Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 135: To give everything


Before Nagato dies, she tells Xiaonan a last word through a certain way to let her know what to do next.

On the one hand, it should be what Xiao Nan said just now, the long gate let her take refuge in Noel for asylum.

On the other hand, it should be the matter of letting Xiao Nan don’t go back to Yuyin Village and withdraw from Xiao Organization since then. There is no place for her.

"You are right!"

Not annoyed to be interrupted, Xiao Nan gave confirmation and then said.

"As long as you help me take revenge, I am willing to pay any price, including myself!"

In order to get revenge, I decided to give everything.

No way, Xiao Nan can get enough remuneration, only his own.

Seeing that Noel gave no answer, he thought he did not believe what he said.

"Can you give me the curse mark first, and"

Xiao Nan's heart was horizontal, and he suddenly ripped off the red cloud robe he was wearing, and then he continued.

"You can get my people right away."

For such a reward, Noel really has no reason to refuse, which can save a lot of trouble.

What's more, the meat that has been voluntarily delivered to the mouth can't be eaten.

"Are you afraid of my remorse?"

"I'm afraid, but I have no choice, only you can help me."

"I will avenge you, but it will take a while, you..."

"I can wait for as long as I can, as long as you can do it."

Not waiting for Noel to finish his speech, Xiao Nan directly expressed his attitude.

Nagato was killed, and Samsara eyes must have fallen into Ning Zhibo's hands, which made him stronger.

In her view, Noel may not be Ning Zhibo's opponent, so it takes time to make the strength go further, and then it will be more confident.

Noel's strength, she has seen in Konoha, as long as there is enough time, she can definitely become stronger.

In this regard, she is very confident, very worthy and willing to wait.

"Well, I promise to bring him to the front of you, so that you can avenge yourself."

Xiao Nan was willing to wait, and Noel made a guarantee.

Hearing the words, Xiao Nan's face rarely smiled, and walked slowly.

"I believe in you, don't let me down."

Came to Noel, hugged his neck with both hands, and took the initiative to offer up (mouth/do not).

Nuoer embraced Xiao Nan's waist with one hand, and grabbed a crystal in the void with the other hand, and directly crushed the crystal that appeared.

The crystal shattered, and the two embracing disappeared instantly.

Throughout the woods, they could no longer be found, and they really disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, the two who had just disappeared in the woods had appeared in the inn room.

Just back, Noel waved his hand and arranged the enchantment in the room, just in case it would be too big to be heard by the next door, fearing that it would be troublesome.

Everything is ready and the battle officially begins.

The battle was very fierce, and Xiao Nan, who was a novice, was beaten back and forth, and Noel kept chasing after winning.

Time passed away

In the end, Noel won a great victory, and Xiao Nan was beaten.

After defeating Xiao Nan, he slept in the warm embrace of Noel, and he was very tired.

Looking at the person in his arms, he couldn't help thinking.

‘I didn’t expect that she would be taken in this way, which was really smooth. ’

Eat is in your mouth, but if you want Xiao Nan to get her heart completely, you have to implement the promise.

However, that's not a big problem.

The promise can be fulfilled at any time, but the counterfeit goods still have the value of use for a while, otherwise they will come back early and let Xiao Nanzai take it.

Don't think about it anymore, there is another problem that needs to be solved.

what is the problem?

How to arrange Xiao Nan, which made Noel for a while, really do not know what to do.

After all, her identity has been known for a long time, and it’s impossible for Tsunato to pass it alone, and it’s impossible to take it with her.

Thinking about it, I never think of a good solution.

"Forget it, when she wakes up and asks about the situation, then make plans."

I temporarily gave up and decided to wait until tomorrow.

No longer asking for trouble, Noel tightened his arms and closed his eyes to sleep.

The next day...

The dawn dawn lifted off the veil of night, spit out the splendid morning light, and ushered in a new day.

Feeling the movement in his arms, he slowly opened his eyes.

"I have flowers on my face?"

"I'm just determining if I'm dreaming."

"Is that certain now?"

"Well, it's already determined, not a dream."

After talking, Xiao Nan tried to prop up his body and didn't want to lie down anymore.

However, Noel did not make her wish, pulled her back into her arms, hugged tightly to not let go.

"Don't move, I have something to ask you."

There was no response, Xiao Nan had given up on the plan, waiting for Noel's following.

Seeing this, Noel did not let Xiao Nanjiu wait, and spoke again.

"During the attack on Konoha, did those who saw your appearance leave a living mouth?"

Xiao Nan looked at Noel suspiciously, very puzzled why he asked this.

Uncomfortable, she still remembered hard.

"Remember that at that time, I did take advantage of the chaos to capture several Konoha ninjas, but I couldn't force out the whereabouts of Zhu Li, and then I killed them all."

"This matter is related to your stay, so you have to think about it carefully."

Noel looked very serious, emphasizing the importance of things.

Hearing this, Xiaonan immediately took it seriously and dared not treat it sloppyly.

Zai carefully memorizes, I don't miss any details, I'm afraid there is something missing.

After confirming it again and again, this gives a reply.

"I'm pretty sure that there is absolutely no life left."



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