Faced with this situation!Yuffie prayed nervously!

"Dan, where are you!!!!"

"Heh, little Yuffie, did you finally know you called me?"

Tang En's voice clearly entered Yuffie's ears...

This made her a little stunned...

"You... where are you?"

"I'm on top of your head!"

Yuffie was stunned for a moment, then she quickly got out of the cockpit and looked up...

I saw that the originally clear sky suddenly distorted.

The next moment, a super battleship that was dozens of times bigger than the Avalon suddenly appeared above Yuffie's head!

And the location where it appears is also directly opposite Avalon.

Chapter [-] Developers vs. Open Dogs

Mysterious, elegant, and as deep as the pure black hull of the entire universe, coupled with the pure white tower above, the entire Leisure is noble and compelling.

On the surface, it could not be seen that this was a super warship made of the strongest metal in the Golden Realm, but it seemed to be the elegant yacht of the legendary elves.

It is so floating in the sky, and you will not find any energy fluctuations from any direction!

Unlike Sakura Stone, the energy source that hangs in this world, the core driving force of Leisure is the perpetual motion machine that is extremely rare in the universe of all realms, the Holy Grail!

Even Dunn is the only one.

Whether it is the magic circuit on the ship, various weapons and equipment, or power, all are provided by the Holy Grail.

While the powerful metal of the Golden World provides super defense and a beautiful appearance, the interlayer is embedded with a dazzling variety of powerful magic circuits and complex magic arrays.

The entire hull is integrated with the law of force in the perfect fluttering fruit, allowing it to float in the sky in violation of the laws of the world without any energy.

It is dozens of times larger than Avalon, and the super hull of thousands of meters cannot affect its maneuverability at all!

This is not only that, the law of thunder in the Thunder Fruit gives Leisure a powerful attack ability!

You must know that the powerful weapons in black technology, whether it is a super electromagnetic gun that can penetrate everything and destroy everything, or a star destroyer, are all improved on the basis of electricity...

This shows how terrifying the leisurely attack method is.

Yuffie stared blankly at the Leisure number that covered the sky, she was a little dumbfounded!

"Sure enough... as expected of Tang En! It can always bring surprises."

Yuffie is happy, but some people are not!

The second brother Lelouch, who just showed the second posture of the royal inheritance of the Holy Britannia Empire, was hit for the first time in his life when he was proud of the spring breeze!

"Tell me, what is this terrifying steel monster above our heads."

The second brother almost tore off the white gloves on his hands.

"Your Highness...this..."

"Stop talking nonsense and fire!"



Even if there are enemies in the sky, now the first element is to kill the Black Knights below!

Dunn sat in the super luxurious living room of Leisure, watching Avalon's actions on the screen, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"It should be said that he is indeed the second prince who is more resourceful than Lu Luxiu, and even dared to open fire on the bottom under our threat."

"With this shot, the secret of GERSS' power will be exposed."

CC changed into a seductive MAX black high-slit cheongsam, lay on his side beside Tang En, playing with his hair and said softly.

"Shinezel is not a fool. Since he chose Shigen Island, I don't believe that he doesn't know the secrets of this place."

CC is not talking.

She didn't want to say much about the royal affairs.


Dunn did not stop the attack below!

Between the Avalon's hadron gun, if the machine gun is the same!

In an instant, the people below will be annihilated!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The continuous attack of the Hadron Cannon only lasted for a few seconds, but these few seconds changed everything.

Dunn narrowed his eyes in the living room.

Because at the moment when the Hadron Cannon attacked, he felt a strange force that moved Lelouch, Suzaku, and the others.

"This is... CC, you should know who did all this."

"I know!"

"Oh, it was done by your next post. I don't know why he saved Lelouch and the others?"

CC remained silent, in fact he did not know.CC is not too familiar with the new leader of the church named VV.

Lloyd, Cecil, and Lakshatta, who watched this brutal attack from outside the attacked range, were a little stunned.

But the result is already doomed, and the next thing to pay attention to these madmen... is the super giant battleship in the sky that presses Avalon below!

"Originally I thought... that Avalon could be made and used the floating system to be very powerful, but what is the monster on it now? I have never heard of such a thing in this world. !"

Lloyd twitched the corners of his mouth and pushed the glasses off the bridge of his nose.

Not just Lloyd, but Lakshatta.

"Ah, I thought it was calculated by the floating system, but I didn't expect there to be more terrifying monsters? Hey? The emblem on this battleship...a ​​bit familiar."

The sharp-eyed Lakshatta found the vortex family emblem on the side of Leisure...

"Is this... in the same place as that mysterious mecha!"

Lakshatta's eyes widened suddenly!She remembered!

The mysterious white body that always acts as a shit stick has the same emblem on its shoulders as this one!

"No wonder..."

At this moment, a huge sound came from Avalon in the sky.

"I am the second prince of the Holy Britannia Empire, Schneider EI Britannia. Who are the people in the sky who are blocking my waiting ships? Can you tell me your identity?"

As expected of a hypocritical prince who is always gentle and amiable on the surface.

But Tang En's evaluation of the second prince can only be said to be mixed.

His character, under normal circumstances, will try not to let his subordinates and the people around him sacrifice, but when necessary, he will not hesitate to sacrifice others or even his own life.In the follow-up, he is determined to seize the throne, trying to establish nuclear deterrence, in order to establish a dictatorial and unified world.

It has to be said that his ideal is the most realistic.It is also the easiest to achieve.

But in the face of two cheaters, he can only fight with them halfway, and it's still unknown who will win in the end.

"Hehe, Xiunezel EI Britannia, your methods really make me admire. When necessary, don't hesitate to sacrifice your subordinates to ensure the victory! You are an excellent general and politician."

"But... in my eyes, it's just a clown jumping on the beam."

"What do you mean by that?"

To Dunn's provocation, Schneizer's expression did not change.

Tang En's mouth twitched, as expected of a prince without any desire.

"It doesn't make any sense, I just want to educate you about the sacred royal blood of Britannia, how to behave. I'm not happy with your bullying with absolute power... Well, since it's the first time we meet, I'll give it to you. You have a present."

Saying that, under the stunned gazes of Lloyd, Cecil, Lakshatta, Yuffie and others!

The bottom deck of Leisure, after unfolding, had four huge gun barrels in early summer, and countless electric arcs flickered from above. Just looking at it, it gave people a creepy feeling.

"This is a railgun, how powerful is it? I only use 5%. If your Avalon can survive, that's your blessing. If you can't survive, tsk tsk, then you'll be blessed. "

Chapter [-] Muggles explode

This time, Xiunezel, who has always been calm and composed, was also dumbfounded!

Even if he doesn't know anything about technology, he can see from the big screen that the four barrels are not something to conclude a friendly agreement!

He stared fiercely at the screen with an ugly face, issued an order gnashing his teeth, and waved his left hand violently!

"Supply all the energy above the protective cover! Deploy the strongest defense against the upper hull!"


"Warning! Warning! Found a super energy response! It has exceeded the warning value of this ship!"

"Repeat! It is found that the super energy response has exceeded the alert value of this ship!"

Crazy alarms began to flash throughout Avalon.

Lloyd and Lakshatta below opened their mouths wide!

"Don't... stop joking!? Super Railgun? Are you sure you're not joking? Isn't that stuff out of science fiction? How could it possibly appear in the real world!!!"

"Hahaha, I'm becoming more and more interested in this mysterious man!"

Compared to Lloyd's restlessness, Lakshatta was much calmer. Anyway, the attack wasn't aimed at them, they just had to wait for the result.

"Good luck, my Royal Highness Guapi!"

After finishing speaking, Tang En also learned the posture of the second middle school, and waved his hand gently!

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