Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 134: I hope you can help me get revenge!


Noel followed the origami leading the way to the woods far away from the inn.

Thinking about how far he had to go, the origami stopped.

In an open space in the woods, Noel ignored the floating origami and turned his head to look closely at the surroundings.

The moving gaze eventually stopped on a big tree.

"Don't pretend, come out."

In addition to the wind, Noel got no response from anyone and said again.

"If you want me to do it, I really owe it."

The right leg kicked out violently, producing a vacuum cut with a super high-speed kick, striking the tree in front of him.

The next second, the big tree that became the target of vacuum cutting, immediately changed the paper and spread out.

As the paper spread out, the figure of one person gradually emerged from it.

The vacuum that struck at a high speed cut across the man's head not far away, accelerating the speed of paper scattering.

When the paper was gone, the person who was hiding in it looked at Noel in a puzzled way.

Since it has been discovered long ago, there is no possibility that the vacuum cut will fail.

A miss, only to show that Noel was merciful and deliberately raised the vacuum cut, otherwise at the speed of the vacuum cut, there was no possibility of evasion.

"Why should you be merciful?"

"Xiao Nan, what about your buddy?"

Noel gave no answer, so he pretended to look around.

Yes, the hidden person is Xiao Nan, one of the members of the Xiao organization.

From the moment when I saw the origami in the room, I was sure that the person who led me was Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan is the goal of earning a harem. After confirming that the hidden person is her, how can she kill her.

So, it was indeed mercy just now.

The reason for shifting the topic is that Xiao Nan would not believe it when he said it, it would be better not to say it.

When I thought of something, I said again.

"Wouldn't it be deliberately leading me over, your little buddy going to besiege Huohu!?"

"No one else, only me."

Xiao Nan shook his head slightly, showing a sad expression.

Regardless of the expression or tone, it doesn't seem to be pretending.

‘Are Nagato dead! ? ’

Based on his knowledge of Xiao Nan, Noel could only think of this possibility.

For Xiao Nan, she doesn't care about the life and death of the other members, only the Nagato.

Nagato is Xiaonan’s only relative in the world, but just now she said that she was left alone.

Unless Nagato is dead, Xiaonan will never say such words, let alone express such a sad expression.

This is just speculation, it still needs to be determined.

"Nagato is dead?"

"How do you know my name and Nagato!"

I didn't respond before, but now I heard Noel say the name of the long door again, but Xiao Nan noticed this time.

Opening your eyes and talking nonsense, Noor is the best at it, even if you don't even think about it, you can come open.

"Two toads told me."

"Two toads?"

"The psychic beast from the beginning, the two toad fairies of Miaomu Mountain, I learned from them."

"It turns out that it's a teacher from the beginning..."

Hearing it was a psychic beast from the beginning, Xiao Nan believed Noel's words.

During the last retreat, Nagato told her that she had found her identity, and she also let two psychic beasts leave before she died.

She got the answer to her doubts, and now she has solved Noel.

"Yes, Nagato is indeed dead."

"In other words, are you here to avenge me?"

The question was asked, but Noel had already determined that Xiao Nan was here to avenge his revenge, and he complained in his heart.

‘Long door, long door, you shouldn’t have been so desperate at the time, and it’s harder for me to attack Xiaonan now. It is estimated that I can only use tough methods, otherwise I can’t take her away. ’

This is a deadly feud. It’s either you die or I live. There is no negotiation at all.

"No, I hope you can help me get revenge!"

"Hey, hey, you can just take revenge, and let me commit suicide too much!"

"When did I make you commit suicide?"

Xiao Nan froze for a moment, his eyes full of doubts.

"You said you want me to avenge you, it's not calling me..."

Halfway through the words, Xiao Nan's puzzled expression, Norton suddenly found that something was wrong and quickly asked instead.

"Aren't you avenging me?"


Shaking his head, Xiao Nan said with certainty.

Although the reason why Nagato will die, Noel is also responsible.

But that was also the result of Nagato's self-seeking. If he didn't decide to attack Konoha, it would be impossible to play against Noel.

If you do not fight, Nagato will not **** yourself, nor will you be succeeded by others.

She still made sense, and looking for revenge also wanted to find the murderer who actually killed the Nagato, rather than Noor, who passively protected the village.

not to mention.....

"Before Nagato died, he said that only you can fight against the reincarnation eye, and only you can fight Ning Zhibo's spot, let me come to you and get shelter, just..."

"You don't want asylum, and you know that you are not that person's opponent, so you want me to avenge you, right."

No need to finish Xiao Nan's words at all, Noel already knew her plans.

At the same time, I probably know what happened.

What happened should be that Nagato was ambushed by counterfeit spots on the way back to Yuyin Village with Xiaonan.

After fighting in Konoha, Nagato is already about to return to heaven.

In order to ensure the safety of Xiaonan, Nagato can only lead the counterfeit goods to another place to fight, and finally could not be killed.

Before Nagato dies, she tells Xiao Nan a last word through a certain way to let her know what to do next.



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