared.

The coordinates have been recorded here, and if it is found that it is a plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, it can also come back in an instant.

As for whether there will be an ambush in the place to be followed later.

There is nothing to worry about at all. In front of absolute strength, ambush is just a joke, which is not useful to him.



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