"Well, isn't it good, a child like Flonn is so good that people doubt life? Isn't it normal to attract so many girls! And the next generation of our Loki Familiar is also here. !"

  "Well, from this aspect, it's really good! Just pity Loki, hahahaha!"



Chapter 185

  Wand guns, rapiers, double-edged knives, knives, silver boots, staves, wands, battle axes, spears.

  The partners stood in front of the entrance to the passageway on the 51st floor, watching the shining weapons in the hands of the special attack team.

  Later in the center of the camp, the flag of the family fluttered in the sky, and the black and white clown showed a funny smile as if there was no wind.

  Feeling the feelings of expectation and hope from the partners, all of them restrained their mixed emotions and became serious.

  "Then, everyone."

  "--Set off!"

  Finn held the spear in his hand, waved his left arm, and the strikers took the lead!

  "Ha, I've been waiting for this moment!"

  With his superior speed, Bert was the first to rush into the passage that was no different from the cliff.

  "Damn, you agreed to be the vanguard with my sister? Why is Burt the stupid wolf?"

  "Can you shut up, it's annoying."


  Behind the two, followed by the central defenders who undertake guerrilla, protection, and replacement tasks.

  "You two, give me your attention. This is not the time for a fight."

  As the commander of the team, Finn was naturally in the position of central defender, and wearing the mask of the head of the team, he severely reprimanded the two.

  "These two idiots."

  Tionne was beside Finn, mumbling speechlessly.


  Ais pursed her lips, turned her head slightly to look at Floen behind her, but found that the young man responded to him with encouraging eyes.


  "Bang" - the silver rapier was pulled out of the scabbard, and the whole person seemed to be a sharp blade out of the scabbard, shining with moving brilliance.

  Central defenders: Finn, Tionne, Ace.

  "Hahaha, Bert and Tiona are still in the mood to quarrel, it proves that these two little guys are quite relaxed, that's good."

  At the back, the dwarf warrior Grace, who was the rear guard, was laughing with his battle axe on his back.

  "Raul, Lefiya. I don't ask you to relax to the level of Tiona and Bert, but at least you should learn from Alicia, Elvie, and Angie. During exploration, only a cool head can accurately judge the situation and make the correct response.”

  Beside Grace, Rivia, who is also a defender, educates the nervous juniors.

  "But, but..."

  "You are a magician, and in this case, you should maintain your [calm]. Only in this way can you play your role, understand."


  Floen also acted as a defender, running at the back with Mr. Grace.

  Because of his particularity, in addition to using quick-attack magic for support, he also has another task, that is, to solve the monsters that are chasing behind him with the old man, and protect the magic guide Riviria at the same time. Guards, and Angel and Alicia who are supporters at the back.

  So this time the overall formation is already very clear.

  Forwards: Tiona, Burt, forward supporters: Raul, Tsubaki.

  Defenders: Finn, Ais, Tionne, Defender Supporters: Lefiya, Elliott.

  Defenders: Flonn, Grace, Riviria, Defender Supporters: Alicia, Anakitti.

  Combatants in each position are equipped with 2 supporters to carry spare weapons and supplies. At the same time, in order to deal with different monsters, it is also convenient to change weapons frequently.

  For conventional large monsters, it is natural to use the first-level armament first, because the sharpness is higher, and if you encounter a new type, you must use the "not bad" weapons of the Roland series.

  In addition, each person also carried a large amount of magic sword reserves. For example, Bert had 5 dagger-shaped magic swords on the two leg pockets, a total of 10.

  Frohn said he was a combatant, but in fact he was also carrying a supporter's backpack.

  In addition to the main and auxiliary two weapons, 4 long-sword-type magic swords are also among them.

  No one else understands why he is obsessed with backpacks, but everyone does not know that backpacks made of black Goliath leather are much more useful than shields at critical moments!


  "Hoo ho ho ho--"

  As soon as the brutal werewolf and the berserk Amazon entered the passage, they turned into ruthless killing machines, slaying the monsters attacking the front team like a storm.

  "Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

  Just emerging from the floor passage on the 51st floor, the silver boots on the werewolf's feet and the big double-blade in Amazon's hands slaughtered the oncoming monsters in the blink of an eye.

  The black rhinos, which were over three meters in size, couldn't even survive a breath in front of their explosive combat power, and were turned into corpses and dust. Then the two stepped forward, blowing like the wind, and continued to charge.

  "According to the predetermined plan, we will go straight along the regular route until the passage of the next floor, the central defender and the defender, pay attention to the monsters approaching from both sides and behind, the forward, and always be alert to the approach of new species. Once found, the first time warning!"

  At this moment, Frohn came to the familiar labyrinth floor again.

  After passing the 50th safety floor, the terrain of the previous "Great Wilderness" is completely different. This is a typical "Dark Labyrinth" structure.

  The weak phosphorescence greatly affects the vision of the adventurer, and the structure of the "upper layer" labyrinth is basically the same, but the scale and monsters are very different, and they are not the same level at all.

  The width of the labyrinth road here can even be as wide as a dozen people walking side by side, and under the faint phosphorescence, the height of the ceiling cannot be clearly distinguished.

  Running in such an empty maze, it's easy to lose your sense of direction - if it weren't for the commander Finn.

  "Turn left ahead, Grace, Frohn, speed up and get rid of the monsters chasing behind."

  "Roger that!"

  The forward and the defender received an order from the center guard tower at the same time. While running fast, Floen held a cane and gun in his hand, and sent the sharp head of the cane at the moment when the black rhino with its bloody mouth jumped close. into the opponent's mouth.


  The magic stone was precisely smashed, and the monster instantly turned into dust.

  "Well done, boy! This technique is quite pleasing to the eye, a bit old-fashioned!"

  "Well, how can I say that I'm also Lv.5, old man! Don't underestimate me!"

  "Hahaha, praise you a few words, you are still in heaven, you are still far away! Drink!"

  "Pfft" - the monster was split in half by the double-edged giant without any pain, with neat skills, not even a trace of blood splattered on the body.


  "Grace, don't use your reckless style to teach Flonn. This is the 51st floor. Pay attention to saving your stamina and try to avoid unnecessary consumption. Your tactics are too exaggerated."

  "Don't worry about this kid, with his perverted ability value, it's just a small matter..."


  The corners of Fron's mouth twitched, wondering if he should explain it to the big guy.

  My ability value is high, and my combat power is also strong, and I even surpassed the order, but... it is because of the exceptional combat power that I need more physical, magical, and spiritual support!

  Lv.5 leapfrogged against Lv.6, certainly not as long as the Lv.6 battlefield, this is not inevitable!

  (please ask for full booking, ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for evaluation ticket!).

Chapter 186

  A special attack team consisting of 14 people quickly traveled through the vast passage on the 51st floor at a speed unimaginable for ordinary adventurers.

  With the rapid deepening of the team, it seemed that the monsters on the entire floor were attracted by them and gathered towards the location where they were moving.

  "Finn, the wall in the front passage is broken. Looking at the number, it is estimated that many monsters will be born."

  "Tiona, Bert, this wave of monsters doesn't need you to shoot, just move forward, and leave the rest to us."


  Finn's order was issued, and at the moment when the monster croaked to the ground, Finn accurately judged the distance and played the team ahead of time, which just overlapped with the position of the central defender!

  "Pfft, puff, puff, puff..."

  Suddenly, the anti-curbike, spear, and rapier that turned into afterimages, when passing through these monsters, slayed the black rhinoceros that had not yet had time to think, and then the team passed this ladder without any deceleration.


  Floen, who also passed easily, drew out his short sword and quickly dealt with the deformed spider that came behind him. Together with Mr. Grace, he dealt with the rapidly increasing number of black rhinos.

  "You guys, run faster! Don't leave the team!"

  The master is reminding Elvie and Lefiya, who are supporters of the central defender.

  "Yes, sorry!"


  After getting rid of the chasing monsters again, Fron smashed his mouth, glanced at the dagger in his hand, and reluctantly retracted the holster on his lower back.

  "Facing the super-deep large species, the short sword is a little difficult, it seems that only the stick gun can be used."

  "Ha, don't worry. If we can get to the 58th floor and clear the guys there, we'll have time to restock our weapons!"

  "Ah, I hope so."

  It is quite complicated to prepare his own wand gun. Fortunately, Fron carried a brand-new magic spar in his backpack, otherwise he would be numb.

  Moving on, the empty labyrinth seemed to be shaking. It was the roar of the dungeon against the invaders. In order to stop these adventurers, the monsters seemed to be attacking endlessly from all directions.

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