"Okay, I understand, then I will show up during the battle tomorrow, this is for you."

Speaking of which, Dunn threw a cross earring to Layla.

"This is??"

"You can use it as a talisman, and you must take it with you at all times. Then I will leave first, Miss Layla."

After that, Dunn opened the window and jumped out!

The stunned Layla hurried to the window and looked down, but she didn't see half a figure at all...

After a while, Layla felt a little weird.

Just a few minutes of talking with this man gave her an illusion of... unreality.

"Mysterious man... hum."

Not knowing what Layla was thinking, she looked at the earrings in her hands and put them away gently.

It's getting late, and she's going to sleep too.

This time, the Wzero Special Assault Force was fighting to reduce the casualties of the coalition soldiers, and also to avoid further intensification of public opinion. Therefore, the rulers decided to use the lives of the soldiers of the original neon who were not counted in the national war losses to make up for this. vacancy.

Dunn, who was lying on the top of the castle, was thinking about these things.

For these 11 districts who immigrated to Europe, Dunn did not have any sympathy.

Their own destiny is their own choice. Since they fled from the war-torn District 11 to Europe, they have to pay their due price for their choice.

What's more, as long as these 11th district residents who attacked can gain military exploits or lives, then their families will get EU nationality. No matter how you look at it, this is a very cost-effective thing.

It is absolutely impossible for Tang En to do such a thankless thing. If he saves those soldiers who should have died, they will bite back and their family members have no nationality. All this is because he saved these people, not himself. Back the pot!

Since it is an equal transaction, it is still natural to let it go. It is fate to be able to survive on your own. Even if you die, the compensation you get can give your family an equal social status in the EU.

Looking at the gradually brightening sky, Dunn lit a cigarette.

The location of this castle is quite advantageous. There is a large jungle and a huge lake. Several messages flowing from the lake are interspersed in the woods, forming small pools one by one.

Further out of the woods, is a huge circle of wetlands.

That's right, it's the wetlands, which is why, the mobile armor here rarely uses pulleys to fight, but uses crawling to advance!

Because crawling allows them to better fight in the jungle, wetlands, and shoals!

The mecha named "Alexander" was also specially developed for this kind of combat from an environmental point of view.

If you want to compare Dunn, the body of Holy Britannia is better in offensive and defensive capabilities and long-range capabilities, while the body of Wzero is more flexible, but its attack and defense are slightly inferior.

Tang En flicked the cigarette butt into the air, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, muttering in his mouth:

"Has the battle begun!?"

As he said that, he jumped down from the top of the castle and walked towards the command room where he was feeling.

"The No. 11 machine disappeared, and [-] Alexanders remained! The enemy Nightmare Rider Mecha Army entered the war zone!"

"Panic symptoms are not getting better, Joe Wise, try steroids!"

"It's been injected, but it's useless to look at the data!"

"Most drivers are close to a short circuit, they've reached their limit!"

The command center is nervously reporting all kinds of data, but from the information, their combat failure is only a matter of time!

It is worth mentioning here that the boy named Archid is rarely able to maintain a normal spirit.

"It seems that the battle situation here is not optimistic."

Leila, who was standing on the podium, was suddenly stunned. This voice sounded a little familiar...

In the same way, this voice also made everyone who was busy in the command center stunned for a moment!

The next moment, everyone's eyes turned to look at the young man beside Leila.

"Didn't you say you want to participate in today's battle? Why are you still here!?"

Leila turned around calmly, staring straight at Dunn.

"I just came to say hello to you and tell you that I'm ready to strike."

Chapter [-] This leg...

"I'm just here to say hello to you and tell you that I'm ready to attack, otherwise you won't find out what to do..."




Except for Leila, who was able to remain calm, the entire command center was stunned!

They stared at Dunn in astonishment, completely ignorant of who this person was!But the conversation with Leila could tell that the two at least knew each other.

After a long time, Tang En left, and then they reacted!


Layla's friend, Anna Guleman, asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, just a lunatic who said he wanted to pursue me. We are fighting now, and the rest will be discussed after the battle is over!"


That is, when Dunn rushed to the front line, Wzero's self-destruction tactics have been launched!

Those Shi Lezhi's Area 11 pilots rushed towards Britannia's mecha frantically!Each explosion can take away at least three enemy mechs!

Not a loss.

Although the self-destruction caused a lot of trouble to the Knights of Britannia, Wzero had only 11 mechas!

I don't know what's going on, maybe it's because Dunn got involved in this world, whether it's District 11 or here, great changes have taken place!

The enemy's increased troops of the Knights actually invested at least 132 mobile armors in order to destroy the 200 troops!

If there is no scientific and technological suppression on the body, even the Knights of the Round Table of Britannia cannot defeat 200 people alone!This is the law!Neither the spirit of the driver nor the energy of the body allow this.

Of course, there is a kind of existence called local tyrants in this world. They use the body and good operations to be able to defeat a hundred by one, or even destroy an army by one person.

But if this kind of existence encounters a more powerful existence, it will only be able to kneel down. This kind of person is commonly called the opener, and if it is unpleasant, it is called the hanging force.

That's right, Dunn is like a coercive existence to people in this world.

The command center of the castle!

"No. 8 machine blew up! The two enemy mechas disappeared!"

"Bastard! There are only two!"


As the supreme commander present, this middle-aged uncle is about to explode!He doesn't want to find out what Leila and the red-haired young man said now, and he doesn't want to know who the red-haired young man is!He just wants to know now if this battle can be won!

If this battle is lost, the one who bears the blame will undoubtedly be him!

"Don't stop, keep pressing!! Quickly find the enemy for me!!"

"Commander Arnold, there are still 132 minutes before the time for 60 to retreat."


Uncle Arnold, who had an explosive mentality, turned around angrily, clenching his fist tightly in one hand and dancing at the big screen with the other hand!

"I know that!!! Staff Malekal! But what the hell is going on!??? Come and tell me!? Why is the number of enemies more than you predicted?"

Layla's expression remained unchanged, and she stood there calmly, looking directly at Commander Arnold.

"Even if a surprise attack is launched, and the combat time exceeds an hour, the enemy will definitely deploy the attacked defense area!"

"Damn, I don't want to listen to excuses. After all, the battle plan is still flawed!?"

"It was Commander Arnold who proposed revisions to the battle plan in front of the station."

Facing Leila's kind eyes, Commander Arnold was in a cold sweat!

Yes, the plan was modified by him, and he is also the commander of this unit.

This time the strategy failed, and there was no suspense except for his responsibility.

"Are you dissatisfied that I installed a self-destruction system for Alexander!"

Leila kept a calm tone and replied:

"It doesn't matter how much troops are consumed in combat, as far as tactics are concerned, it's a sideshow!"

"Hmph, hahahaha! Anyway, all the people who died are from District 11. Your naive humanitarianism is of no use to people from District 11!"

Layla snorted.

"You know this best, District 11 has a glorious tradition of severing and kamikaze long ago! Those people love to die as much as their ancestors!"

"What's wrong with letting those 11 districts carry out self-destruction operations!!!"

Obviously, Commander Arnold, who can say such things, is also a nationalist.Only from this point of view, he does not have the ability to lead.

One of the leadership skills is tolerance.

If you can't tolerate your subordinates, how can you defeat the enemy?

Isn't that funny.

Layla stared closely at Commander Arnold, and suddenly said:

"Are you sure you want to do this!? Sit and watch as the troops are completely destroyed, and the Britannia Army's defense line is still strong, what will happen to the 132nd Company that plans to retreat from Narva!?"

"Once this operation fails, our Wzero unit, which is responsible for covering the retreat of the 132nd Company, will be blamed. The failure of the operation brings a wave of condemnation from the people, the Paris Unified Headquarters and those in power. Will they willingly accept this failure? The rulers will not take the blame for themselves willingly, Commander Arnold, you should understand what I mean."

"I... I absolutely can't be trapped in this kind of place!"

With a roar, Commander Arnold took out his gun and quickly aimed it at Layla's head.

"Hehe, you can't do it!"

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