Look around, from the intersection, from the dome, from the wall, from the fork, even from the ground.

  Only what you can't think of, nothing you can't meet.

  The monsters formed a black wave, which was continuous, and the next wave was immediately after one wave.

  That is the birth rate and number that make ordinary people and ordinary adventurers on the ground despair, and it is daunting.

  However, this special attack team formed by the city's top family members did not know what it means to retreat in the face of the wave of monsters.

  "Damn bastards, get out of my way!"

  The two-handed sword fell from the sky, and Tiona relied on her skilled skills and strength to easily interspersed in the waves of monsters, and then simply killed the surrounding monsters.

  "Ah, ah, it's not very cool. Raul, give me a big double edge!"

  "Okay, Miss Tiona!"

  The most forward supporter, Raul carries Bert and Tiona's replacement weapons.

  From the weapon bag on the back, he took out Tiona's special weapon, and Raul accurately threw it to the Amazon warrior who was in front of him.

  "Ha, it's still my big double-blade that is comfortable to use!"

  "Ah ah ah ah ah ah, here I come!"

  But he saw that Tiona was holding the big killer spinning quickly, and rushed into the monster group in a straight line.

  "Hey, hey, Miss Tiona! Don't leave the team!"

  "Puff puff puff..."

  Dozens of monsters were mercilessly slaughtered by Tiona in front of everyone's eyes.


  Raul's expression was a little stiff.

  "Raul, focus!"

  "Ah, I'm sorry, Captain, I know it!"

  "Don't give me the smugness, it's annoying!"

  Watching Tiona, who is also a striker, make a big splash, Burt once again increased his speed.

  As a skill honed from the guerrilla position for many years, Bert used his silver boots to smash the monsters in front of him with his extraordinary agility and speed.

  The dexterous figure retreats with a single blow, and its stature is erratic, but it can often accurately grasp the opponent's weakness and kill it with one blow.

  "Mr. Bert and Miss Tiona...seem to be a little excited."

  While running, Lefiya looked at the two first-level adventurers in front of them who could still show this attitude and quickly end the battle during the march.

  "Ha, what. This is the super-deep layer. It looks like I'm making a lot of money by following you here!"

  The sword in Tsubaki's hand instantly killed the black rhino attacking from the right at a speed unseen by the naked eye, and laughed at the same time.

  Raul, who was in the same position as her, was stunned when he saw the other's showy scalp tingling skills.

  "Miss Chun, you, you are so strong... But, but you are a blacksmith?"

  "What, after I build it, I always have to try it first, and then chop and chop in the dungeon. When I come back to my senses, I have already run deep. Isn't it natural to become stronger like this."


  Raul always felt an arrow in his heart, which was too hurtful.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  So strong without realizing it...

  With the rapid raids of the crowd, more than half of the regular route on the 51st floor has been completed. As long as you descend from the stairwell in front, and then turn two fork roads, you will be the passage on the 52nd floor.

  "Lefiya, be careful not to refine your magic power."

  Finn licked his thumb and said to the wizard who had just grown up but lacked experience in deep exploration.


  "Lefiya, refining magic power will attract the attention of the new species. It's best not to do this until the new species appear."

  "I see, Lord Riviria."

  That's right, the trouble of the new species, if you can't encounter it early, don't encounter it early, so that they can move forward quickly.

  And after encountering a new species, there is no problem in refining magic power.

...... 0

  Frohn knew this for a long time, which is why he didn't use quick attack magic to deal with the monster group chasing the team behind him.


  Just as Tiona was holding the big double-edged blade and used the super whirling slash "Blade Storm" to create a blood vortex, and killed the monsters piled up in the mountains, there was a sound completely different from the march of other monsters in front of her.

  That kind of dense "rustle" sound like arthropods.

  "Finn, a new species."

  Humanoid monster radar quickly reminded.

  "—Are you here, a new type of monster, just come!"

  Finn's eyes flashed, and then he quickly issued an order.

  "Tiona, you and Ais change positions, and Ais is on top. Flonn, use quick attack magic to cover Ais and Bert, Rivia, and Lefiya to prepare for wide-area annihilation magic!"


  While running forward, as Tiona slowed down, Aisjian's unbearable acceleration passed her.


  "【Flame Volt!】"


  The moment Ais activated the magic, from the neutral position between her and Bert, a beam of orange flame swept through the heat wave and instantly slammed into the hordes of new worms that were densely packed in front!

  "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

  In the face of the magical attack like a natural enemy, these worm monsters with slow and abnormal growth in size could not even dodge, and were directly opened by Frohn's magic in the middle of the group. the ground.

  However, that gap was quickly filled by other kinsmen who came up later!

  "Ais, give me the wind!"

  "Wind!" the door.

Chapter 187

  The cooperation of the companions was not bad for a millisecond. As Ais swung the silver rapier, a raging storm was wrapped around the silver boots. At the same time, the werewolf youth pulled out the Roland series double swords around his waist for the first time.

  "Give me death, disgusting bastard aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-"

  Relying on the protection of Aisi's wind magic, the two forwards instantly entered the formation of the monsters and started to kill.


  The roars, curses, and screams of monsters were recalled throughout the passage.

  The conflict between the two sides has begun!

  The sour stench and terrifying corrosive liquid were still frowning, but unlike the last time, the adventurers who knew the enemy's information were no longer embarrassed, but slaughtered the enemy one-sidedly.

  With Ais and Bert as the arrows, the barriers formed by the two of them relying on wind magic, whether it is the corroding four-to-five liquid breath on people, the body rupture or the self-explosive sputtering attack, all of them are destroyed by the raging storm. Bouncing off, it can't hurt anyone at all.

  The silver thin sword turned into an afterimage, and Ais unleashed a speedy slash that was hard to see with the naked eye, and neatly disintegrated the enemy's body.With the acceleration and the blessing of the storm, Burt easily kicked through the swollen body of the enemy.


  Occasionally, the flame beams that flashed from behind the team kept helping Ais and Bert clear the monsters they couldn't handle, and blocked the enemy's formation.

  Relying on the new "not bad" attribute armament and intelligence advantages, coupled with the perfect cooperation between each other, the adventurers once again fought against the new species, occupying an absolute advantage.

  Coupled with the improved strength of Frohn and Ais, the combat power of the entire team is simply incomparable.

  In less than ten minutes, relying on Frohn's continuous quick-attack magic and the crusade against Ais and Bert, who were wrapped in the armor of wind, countless new monsters were mercilessly slaughtered by them, even if the number of people was endless, they were also enemies. But this kind of raging wave of attack.

  "Ais' wind armor is simply the enemy's natural enemy!"

  Tiona, who has come to the center back position, sighed with a smile.

  "Riveria, prepare for magic."

  "[The closed light, the frozen earth. Blow the snow, the triple severe winter - my name is Alpha!]"

  The first stage of Riveria's short text chanting finally sang aloud.

  This seasoned magician used the parallel chant technique to complete the magic with the help of the space created by the powerful suppressing power of Fron, Ais, and Bert.

  For the city's strongest magician at the top of Lv.6, the mere worm monster is not qualified for her to use the second-stage magic.And... for teams that are eager to break through the current situation, it is clear that ice magic can play a better role.

  "Everyone, retreat!!! Shelling is coming!"

  Finn activated his command skills during the melee, and clearly introduced the order to everyone's ears.

  As his message was conveyed, Ais, Bert, Tiona and the others quickly retreated to the team and avoided the straight path in front of Riviria.

  The team's transformation and contraction in an instant allowed the enemy to seize the opportunity in an instant. They frantically surged towards the adventurers, and opened their mouths to release the corrosive liquid breath!

  "Frohn, take advantage of it now!"

  "I see!"

  To break through the formation of the adventurers while taking advantage of the opportunity to activate the magic of Riviria's evolution, it can only be said that it was all within Commander Finn's expectations.

  In this vacuum period when the entire team is completely incapable of attacking...

  Frohn's quick attack magic is the best filler!

  I saw the young man at the end of the team, and pointed the stick gun that was flashing purple light to the front.

  Looking at the worm that made his scalp numb, Frohn shouted the name of the activation magic with a twisted expression of disgust.

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