Dunn, holding an umbrella, walked on this path in pain.Looking up, not far ahead, there is a huge castle.

The entire castle is built of grey-white boulders. From the outside, it is no different from the ancient castles of the Middle Ages in Europe.

But the inside is completely different, a modern castle that can live normally.

Not only that, this castle is the castle where the Marucal consortium has lived for generations.

"Your sister, how can a good combat headquarters be set up in such a place? Do Europeans have such a hobby? This is not a village or a store."

Dunn complained while walking towards the castle.

Why Tang En came here by himself, of course, because the girls didn't want to come.

In this war-torn world, women who can finally enjoy a peaceful life, naturally have to play on the leisurely number.

Although Leisure is only a few kilometers long on the outside, which is about the same diameter as the second brother's Sky Castle that appeared later, it is clear that the interior space transformed by space folding magic is at least tens or even hundreds of times the real area of ​​Leisure.

Except for a few things necessary for combat, the Leisure has almost everything!

After all, the name is called Leisure, isn't it.

The girls who were led by Tang En to visit the Leisure, said nothing after that they were unwilling to disembark...

In the end, Dunn had no choice but to come to this castle named Malukar all with cumin.

Chapter [-] The highest realm of flirting

Just when the girls were enjoying leisurely on the boat, Dunn had come to the gate of Malukar Castle under the pouring rain.

He raised his head and looked at the windows on the castle. In the middle of the night, it was naturally pitch-dark. However, it was one of them that caught our attention. The faint light was revealed from it. Lamp light.

Tang En walked under the city wall, put away the umbrella, and threw it into the sky, and then the space swayed, and the whole person disappeared.

In the dim study, there was only a faint light on the desk, and a blond girl in a beautiful military uniform was writing something.

Under the shadow of the corner, Dunn appeared unknowingly and looked at the girl with admiration.

Judging from her appearance and eyes, this girl is quite excellent, and she has the temperament of a superior. She must be born into a very extraordinary family.

When Tang En was observing meticulously writing his diary, suddenly there was a... feeling in his heels, and the scene of a certain Suzaku's nightmare in his deep memory overlapped with his own feeling...


I saw a black kitten with a small bell hanging on it, biting Tang En's calf forcefully. I, Cao, restrained all my divine power. Tang En, who was completely pretending to be an ordinary person, never thought that he would be attacked by a cat. !

Accidentally gasping for air, the girl discovered her the next moment.


The girl suddenly turned her head to look at the dark corner!

Not to mention Tang En's hissing air-conditioning, even the girl who wrote the diary was also frightened to death by the second voice that suddenly appeared in the room!

However, how could a 17-year-old girl who can become Major EU Jun be an ordinary person? She calmed down after just a second, and then she took three steps suddenly and arrived at Tang En in the next moment. in front of!

Because the distance was very close, the girl finally saw Tang En's face that was slapped at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Tang En also saw the girl's movements. He was also surprised. Looking at her movements, it was obvious that she was a master of individual skills.

Time passed quickly, Tang En mentioned a little bit of the power of the wild, bah, raised a little bit of strength, shot like lightning, and grabbed the girl's arms in an instant.

Then, in the exclamation of the girl, Tang En took her into his arms.

It's just that the posture of the two of them is a bit indecent, and the girl is only about 1 meters tall. Even if she wears high-heeled military boots, she has just reached Dunn's shoulders.

Tang En grabbed her wrist and lifted it up. He squeezed the girl slightly forward. The girl was forced to bend backwards, and the whole body became a bow.

"You... who are you! This is..."

"This is the castle of Maruka's family, and now it has become the base of the Wzero special attack force, but those are not important."

Tang En smiled and approached the girl's face.

"Well, it's a very charming taste, as expected of a beauty."

Leila's face turned red all of a sudden. As a nobleman, she didn't know what Tang En was talking about!

"Let go of me, you HENTAI!"

"Don't be so excited! I didn't come here to attack you. I want to say that you are the one who made the first move, okay? I just wanted to be quiet, but if you come here, you will hit me."


The girl just grabbed one hand by Tang En and held it high, bowed her body, raised her head and stared blankly at Tang En's super serious expression.

But she always felt awkward, not to mention the embarrassing actions of the two of them, just Tang En's words... I want to let ten thousand grass and mud horses gallop through the girl's heart quietly.

"You...you want Jingjing? Why do you want Jingjing to come to my study!!!! Do you want Jingjing to be the reason for you to stand here!"

The girl who was molested by Tang En was finally annoyed!

"Uh... well, I like you very much, be my wife."


Dunn's words are like a bolt from the blue!For a 17-year-old girl who has never been in love and only knows how to read tactical books, this is simply... a clear stream, bah, chaos.

"You... you, what did you say? We just met for less than a minute, and you said you liked me? What a liar!"

"I really like you, by the way, what's your name, girl?"


After saying this, Dunn knew it was over...

Since the two of them were very close together, Tang En could feel that the girl's trembling body was obviously going to go wild...

"You! Even! Me! Name! Words! All! No! Know! Dao! Just! Say! Like! Love! Me!?"

Hearing this gloomy and full of anger tone, Tang En gave a jerk, and hurriedly loosened the girl's waist and wrist and took a few steps back...

"Ha... I know, I know your name is Layla, Layla Maluka! I'm joking!"

"Hehe...hehehe...that joke of yours is not funny at all! You are actually making fun of a girl's pure heart..."

The girl's sneer and slightly bowed head made Tang En completely dumbfounded!He never imagined that he would overturn the car...

"That...listen to me, tomorrow you seem to have something to help 132 to break through the encirclement, right? How about I fill the hole for you!"

Hearing Dunn's words, the girl named Layla Malucal stopped shaking in the next moment, and then raised her head sharply, a pair of purple pupils representing holy Britannia nobles stared at the strange red-haired man in front of her in amazement. .

"You... how did you know about this battle!? This is classified information and cannot be leaked! Where did you know it?"

Rows of question marks rose in Layla's little mind, and she never understood that such a thing would be known to a stranger.

Dunn smiled and pointed to the diary on Leila's desk.


Layla suddenly realized!This bastard actually peeked at her diary!A dignified man who peeked at the diary of a 17-year-old girl... no... unforgivable!

Leila, who was about to get angry, suddenly remembered something.

"Since you have seen my diary, then you should have seen what I wrote later. Tomorrow's attack survival rate... is close to 0. You... still want to participate!?"

Dunn smiled confidently.

"I believe that I have this strength, not to mention these enemies, even the twelve knights directly under the emperor of the Holy Britannia Empire, the knights of the round table, I don't take them seriously."

Layla didn't listen to Dunn's words, she just ignored it, she was thinking.

This man actually asked to participate in tomorrow's mission, facing a battle where the survival rate is basically 0...

Is this man really confident?Or an arrogant... idiot?

Chapter [-] Say hello

In the dim castle study, Layla, a girl in a delicate military uniform, looked at Dunn, who was standing calmly half a meter away from her.

Gradually, she discovered that Dunn was serious and didn't joke with her at all.

"Are you sure you want to participate in tomorrow's mission?"

"I don't like long-winded women."

This is what Dunn learned from CC.

"You... Okay, then let's talk about your identity. Who are you, and why did you suddenly enter my room? In the end, the purpose of your coming here."

From the brief confrontation with Leila just now, it can be seen that this man is very good at reaching out, even an elite soldier is probably not his opponent with one move and two styles.

"My name is Vortex Dunn, you can just call me Dunn. As for my origin, it's a bit complicated."

Tang En actually didn't want to say anything, but seeing Leila's purple eyes staring at him, she could only helplessly shrug her shoulders, spread her hands and say:

"First of all, I am a Chinese. Second, I am a student of Ashford Academy in the 11th district of the Holy Britannia Empire. The purpose of coming here is to travel, and the truth is because of you. As for why I can enter you room? All I can say is that I'm too strong, I can go wherever I want!"


As Dunn revealed his identity one by one, Layla's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into an O-shape!

She didn't think this man was lying. It could be seen from the actions just now that if Tang En had other goals, he would have already subdued himself.Since he is still talking to her peacefully, there is no need to deceive her at all.In other words, what this man said is true!

Celestials, go to school in Holy Britannia!Still in the school in District 11!This... what the hell is this!

In the end, he actually said so bluntly that he came here for himself! ? ?

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Of course, I'm here to take you away."

"I am an EU soldier, how can I leave!? Besides..."

"Layla, you should be a noble of Britannia. I can tell from the color of your pupils. To tell you the truth, the EU is about to end. Even if Britannia doesn't do anything, the United Nations will sooner or later. It's over. Corrupt nobles plus consortia and stupid rulers, how long do you think the EU can survive under the ferocious Britannia!?"

Layla was silenced by what Dunn said.Yes, just as Dunn said, the ruling leaders at the top of the EU have long been rotten in order to shirk their responsibilities and interests.

"Even so, I'm still the commander of the Wzero unit."

Dunn sighed.

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