"Hey, Tina, how about taking me home? A leisurely life is waiting for you!"

"No, Tina wants to be a righteous navy..."


"Tina, do you think the navy is just?"

Chapter fifty-seven the eternal truth

The year 1511 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Great route.

The sea, which was originally rough and stormy, could overturn the pirate ship at any time, suddenly calmed down.

The sun quietly revealed its body from the dark clouds, and beams of warm sunlight passed through the thick clouds and shone on the boundless sea.

The sparkling sea seems to be in line with the shocking battle that just happened. When the battle is over, they are also sea, sky and sky!

Beautiful great route, showing its beautiful side at this time.

In the distance, the boundless sea is connected with the clear sky, forming a wonderful landscape of water and sky.

On the sea not far away, there is a figure standing, and on the shoulders of this figure, there is another person on the shoulders.

It was a big sexy woman in a burgundy suit and a beautiful pink shawl.

The bright red lipstick is applied to the beautiful lips to add more femininity.

Tang En gently released the sticky fruit ability on Tina's body, put her down from his shoulders, and changed her to a princess hug.


Tina exclaimed in a low voice because she had no preparations!

Subconsciously, she wrapped her arms around Dunn's neck and embraced them.

"What are you doing! Tina is angry!"

Dunn laughed, such Tina is so cute.

"Tina, you took the initiative to hug me!"

"Bastard! If it weren't for you...you!!"

"what happened to me?"

"Humph! Tina hates you!"

"Tina, do you want to go home with me? You see, I have worked so hard to save you from a long distance, do I have to..."

"...No, I'm the Navy! And I like justice."

"A girl of justice? Hehe, there is also a woman in my family with a similar personality to you. She is also very upright, and even said that it is a bit... old-fashioned."

Tina pouted!

"You still have a woman!?"

"...Cough, what is that, Tina! I'll tell you when you come home with me!"

"No, Tina wants to be a righteous navy."

Tang En sighed in his heart, as expected...

The two of them stood on the sea so quietly, letting the sea breeze blow.

After a while of silence, Dunn lowered his head, but Tina's bright and beautiful eyes asked softly:

"Tina, do you think the navy is just?"


Tina was silent for a while, then clenched her hands tightly around Tang En's neck, and replied softly:

"I don't know either, but compared to the pirates who burn, kill and plunder everywhere, unscrupulously, and destroy countless families in this era, the navy must be just."

Dunn smiled happily.

That's right, now this chaotic era of big pirates has turned into a pot of porridge.

Relatively safe places are only the east, west, north, south and four seas that are not on the great route, plus the new world under the rule of the four emperors.

Because of the division of forces, the civilians under the protection of various forces have had good and bad times.

Red-haired, white-bearded certainly makes sense.

And Kaido and Big Mom... I'll let you die?

"Tina, there are good and bad among pirates, you can't be so one-sided. On the other hand, the navy is also good and bad."

"To put it bluntly, everyone is fighting for their own interests."


"Forget it, you are still young, and you see very little. The navy is just a pig-killing knife in the hands of the World ZF."

"Pirates are evil? The navy is justice? This kind of argument can't hold up forever. Young people of this era who don't know what peace is and don't know what war is, don't have any qualifications to evaluate, so this kind of distorted The values ​​are wrong, Tina."

"Tina doesn't understand."

Dunn glanced at her, then looked up at the sky.

"Tina, only those who stand at the top can define what is good and evil. For example, in the history of all the world, only the final victor can define 'justice', so the view that 'justice will prevail', is correct."

Tina was silent, and Dunn's words broke her inherent thinking.

Since being born in this world, growing up, entering the navy, training, going out on missions, catching pirates, and so on and so forth.

She has always followed the belief that the navy is justice.

And Dunn's words caused a crack in her creed.

There is nothing wrong, justice is sure to win, but on the other hand, victory is justice.

And the loser is evil!

Dunn is a person who scoffs at the concept of order and traditional right and wrong.

"Tina, if you still don't understand..."

"You know about the [-]-year history of the blank, right?"

Hearing this, Tina Pang's color changed!

This matter is a taboo among taboos in the navy!

Everyone knows about this, but no one will ever say it!

"you you you you you!"

"Don't be nervous, Tina... This is the great route. Within 500 nautical miles, there are only you and me."


"Tina, 800 years ago, an army organized by 20 people fought a fierce battle against a mighty kingdom. In the end, the army led by these [-] people defeated that mighty kingdom."

"Afterwards, these 20 people established a new order. As you know, this new order is the World ZF, and those 20 people are the current world nobles, the [-] ancestors of the Tianlong people!"


"How could you possibly know such a thing????? No...impossible! Tina doesn't believe it!"

"Believe it or not. This is history, and no one can change it."

"And in the blank 100 years, what happened, this needs people to explore."

"A few years ago, there was an organization trying to unravel the blank history of those 100 years, but as soon as a brow appeared, it was ordered to be destroyed by the World ZF."

"Is it... O'Hara?"

"You actually know about this, yes... This is what the World ZF did. They are afraid that outsiders will know the history of 1.6, and we don't know what happened in those years."

"But... Tina, you should also know that even if you don't know what happened, the result has already told us a truth."

"What's the point?"

"That's the definition of justice."


"From ancient times to the present, whether it is... this world or its... world, there is an eternal truth!"

"That's... Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say!"

"Only the victors are qualified to define justice and evil!"

"And now in this world, the navy is just, that's because, in the war 800 years ago, the world ZF won!"

"So for hundreds of years, the loser, the pirates, has been defined as evil by the victory of the world government and the navy. This is not wrong!"

Chapter [-] Go and see the world!

"From ancient times to the present, the eternal truth is that whoever has the bigger fist has the final say!"

A gust of sea breeze blew, setting off Tina's beautiful pink hair.

The two looked at the distant sky at the same time and said nothing for a long time.

After a while, Tina spoke softly:

"Maybe what you said is right, but... I still believe in my creed before I see it! I am still a navy."

"Tina, it won't take long...you will see the true face of this world."

"When...the mystery is lifted, everything will come to light."


"So where are you going now, since you decided to go back to the Navy, I'll give you a ride."

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