Click!The ground beneath the two of them shattered instantly, showing the strength of their strength, but Xianglin did not move.

"Humph! Shoulder!"

Immediately, Jirofang changed his posture, shook his shoulders, and hit Xianglin's face directly!

I saw Xianglin took a half step back, raised his hand into a palm, and met the shoulder that Jirofang bumped into!

Bang! ! ! ! !

The ferocious chakra overflowed, and the air was shaken!

But still no effect!

Jirofang was terrified!This is impossible!This... the full power of the second form of the curse mark can't even shake this woman in the slightest...

"Press the palm! Ah ah ah ah ah!"

There is no way, the output depends on roar!Jirofang pinning his hopes on his own voice is obviously stupid...

"Ah your sister!"

Xianglin snorted softly, and then!

"Huo Dun · Huo Huo Dayu Spiral Pill!!!"

Buzzing, I saw Xianglin's free hand suddenly produced a huge chakra ball!

Then, he suddenly pressed it on Jirofang's round belly!


With the roar of Jirofang, he was pushed out by the arrogant big jade spiral pill!There was a loud bang, and the body was embedded in the rock wall!

At the same time, he withdrew from the second form of the curse and was hit by the Huo Dun·Haohuo Dayu Spiral Pill. His entire skin turned into coke, and he seemed to be unable to survive!

Xianglin snorted lightly, and said to several people in the tree:

"Too weak, not challenging... This is the strength of the elite Junin, who dares to underestimate the enemy, scumbag."

Qiu Dao Dingji, who was seriously injured in the rubble, who was still lying on his stomach, laughed bitterly in his heart when he heard this.

What is the strength of this elite Jōnin, who are these people!Teacher Junma Lu's teammates are very afraid...

"Okay Xianglin, let's help Qiu Dao Dingji to treat him first, we still have to hurry!"

"Oh fine."

Saying that, Xianglin came to Fatty's side, put his palm on his abdomen, and then lit up green chakra.

After a while, he rescued Qiu Dao Dingji, who was seriously injured, and said to him at the same time:

"Go back to Konoha by yourself first, someone will pick you up later, we still have tasks, so let's go first!"

After speaking, several people jumped on the branches and left in a blink of an eye.

"Uh, so casual. I also have to work hard to improve my strength! Otherwise, I can only drag Naruto and the others back!!"

On the way to pursue the pursuit, Junmaro and others followed the signal left by Shikamaru and rushed all the way.

"Shukamaru deserves to have a tactical mind that even Mr. Tang En admires, and a very clever way. This way we will have a lot of time left. If everything goes well, we can return to Konoha tonight!"

Uchiha Izumi commented, in fact, in her heart, she wanted to return to Konoha quickly!It's a hassle to do...


After moving on for a while, Hinata discovered the battle not far ahead!

"Sister Quan, there is a battle ahead, it's Brother Neji."

"Oh? Neji Hyuga, the genius of the Hyuga clan. How is the situation?"

"...Injured, and not lightly."

in the venue.

Kitomaru had a playful look on his face. After so long of fighting wits and bravery, for him, a long-range sniper who uses his brain, he has already figured out the weakness of Neji Hyuga and the weakness of Baiyan, no.It is the weakness of the separation of eyes.

At this moment, Hyuga Neji was breathing heavily, with scars all over her body and a penetrating wound on her left chest.

"This guy is so strong! He's the strongest ninja I've ever met since I fought! He's so much stronger than me!" Hyuga Neji felt a little desperate, but he still held on and didn't fall!

"The soft fist is basically invincible in melee combat, but he is not a melee ninja, and the spider sticky gold he made is even more troublesome. It can not only prevent the penetration of chakra, but also become as hard as iron……"



The golden arrow passed through the green jade forest in a hurry, and with a scalp-numbing murderous aura, hurriedly flew towards Hyuga Neji.

At this time, Hyuga Neji also felt a terrifying deadly murderous intent behind him!

Because of the defect of the separation, if you dodge this arrow, you can only run!

With that said, Neji dragged his severely injured body and started running and jumping!

However, this arrow seemed to have eyes, firmly grasping Neji's flaws, drawing a graceful arc, and continuing to fly towards him strangely!

"What? It's possible to change direction, damn... This time it's dead."


He has nowhere to run!

The damn curse!

The sadness of separation!

In the distance, Guitong Maru sneered.

"It's over, hum."

But the next moment, Guitongmaru's smile froze on his face, his mouth widened and he made a clack, something stuck?

Next to Neji Hyuga, a figure suddenly appeared!

The two have a common feature, that is, white eyes!

Needless to say, Hinata Hinata arrived!

I saw her whole body burst out with visible, surging blue chakra, and snorted!

"Magic Body 4.4 Technique, Yin-Yang Taiji, Sparrow's Tail!"

Tang En's unique skills, Tai Chi reappears!

Hinata's legs are spread apart, her hands are round, and her whole body is driven by the power of her arms!

When the arrows approached, Hinata put both hands into palms and drew circles, leading the sticky golden arrows full of huge inertia away from the original track!

As Hinata began to move the arrows, one circle, two circles, three circles!The arrows began to revolve around Hinata with her movements!

Suddenly, Hinata's white pupils suddenly flashed a blue light!

next moment!

Bang bang bang!hum! !

Accompanied by a circle of sound explosions, the sticky golden arrows exploded suddenly by Hinata's power accumulated by the rotation of the bird's tail!

One pull, one pull, shoot straight at Guitong Maru in the distance!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets. QVQ

Chapter [-] It's time for dinner

At the same time, Guitong Maru in the distance suddenly felt that his sticky golden arrows were out of control. What happened?

Suddenly, he felt a chilling murderous aura covering his whole body with numbness on his scalp.

This is……

For a ninja like Kitomaru who uses his brain, analyzes tactics, and starts fighting, it is the best choice to analyze the situation at the first time!

But Hinata didn't give him a few seconds!

Boom boom boom~~~~~~~~~

The sound of the sonic boom is getting closer and closer, and there is a roaring sound throughout the forest!

Guitongmaru narrowed his eyes, and the next moment, he saw the arrows flying towards him!

Immediately yelled!


Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka, I saw the arrow all the way through the tree, the speed did not decrease, and instantly hit Guitong Maru!

I saw the body of Kidoumaru, and the arrow continued to fly forward without slowing down!I don't know how many trees I have pierced all the way!

Finally, with a puff, he hung the six-armed Guidomaru on the tree.

Not far away, Jun Ma Lu and the others looked at this scene and were stunned.

"Hey, Junmalu, did you know that 25 Hinata has such a grumpy side?"

Fragrant asked curiously.

Junma Lu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

I thought to myself: I didn't expect this little junior sister to have such a side, is it because of Hyuga Neji? After all, she is a relative...

After a while, Hinata rushed over with Neji.

Neji looked sideways and saw Guidoumaru, who was hanging on a tree with his arrows like a spider playing with his arrows, and was shocked at the same time.

He also saw the technique used by Hinata just now.

You heard it clearly, magic body art!

Magic Body Art, Yin-Yang Tai Chi, Sparrow Tail!

what is this! ?Never heard of it.

It's not like Ninjutsu, it's not like Taijutsu, it's not like Ninjutsu!

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