I don't know how the Golden Lion felt at the beginning, anyway, the Tang En family is cool now, don't want it!

This is the real sea, land and air three-purpose super battleship!

From the position of the first half of the Great Air Route, you can reach the East China Sea by directly crossing the windless belt.

And their goal is nowhere else, it is Cocoyashi Village!

An unremarkable little village.

At the same time as the Dunn family's action, the navy also began to act.

Since the beginning of the Great Voyage Age, the pirates of the older generation have become great pirates, four emperors, or legends!

And the new generation of pirates have also begun to emit their light!

Portgas D. Ace!

Trafalgar Law!

Eustace Kidd and more!

Although they are not very famous now, but... who can say clearly in the future?

And the Admiral Warring States also faintly smelled an unusual aura.

He has a hunch that the real era of pirates is coming!

Chapter [-]: Oranges in Cocoa West Village

Haiyuan Calendar, 1519, early.

East China Sea, Cocoa West Village.

Here, it used to be a peaceful and beautiful village with a beautiful sky blue sky.

Cozy orange grove.

with the down-to-earth villagers.

They have been living happily in this small village.

But... suddenly one day, disaster strikes!

The vicious pirates came to this village. They not only robbed the villagers of their finances, but also killed many resisting humans!

The last group called the Murloc Dragon Pirates.

A brutal rule over the village of Cocoyashi was carried out.

At the same time, the pirates took a fancy to the good location and beautiful environment here, and set up the headquarters of the pirate group here!

Murlocs think they are higher races and humans are waste.

They used Coco Yaxi Village as a stronghold to establish their own dragon empire to dominate the East China Sea.

After that, they collected life-buying money from the villagers, and killed those who couldn't pay. A woman named Belmer became the first victim.

And tragedy is born from this!

A girl named Nami was spotted by a fish-man dragon!

The evil dragon took a fancy to Nami's ability to draw sea charts, threatened the villagers' lives, and absorbed her as a cadre. He and Nami agreed that as long as she collected 1 million Baileys, she could buy back the village and her own. free.

From then on, Nami started the journey to collect the money.


On this day, a foreigner came to Cocoyashi Village.

Red hair, black shirt and trousers, leather shoes.

He put his hands in his pockets, a cigarette in his mouth.

Standing on the edge of the village of Cocoyashi Village, I looked at this beautiful village that was originally peaceful but has no longer returned.

Walking on the simple dirt road, I looked at the houses on both sides.

To Tang En's embarrassment, the villagers closed all the windows nervously when they saw him from behind the window.

As if he is not a good person!

Nima... what the hell is this doing!

His eyebrows were wrinkled. Dunn was disgusted by this situation.

After a little perception, Dunn found the target person.

Turning around the corner, I came to the door of a private house.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door.


"anyone there?"

I just heard a bang in the room, like the sound of chairs and tables moving...

After a while, a girl remembered:

"Who are you!"

"My...name is Dunn! I'm a traveler!"


"Don't worry, I'm not a pirate, and certainly not a navy."

Hearing what Tang En said, the woman in the house opened a crack in the door vigilantly.

Exposed one eye to look at Dunn.

It was found that Dunn's clothes were indeed neither navy nor pirates.Then he opened the door with a kitchen knife.

When Tang En saw the kitchen knife, his cheeks twitched...

The residents of this place seem to be really living in dire straits!

Tang En carefully looked at the purple-haired woman in front of her.

It should be Nuoqi high, confirmed.

Nuoqigao seemed to sense Tang En's scrutinizing gaze, frowned, and raised the kitchen knife slightly.Be wary of asking:

"What's the matter with you? If there is nothing, I won't leave you."

Dunn quickly waved his hand:

"Hey, I have something to do with you. Are you... Nuoqigao?"

Her face sank:

"How do you know my name! What purpose do you have."

Dunn grinned!

"There is a purpose, but she doesn't seem to be at home now."

"What's the meaning!?"

"I'm looking for Nami. Your sister."

Nuoqigao's face changed greatly!

"You... are you the same as the dragon!"

Dunn laughed.

"How is it possible, I invited Nami to be my commander, or navigator. Of course, I'm not compulsive."

"Not compulsive?"

"Of course, not only will I not force her, but I will help her improve her strength and help her fulfill her dreams, and I will help you solve the problems in your village?"

"Get rid of?"

Nuoqigao looked at Tang En from head to toe, and pouted and said:

"With your body, you can help us solve the problem? I'm afraid you can't even take a punch from the dragon!"

Dunn madly complained in his heart:

What happened to the people in the pirate world?Do you use your body to see strength? ? ? ?

This is the first time hey!

"Cough, can I go in and sit for a while? I wonder how long Nami will be back?"

"Come in. But if Nami comes back, it will be in the evening."

"Thank you."


Tang En patiently waited for her return at Nami's house, and chatted with Nuoqi from time to time.

"I heard you have an orange orchard?"

"Yes, you know a lot!"

Dunn smiled without saying a word.

How could he not know.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the door!

Tang En's eyes lit up, listening to the cheerful footsteps, it was undoubtedly Nami.

It should be that she had a good harvest today.

"Nuoqigao! I'm back! I made 100 million Bailey today! Haha! The harvest is not small!"


The door was opened.

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