"Boom!!!!!!! Muggle burst!"

The four huge gun barrels suddenly emitted blue electric light!The next moment, blue-black electric light suddenly shot out from the muzzle. Unlike the unfinished attack on Avalon, this was a super-electronic cannon beam that really condensed together!

Although it only has 5%-10% of the power, it is obviously enough to attack such a battleship with only energy shields.


Without any accident, the Railgun effortlessly penetrated the energy shield on Avalon's body and hit its armor in a blink of an eye!

"Avoid! Avoid! The energy shield has been broken! The left wing has been penetrated! Hurry up to put out the fire! The power of the whole ship has dropped by 75%! The engine has been destroyed! We are about to make a forced landing! Your Highness!"

Xiuzenel, who was sitting in the main seat, felt ten thousand dissatisfaction in his heart!

With his originally handsome face, he resisted the explosion of his mentality and kept smiling, but no matter how you look at that smile, it makes people feel weird.

He just came here from his own country, but the first time he pretended to be forced, he was slapped in the face. The most important thing was that he was targeting an enemy he didn't know at all. Even if he got angry, he couldn't let it out!

It's just inexplicable!

In fact, Schneider didn't even know what kind of character he was. Dunn on the top of his head was really clear. From the bottom of his heart, Dunn had a deep disgust for such hypocrites.

The current Huzenel really has a brain but can't use it, making him feel as if he has eaten shit.Because it is not the opponent of the mysterious man at all in terms of combat power, no matter what tactics are used, they will be defeated with one punch, so how can you play.

After the light of the explosion dissipated, the true face of Avalon after being attacked was finally revealed.

The originally gorgeous first floating warship was almost smashed into scrap iron. Half of the bridge and hull were beaten into sieves, and the guide weapon catapult at the bow was also beaten directly.Looking at such a victory, Tang En was quite satisfied, after all, he just used a bit of energy.

"Oh la la la, it wasn't scrapped. Good luck to you, Huzenel, I'll leave first, don't look for me, even if you look for it, you might not be able to find it!"

After Tang En's voice, which had been covered up, fell, this huge super battleship with advanced technology and mysterious side power slowly lifted into the air, and then disappeared into the sky under the gaze of everyone.

Tang En asked Leisure to stay away, just to pretend, after all, you can't escape Leisure into the dimensional space in front of you, right?That doesn't scare people to death.What's more, CC is still here. In her words, the environment here is much better than the school's villa, and she likes it very much...

In the luxurious living room, Tang En walked to CC and sat down, stroking her delicate body with one hand, while curiously asking:

"Your next leader, I don't know why you saved Lu Luxiu, Suzaku and others? Can you explain it to me?"

CC watched Tang En's big hands keep on her body, but she just rolled her eyes and didn't mean to stop it. Then she thought about it and said:

"Maybe... it's because of Huzenel, Huzenel wants to challenge the emperor, so it would not be much easier for Huzenel to leave opponents."

Dunn nodded.

After all, with Lelouch, it would be quite good to be able to stumble upon Huzenel.

Sure enough, no one who can become emperor is a mortal.

"Here, wait for me here. I'll pick up Yuffie from the back. The explosion just now almost involved Yuffie. Fortunately, I'm more witty."

After finishing speaking, Dunn stood up from his seat and walked towards the bottom cabin behind Leisure.

CC looked at the back of Tang En leaving, blinked his eyes, wondering if he thought of something, the corner of his mouth evoked a hint of charm.

Before Leisure left, while attacking Avalon, Dunn quietly took Yuffie into Leisure. For him, it was as simple as raising his hand.

Now Yuffie is looking around the cabin curiously.She is very curious about this super battleship!With just one blow, he almost scrapped his brother's Avalon with ease, which shows its strength.Moreover, Yuffie also wanted to know how such a huge battleship was suspended?

"What are you looking at? Yuffie. When you were brought in by Leisure, I didn't expect you to be quite calm. If it was someone else, they would have shouted and struggled long ago."

"Humph! Don't look at who I am! Even if I am a doll princess, I'm still very smart, okay?"

Yuffie's liveliness and CC's maturity just formed a sharp contrast. From the two, Dunn could feel their respective points, no matter which one fascinated him.

"Come on, let's go to the control room."

"Wow, how long does it take to walk from here to the control room for such a big warship! I just saw this beautiful warship is several kilometers long! Even my brother's Avalon is more than 200 meters long. long!"

Dunn smiled.Yuffie was right.If it is calculated according to the volume of the most advanced aircraft carrier, Avalon may be slightly smaller than the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the original world.

As for the Leisure, which is dozens of times bigger than Avalon, even if Yuffie doesn't understand anything, she does.

Whether it is the metal that can support such a huge warship, or the power, or some other basic cages, etc., it is not something that any technology in this world can achieve.

Chapter [-] Scalp tingling

"This battleship is called Leisure, and it has been with me for a long time, but it doesn't stop at the same place, because Leisure will always be remodeled by some people."

"Modification? I also want to know who can build such a huge warship with modification and upgrade!"

As the two walked, Yuffie sighed.

She walked inside the Leisure, and it didn't feel like a battleship at all, but... a palace, yes, it felt like a palace!

Wide corridors and cloisters, sumptuous decorations, and all kinds of ornaments that she couldn't see but were absolutely - precious.

Yes, these decorations are the collections of Dunn from all over the world.

"Because this warship is so big, this kind of corridor and promenade all use the advanced technology of space folding. It only takes a few minutes to walk from the cabin to the living room over there. If it is normal If you walk... a distance of several kilometers may take ten minutes..."


Yuffie almost stumbled... She had really heard of this term, isn't it something out of science fiction?

"Uh, don't be surprised, the things on the Leisure are not something that the technology tree of this world can spy on."

Dunn dragged Yuffie, who was at a loss, to the living room quickly. As a result, CC gave Yuffie a slap in the face as soon as he arrived in the living room.

"Hello, I'm Dunn's wife, CC."


This time even Dunn was dumbfounded!This... what's the situation?I do not quite understand!

Yuffie was a little surprised by CC's appearance, but it was only tight...

"Hello, I'm Euphemia, and Dunn's wife!!"


The Love Saint of All Worlds can't hold on anymore, this is going to set the backyard on fire, right!Tang En looked at the two women who were arguing, and his scalp was a little numb...

"Oh? Are you too? Why have I never heard of it, I remember that you seem to be the third princess of the Holy Britannia Empire? The princess is getting married? I haven't heard of it."

"...This is because I have already made a private agreement with Tang En for the rest of my life!!"

Looking at the two women facing each other, Dunn's head was about to explode!

My Cao, I am the dignified God Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms, with dozens of wives in the God Realm, this has never happened before!

"Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop!

Dunn said and pointed to the holographic screen floating next to him.

The ones shown above are Lelouch, Suzaku, Karen and others on the Island of Gods.On the other screen is Avalon. Although he can't fly, he still has no problem sailing at sea.

"This is where?……"

Yuffie looked at Dunn suspiciously.

"There is a ruin here. The power of the ruin was activated by some people, which made Lelouch Suzaku Kalian and the others escape. And your royal brother who was just beaten in the face, his purpose is also here. remains."

"Relics? How could they be interested in ancient things like relics?"

Yuffie's words made CC's body froze. After glancing at Dunn, she sat down on the sofa again.

Tang En sighed, put his hands on Yuffie's shoulders, and asked her to sit next to CC as well, then brewed black tea for the two of them, lit a cigarette by himself, and began to explain to Yuffie:

"As the third princess, no, almost all members of the royal family, including your sister Cornelia, are not there. Why is the Holy Britannia Empire invading the world and expanding its territory? Because the empire is against all countries. The plan of aggression was carried out centered on the ruins, that is to say, there is a ruin that the empire needs in the vicinity of Area 11, that is, on this island called the Island of God."

"This ruin has not been discovered by your father, that is, the emperor. I heard that the same ruins as here have been found in several places in the world. After the emperor knew about it, all of them were set up as a situation, and this place is A general named Bartley discovered that he did not report this place to the above, but concealed it. The person who first studied this place was Clovis, but unfortunately, the research on the ruins and a certain power has not yet been completed. If it's not done, he'll be...you know it."

Yuffie was dejected. She knew that ZERO's true face was Lelouch, but... why did Lelouch kill Brother Clovis?Is there any misunderstanding in this!

"What happens next here is not what we should pay attention to. Presumably the machine named 'Gao Wen' that has just been researched should change hands. After all, Lu Luxiu is also a person with super powers."

"...Did you finally admit it, Dunn?"

Yuffie smiled close to Dunn's face and blew lightly.

"Huh? I seem to have said something remarkable."

Dunn scratched his head in embarrassment.

But it's no big deal. Even if he doesn't say it, Yuffie must know that Lelouch has superhuman power. Otherwise, why can he get the power of the Black Knights so quickly.

"Now we're going to Kyushu Island, your royal sister is in big trouble right now."

"...Is there a problem with the Queen? Could it be that something happened?"

"Well, there is a joker who wants to break the peace again and establish a puppet government. Although I am a little bit happy, it is obviously against morality. The peace in District 11 is not easy to come by, so don't destroy it easily, at least I don't want to. Destruction. What happened between Lelouch and Suzaku is their business, I can't do it. And if they do something that goes beyond my bottom line in my opinion, no matter who it is, it will Being sanctioned by me is also my confidence."

When Dunn said this, CC and Yuffie couldn't help but look sideways.

Bottom line?Dunn has such a powerful force that it is not difficult to unify the whole world, but he does not want to do so.

In the eyes of CC and Yuffie, Dunn is like an observer, standing at the highest position, watching the daily changes of the world.

Yep, that's how it feels.

Dunn doesn't want to break the rules of the world's destiny. If his power breaks out in this world or he forces him to change his destiny, it is impossible to say that the crystal walls of this world will explode!

That kind of consequence was not what he wanted to vortex Dunn.As the man at the highest point in the universe, every world is his child, watching them grow and restore order is what he wants to see...

That is, while Leisure is heading to an island somewhere.

There was also a good show on the island of the gods.

Although the second prince was disgraced by Tang En's Leisure, he still used Gawain to come to the ruins of the Island of Gods and start his research.

Chapter [-] I want to be quiet

Although Schneider was disgraced by Dunn's beating, he was not discouraged.He is not the kind of person who is competitive, or he does not have any desires of his own, of course, only now.

Using the latest guide weapon named Gawain and Avalon, who can still sail on the sea, after arriving at the ruins of the island of God, they began to explore the ruins.

It's a pity that Lelouch and the man behind the scenes activated the mechanism of the ruins. Not only did ZERO and Karen escape, but even Gawain was lost.

And the unlucky Suzaku... A second before being bombarded by Avalon, GERSS, who was ordered to "live" by Lelouch, was arrested for resisting the order.But fortunately, it's just a little punishment, and it's not a big problem.

Of course, this is also his plea as Lancelot's pilot and Lloyd's and the second prince's plea, so it doesn't matter.

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