"Cut, boring."

  "Hey, Bert, what are you doing at this hour?"

  Dione and Diona looked at each other and smiled.

  "Underground city."

  "It should be a dungeon."

  "Ais~ Let's go to the dungeon tomorrow too!"


  The girl's expression was calm, but her golden eyes were burning with surging fighting intent, which was the persistence of looking at someone's back.

  "Hahahaha, it's nice to be young."

  The next day, night and day alternated, and Frohn was busy all night again. When he yawned and went home to sleep, he found a strange phenomenon from the family mansion.

  "Hey, Raul. Why is it so deserted in the early morning?"

  Raul was holding his breakfast with a puzzled look on his face.

  "Don't you know? Everyone rushed to the dungeon early, and they didn't know what happened. Even An Qi, Elvie, and Li Nie ran away. Damn--leave me alone to handle so much work! "


  Raul complained frantically, grabbed the bread viciously and stuffed it into his mouth, not afraid of choking.

  Sitting down across from him, Frohn's eyes were blank.

  "I agreed to continue exercising today? Let me do the pigeons???"

  "Fron, wait for you to come to the library to find me."

  Coincidentally, the royal fairy appeared with her fairy assistant Miss Alysia.

  "Huh? Riviria?"

  "Ah, today your training will be put on hold for one day, just in time to learn magic knowledge from me."


  After saying that, Riviria left with a behind.

  "I really envy you, magic or something—"

  This Raul, the title is "Superman".

  Attribute values ​​are all C, skill magic, none of them——

  A real panel monster!

  "I said Raul, you're already at Lv. 4, and you've saved a lot of money, right? It's more than enough to buy a [Magic Book], why—"

  "woo woo woo woo--"

  "Hahaha, Frohn, forget it. That's a sad story!"

  When the orc Cruz heard this, he immediately laughed.

  Frohn blinked and approached Cruz:

  "Tell me and make everyone happy."

  "Pfft—hey, Cruz. How dare you say that I must kill you!"

  However, Cruz was not at all cowardly, but instead had a playful face.

  "Let me tell you, this guy was addicted to a certain prostitute at the Happy Festival, and even lost all the funds he earned from the "expedition". It seems that he has been paying back money all these years, how can there be money to buy [Magic Guide] [Book] Ah, a book is worth hundreds of millions, okay?"


  Frohn's mouth opened wide, his eyes rounded in disbelief, this honest-faced Raul, who calls himself "little, little" behind Finn every day, has such a bohemian side? ? ?

  "People--people don't look good, Raul!"

  The recovered Frohn looked distressed and made everyone around him laugh.

  Riveria and Miss Alysia, who had not gone far, also kept shaking their shoulders—because the goblin's restraint was probably too hard to hold back.

  Raul blushed and stared at Cruz angrily.

  "Making - making friends accidentally! You bastard!!!! What the hell are you saying to a newcomer!"

  "Oh, with your black history, who doesn't know yes, no, everyone!"

  "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

  The whole restaurant was bursting with laughter, it was so lively.

  After happily eating breakfast, Frohn packed up and went to the library.

  Riviria and Alicia had been waiting for a long time.

  In them, the unique temperament of goblins exudes, and Frohn is a little lost.

  "You're here, sit down first."

  "Okay, Rivia."

  "Alishia, you teach him basic ritual settings and simple magic first. In the afternoon, I will guide you to make simple magic props."

  "Trouble, Miss Alicia."

  "It's not troublesome, and this is an order from Lord Riviria, and I'm also curious about you. As a human being, it is quite rare to have the same magical talent as us fairies."

  Frohn touched his nose and smiled shyly:

  "Every race always has some special cases, ha, I have seen little human wizards, human wizards, and even Amazon wizards, but I have never seen dwarves and orc wizards.".

Chapter 39

  The fairy, Miss Alicia, was sitting upright, looking at Fron across the table.It's just that there are always some magnificent buildings that induce his sight.

  Aware of his realization, she raised the corners of her mouth and gave him popular science as if nothing had happened:

  "Orcs and dwarves are not individuals without awakening magic, such as Mr. Grace and Mr. Bert."

  "But an individual can't represent the average potential of a race, you know what that means."

  Saying that, she blinked and asked Flonn if he understood.

  "I understand, goblins are called magical races because you can generally use magic, just like orcs generally have beastization skills."

  "That's what I mean."

  "Of course, after God's Lower Realm, we have "God's Grace", and we use it as a medium to excavate the possibility of individuals. Then the problem comes."

  "Because of the infinite possibilities, each race has the opportunity to awaken magic. Therefore, magic is also differentiated."

  "To sum up, modern magic can be roughly divided into two types: [innate] and [acquired]."

  "Needless to say, the innate type refers to the magic related to the aptitude of the object or the foundation of the race. Since ancient times, the magical races can actively learn magic with their potential talents combined with practice and rituals. Although the attributes have a fixed tendency, But it has a wide-ranging and powerful effect.”

  "As for the acquired class—"

  Alicia stared at Fron's golden pupils and said seriously:

  "The possibility of the acquired species being explored through the medium of "God's grace". To use a more accurate term, it should be called 'self-realization'."

  "Its randomness is very large, let alone us lower world people, even the gods can't understand it."

  "Unknown rules, some are infinitely divergent. Importantly, it is greatly affected by experience points."

  "As for what magic is, you can describe it with interest."

  "This element is especially important for acquired magic."

  "For example, if you are interested in something, you have emotions such as recognition, hatred, longing, lamentation, worship, swearing, and longing. Under the "God's grace", it is obvious."

  Speaking of which, Riviria interjected.

  "Speaking of your magic, I can't imagine what kind of interest you have in order to awaken such an 'excessive' magical attribute-"


  Frohn looked embarrassed, like a pincushion.Destruction of attributes or something, that's not what he wants.

  "Have you specifically understood your own magical attributes?"

  Seeing the fairy royal family questioning him solemnly, and even Miss Alysia's eyes full of curiosity, Frohn moved his lips and lowered his head.

  "Not yet, it's just like using a sword instinctively. I only know that the power is very powerful. For example, the temperature is very high. After using magic, even the ground of the dungeon can melt, and - how should I put it, it is not good for weapons and armor. So friendly."


  Riviria and Alicia looked at each other in astonishment, as if it was more than Ace's magic.

  "Destruction, then the scope is too wide. Maybe your equipment expenditure will be beyond imagination."


  He had already realized it—he had a faint feeling in his heart that his magic could destroy weapons and equipment. This attribute, whether it was for the enemy or the user, was level and extremely extreme.

  "From this point, it may be inferred that the core ability of your magic is the [physical structure] or even the [energy structure] that can destroy the individual."

  "The specific performance in application is "confrontation". "

  As expected of the fairies, the explanation of magic is easy to understand, even a novice like Floen can understand it instantly.

  This has nothing to do with strength, it is entirely a matter of heritage.

  "As for the specifics, you need to explore by yourself."

  "Okay, let's learn some basic knowledge first, so that you have a comprehensive understanding of the magic system."

  In the following time, Floen plunged into the library, indulging in the world of magic and magic.

  From the basic theory, to the composition of the ritual, to the basic material-a large pile of books made him hungry for this knowledge.

  When Ais, Tionne, Tiona, Lefiya and the others returned from the dungeon, they were shocked when they heard that Floen was still studying in the library.

  "It's amazing. You can stay in the library for a whole day. I don't have that kind of patience."

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