
"I... just send me to a nearby island"

"...does it matter?"

"Well, a ship will pick me up soon."

"it is good."

With that said, Tang En took Tina to fly slowly, turned on the majestic power of perception, identified the direction, and then left at a high speed.

After the two left, a head was exposed on the wreck of a warship not far from 29 with a "pop".

I saw him looking left and right and found no figure, so he boldly climbed up the broken plank.

Then, a figure appeared, and they all climbed up the broken wooden boards around.

"Young Master... Young Master, wake up!"

"Quick, wake up the cadres and young masters!"

"That man... so scary!"

"Now that I think about it, my whole body keeps shaking."


"Save a life..."


A few hours later, Don Quixote Doflamingo finally came to his senses.

"Where is that man?"

"Young... young master, he has left very early, otherwise... we wouldn't dare to take the lead!"

"Hey...hey, I, Don Quixote Doflamingo, saved my life on the alms of others, I just don't care about me! Very good..."

"I will definitely make him regret that he didn't kill me today!!!"


Tang En didn't think much about it. He had already said that whether it is death or life depends on your own ability. I only punched this one.

At this time, he had already sent Tina to a nearby desert island.

"Then we part here, Tina."

"Tina...you, go and see the world! The navy pool can't hold you!"

Speaking, Tang En stretched his hand into the air world and took out a lot of food.

"Well, this is enough food for you to live on for a month. If no one comes to pick you up, you take this."

Ha, what is that?

A flying thunder god kunai.

"Take this, be sure to carry it on your body, if you encounter unpredictable danger, or when you need me, you shout my name, then I will appear by your side like magic!"

"Tina hates you..."

"Why are you so nice to Tina! I'm a navy..."

Tang En looked at her beautiful face with deep meaning and smiled mysteriously.

"Tina, you will be my woman sooner or later."

"...Tina...Tina!! What are you talking about!"

Tina's mantra can't even be said...

"Haha, then I'll go first! We'll see you later!"

After finishing speaking, while Tina was shy, she gently kissed her soft lips.

"Ahhhh!!!! You bastard! Tina is going to kill you!"

By the time Tina's blushing face reacted, Tang En had already run far away!

Facing the sunset, I waved to Tina!

Then turned around and stepped into the void and disappeared.

Tina held the token that Tang En gave it in both hands, and she was dazed...


Dunn walked in the air world and walked towards Leisure.

Contemplating all the way...

Originally, he didn't want Tina to return to the naval headquarters, but he still understood the truth that a twisted melon was not sweet.

But since Tina is holding Flying Thunder God Kunai, Tang En can go to Tina anytime, anywhere.

With Tang En's strength, who can stop him?

Descendants of God?I bother.

When he returned to Leisure, the family played mahjong, played cards, read books, and knitted sweaters.

"Yo, the great lover is back? Why didn't the girl bring it back!"

As soon as he entered the door, Tang En ushered in a wave of resentment...

"...Old, wives calm down! What, this girl is a navy, I can't force her to bring her back, right?"

"Navy? You all spent money on the army? Cow!"


Dunn simply stopped talking about it and went to the sofa to sit down.Then, under the gaze of all the beauties, he suddenly opened his hands and said:

"Come on! Daughter-in-law, be happy! There's a lot of freedom anyway!"

"I bother!!!"


"Dang En, you look so stupid!"

Suddenly, in the gorgeous living room, the players who played cards stopped playing, those who read books stopped reading, and those who played mahjong pushed their cards and stopped playing!

A group of cute girls rushed towards Tang En!

In an instant, Chun (manually funny) is full of gardens!

This is really a happy life riding a horse!


After half a month.

Tina returned to the navy headquarters, and her whereabouts, Smog, who came back early, with a bit of perseverance, finally passed the news back to the headquarters.

The Navy quickly organized a team to find Tina and Doflamingo, but when they arrived in the waters designated by Smoker, they found nothing.

So after Tina came back, everyone in 287 was surprised that she was not killed or imprisoned by Doflamingo, which is a very strange thing.

So with this scene again, Tina was questioned in the Marshal's office.

"That is, the man who saved you and defeated the Don Quixote family?"

Admiral Sengoku said with a frown.


"Then why did he save you? You must know that you are a navy."

Tina hesitated for a moment, then answered:

"I don't know the reason. I don't even know how he appeared. There are no ships around, and he seems to have fallen from the sky."

After Tina finished speaking, Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Kiabou, and Lieutenant General Crane in the office were all silent.

That man has always been a thorn in everyone's heart.

The strength is unknown, but the strength shown in a single shot is extraordinary.

The purpose is unknown, and no one knows what his purpose is.

The origin is unknown, this person seems to have jumped out of a stone, and suddenly appeared at the execution ground of Roger, the pirate king.

Mysterious identity, mysterious strength, mysterious everything.

All in all, this young man named Vortex Dunn has a more mysterious halo.

Cover him with a veil.

Everyone wants to see him clearly through the layers of fog, so... there is only time.

Chapter [-]: The Gear of Destiny Moves Forward Slowly

Haiyuanli 1511, the first half of the great route.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

In the marshal's office, Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Akainu, Aokiji, Kiabou.

All six were silent.

Tina, who has been promoted to major, recounted what she had experienced from beginning to end.

How did Dunn appear, how did he fight with the Don Quixote family, how did he save himself and so on.

Although everyone was silent, their thoughts were different.

Sengoku is a headache... I have absolutely no idea what the purpose of this mysterious man is! ?

There is no purpose, and the strength is powerful. How can the navy catch this?

Karp ignored it. There was a big happy event recently. His grandson had been born.

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