Tsunade waved his hand, indicating that it was all right.

"That, Tsunade-sama, is your disciple really that strong?"

She glanced at Mute and said:

"Ten years ago, Oh Yemu dared not act rashly, so much that her wife could frighten her, let alone now?"

After listening to the mute, my heart was shocked... I didn't respond for a long time.

Chapter [-] The Hanging Begins

In the afternoon, Dunn returned to the ramen shop and told Kushina's three daughters about the Hokage office.

Junma Lu and several others also put down the rags and plates and came over.

"Well, this is your second mission, and it's an S-level mission! You must complete it well, you know! This is an S-level mission~!"

"Mr. Tang En, it's a trivial matter, isn't it an S-level mission, let alone Orochimaru's subordinate, even Orochimaru - it's nothing."

"Cough, Xianglin, don't underestimate any opponent! You have the final say on how to complete the task. Whether the enemy kills or slashes is up to you, as long as you bring those people back to me intact, it will be OK. Now, this involves a lot of money!"

Uchiha Izumi's face darkened.She lowered her head so that she could not see her expression.

"Mr. Tang En, all you care about is how much money Konoha can give you for this mission, right?"

Saying that, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Dunn with a smile.

"Uh uh uh... how can it be! This is a task that I have arranged for you to train you! Koizumi, how can you think of your teacher so much! Besides, I'm the kind of character who loves money!"

Junma Lu and the others began to complain endlessly in their hearts: I rubbed it, you just love money, okay?We are not blind...

Although Koizumi, whom Tang En provoked, was dissatisfied and pouted and pretended to be cute, he was still sent out.

Looking at the backs of several people leaving, he smiled bitterly.

"Hey, even Koizumi saw through you! You miser!"

Jiuxinai raised her eyebrows and patted Dunn on the shoulder.

This time it's Dunn's turn to complain...

Not to make money for you!Besides, hey, the money is in your little vault, okay?I can only buy one box of tobacco with my pocket money every day!

"Hey, where did Hinata go?"

"Uh... I rely on it, Hinata also followed!"

Ten thousand grass-mud horses rushed past Tang En's mind, this time he was stupid!


On the way to the Forbidden Village.

Kaguya-kun Maro, Xue Zhibai, Uchiha Izumi, Vortex Xiangpho, Hinata Hinata and others jumped quickly from the huge trees to drive their way.

At the speed of five of them, they will soon catch up with the squad in front.

Right on their way!


In the distant land, a huge earthquake sounded suddenly.

"White eyes, open!"

When Hinata discovered the situation, he opened his eyes to investigate!

Looking closely, it was not someone else who caused this super shock. This time, Jirofang, one of the four members of the forbearance group, officially came to take Sasuke away.And the opponent is a fat man who is officially the same size as him, Akimichi Choji.

In Hinata's eyes, Akida Dingji was being beaten by Jirofang's infinite combos. The place where the two of them fought was shattered. There were broken rocks everywhere, and the ground was cracked with many cracks.

"I didn't expect that you fat man is really capable. To deal with a mediocre like you, I need to use the form of the curse seal. Bah!"

Shi wasted one foot on Qiu Dao Dingji's head and said disdainfully.Then he spit.

Then he smiled grimly, and saw Jirofang's eyes flashing with infinite killing intent.

"Well, it's finally over, you rubbish. I've been delayed for so long on you, and it will take a lot of effort to catch up with them!"

The outcome has been decided, and the current Qiu Dao Dingji has no ability to resist!

"Cough, I didn't expect him to be so strong, it seems it's time to take this last-minute red pill!"

Qiu Dao Dingci thought to himself, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind. After using the third red pepper pill, his strength will increase explosively, and he will get the strength to crush Jirofang, but again, he will pay a price for his strength. !

This is, at this moment, in order to protect his companions, he does not regret it!He also understands that if this enemy is let go at this time, then!Your teammates will be in endless danger!

"I'm Qiu Dao Dingji, the fat man of Qiu Dao's family! I can't fail! For the sake of my teammates! Even if it is!"

Qiu Dao Dingci's eyes flashed with firm belief, at this moment, he was ready to take the last killer!

Just at this critical moment!A voice entered Jirofang and his ears at the same time.

"Is this the kid of Qiu Dao's family? It should be the rescue target in the mission that the teacher said."

As soon as these words came out, Jirofang was stunned, and Qiu Dao Dingci was also stunned!The two turned their heads at the same time!

Kaguya-kun Maro!Snow White!Vortex balsamic!Uchiha Izumi!Hinata Hinata.

"You...you, ahem, it's Mr. Junma Lu..."

The Junma Lu team, five people stood on the branches, looking down at them!

"Huhu...is it reinforcements?" Qiu Dao Dingci suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!Also gave up the idea of ​​taking red chili pills.

Jirofang frowned and said angrily:

"It's endless, a group of trash fish, since that's the case, let's clean up you together!"

Jirofang snorted lowly, and the second state of curse and seal broke out!

In this state, even if it is one against five, he is not false!

He is the strongest now!


All at once?

I wiped. !

I give full marks to you for being a force!

Facing Jirofang's pretentious behavior, the group of five remained unmoved. Except for Junmalu's facial paralysis and Bai Wannian's unchanging smile, Hinata was more introverted, and the rest of Uchiha Izumi's mouth twitched.

They thought in their hearts, was it because every time Mr. Tang En appeared, the enemy was so pretentious!

This time they also experienced the same feeling, not to mention, it's sour!

When Jirofang noticed the expressions of this group of people, his anger suddenly erupted!

"How dare you underestimate me!"

"Tu Dun · Tu Ling Tuanzi!"

I saw Jirofang shouted angrily, and dug out a huge round rock block with a diameter of about three meters from the ground!

Then the veins on the arm bulged, and he raised it with a low drink!

"The strength is not bad." Several people nodded at the same time, and commented on the matter.

The next moment, Jirofang launched an attack!

"Knoba's little fish, die for me!" I saw him roar, and he shot in an instant!Directly threw the huge stone out!Smashing at Junma Lu and the others!

Qiu Dao Dingji, who was dying on the ground, said nervously:

"Get out of the way, that thing, yes!!! Uh."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a scene that made Jilangfang and Qiu Daoji also stunned!

The huge stone was about to hit Junma Lu and the others, and one of them, the red-haired vortex Xianglin, pouted and took a step forward!

In the next moment, he disappeared from everyone's sight!

At this time, the strange thing is that the boulder with huge inertia that erupted most of Jirofang's power actually stayed in the air.

PS: A friend's book, "The Temple of All Worlds".A few more words, please bear with me.

Chapter [-]: Jirofang exploded

Uh, in the sight of Jirofang and Qiu Dao Dingji, the boulder miraculously stopped in the air.

If you look at it from the perspective of Junmalu and others, you will find that Xianglin raised an arm and blocked it lightly.


The next moment, something even more terrifying appeared!

I saw that boulder, starting from the center, cracks slowly appeared, kakaka...

Then, with a loud bang, the boulder shattered into countless stones of the same size, scattered on the ground...

And the figure of Xianglin also appeared in the sight of Jirofang and Qiu Daoji.

Qiu Dao Dingci was shocked and said stutteringly:

"Okay, what a terrifying power, even this kind of trick can be caught casually!"

"Come on, my trash fish is your opponent!"

As the incense phosphorus floated down, he immediately raised his hand and hooked his fingers at Jirofang, saying sarcastically.

"Too deceiving!"

Saying that, Jirofang suddenly rushed out and gave a low drink!

"Knee up!"

Xianglin pouted, what is so proud of this power!He raised his arm, ready to hold the knee that Jirofang was attacking.

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