"And standing at the top of this group of people is that group of people!"

Chapter [-] East China Sea, the place of beginning

"Standing at the top of... that group of people?"

Rayleigh's face was calm, and he said slowly:

"Yes, if the navy and the Four Sovereigns still belong to the range of strength that can be explored, then the strength of this group of people is unfathomable!"

"Their strength is like a sea of ​​stars, so you can never see the end."

Ace is stunned...

Who the hell was that person who made Rayleigh, the right and left hand of One Piece, say such a thing?

Why haven't I heard of this news at all?

"Lei... Uncle Rayleigh? I have also experienced the first half of the great route, and I have never heard of the people that Aunt Shao said just now. But... Who are you talking about? Why haven't I heard any news at all? Pass!"

Rayleigh heard the words and took a sip of wine before answering:

"It's not surprising that you don't know. You must have heard the name, but you don't know that they are strong. It is not their absolute strength that is widely known in this world, but their... Cough, sing and dance!"

"Puff puff puff!"

Ace spit out a sip of wine!

With a blank face, his eyes were straight, and he was completely stunned.

"Haha, isn't it very dramatic. They are a very special group, they never occupy the mountains as kings, and they are hostile to the navy and pirates. They are all cumin!"

"So special!"

"Don't think so, they are not serious every day, you can underestimate them. Speak with facts, and those who underestimate them are dead!"

"...Who are they!"

"I said, you should know the founder of SEVE, the Tang En family who is popular all over the world!"

SEVE founder...


Dunn family! ! ! !

When Ace heard this name, the shock in his heart can be imagined!

His heart was like [-] Pipi shrimps rushing past!

Painful to die!

"Uncle Rayleigh... you're sure you're not kidding me!"

"Does it do you any good if I joke?"

"...The Tang En family is really strong?"

"You never read a reward order!? That's right, the World Government seems to have not issued their reward order for a long time. Xia Qi, show him!"

Xia Qi wiped the wine bottle without squinting, and pointed at Ace to the wall...

There, there are rows and rows of wanted notices.

Ace walked over!

When he saw the top row, he was completely stunned!

Looking at the rows of zeros behind the bounty amounts of the twelve members of the Tang En family, I see gold stars!

He raised his finger tremblingly and pointed at the wall.

"...Is this true!?"

"No...Impossible? How high is their team's total reward?"


14.0000.0000 Bailey!

11.0000.0000 Bailey!

11.0000.0000 Bailey!

11.0000.0000 Bailey!

10.0000.0000 Bailey!

10.0000.0000 Bailey!

10.0000.0000 Bailey!

9.9000.0000 Bailey!

9.9000.0000 Bailey!

9.0000.0000 Bailey!

8.0000.0000 Bailey!

5.0000.0000 Bailey!

100.0000.0000 Bailey!

This, this, this 118.8 Bailey plus 100 Bailey!

A total of... 218.8 billion Bailey? ? ? ? "

Ace's entire brain has crashed!

"It turned out... it exceeded 200 billion Bailey?"

Reilly also smiled wryly and said:

"Do you know now? Why do you say that they are not to be provoked. Not to mention little pirates like you, even the big pirates of the New World, the Four Emperors, or the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, are not qualified to provoke them alone. !"

Ace recovered and patted his face to calm himself down.

But his eyes were still full of shock!

"But... Uncle Rayleigh, why is this Dunn family all women?"

"Of course they are Vortex Dunn's wife!"


"I have to say, this man is my idol!"

"Hahaha, yes, Vortex Tangen is also my idol! Everyone is rumored that Vortex Tangen's strongest is not his strength, but his ability to pick up girls!"

"Although the nickname is a traveler, everyone jokingly calls it Saint Vortex Dunn!"


"Let's go, you came to me, it should be for the coating of the ship, let's go now!"

"Thank you, Uncle Riley!"

"Small thing! By the way, you know the six major forces in this world, right?"

"What six major forces!?"

"The six forces are..."


The great route is 2 meters high in the sky.

Dunn had to marvel at the hugeness of this planet.

The height of [-] meters is still the same as the environment of Baibaihai. For them, the air pressure is almost negligible.

Just as Ace arrived at the Chambord Islands, the Dawn family's ship, the Leisure.

Weapon firepower has been strengthened!

On top of the original particle cannon, an electromagnetic cannon was added!

And the main gun is even more dangling!

Combining electromagnetic and particle cannons, it is not too simple to wipe an island off the map with one cannon!

The leisure number now has surpassed Hades and is stable!

Tang En, who was wearing a white coat, stretched his waist fiercely!

"Ha! The work is done!"

Changed to the deck, looking at the endless white clouds in the distance and the white and white sea, and the sea of ​​stars in the sky!

Dunn's heart is full of heroic spirit!

The origin of pirates is getting closer and closer to the time of appearance!

And the Tang En family should also start taking action!

The first step is to go to the East China Sea!

Go meet her, who will be the commander of the Leisure!

At this time, all the girls also came behind Tang En one after another.

"Dear, not only do you feel its fluctuations, we can also clearly feel it!"

"Yeah! The world's luck has begun to flow! We, it's time to set off!"

"Donghai, the place of the beginning! Here we come!"

"Leisure, set sail!"

With a bang, a huge amount of magical energy erupted from the rear of the Leisure, slowly pushing the Leisure towards the destination!

For the sky battleship, what a great route, what a windless belt, what an upside-down mountain, what a red earth continent.

Nothing is a hindrance!

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