"What, reading a book or something doesn't have that kind of blood spurting stimulation, it's the battle that is full of blood."

  Lefiya shivered, the Amazon female warrior or something, sure enough—tempered.

  "Is he still trying to become stronger?"——This is Ais's voice.

  Loki appeared out of nowhere, grinning and ravaging Lefiya who couldn't dodge.

  "We're really looking forward to his next stat update, you guys."

  Thione curiously asked:

  "His level of greatness should have been enough, right? That time he leapt to kill the Lv.2 saber-toothed tiger or something."

  "Ah, I can upgrade it long ago."

  "Too soon - it's been less than a month."

  Burt kicked the door and returned at an unknown time.

  "Loki, there's a limit to joking, that guy doesn't want to level up in a month, that's not—"

  "Hey hey, Bert. Do you have a sense of urgency? Maybe that kid from Frohn can catch up with you in half a year!"

  "Bang" - Bert left.

  "Hahahaha, this Bert is so interesting, we're going to die laughing!"

  "Loki, your bad joke isn't funny at all."


  "Hey, hey, don't mess around!"

  That is to say, from this day onwards, the residence of the Loki Familiar became quiet for some reason.

  Every day before dawn, he disappeared one after another, the main god Loki kept the empty room alone, and could no longer make out with the beautiful girl.

  It's either Finn, Riveria, or Grace who faces every day.


  "Loki, you're not in a good mood these days - what happened?"

  Finn smiled knowingly and asked.

  "Hey, that's too much, Finn!"

  "It's good, in this state, the team members should have a big improvement when the next "expedition", maybe they can rush to the 50th floor in one breath."

  "Don't say it, hum. Today is going to be a god meeting, let's go!"

  "Uh... how long has it been since she participated in a god meeting?"

  "I don't know, it's been a long time anyway."

  "I heard from the trail that Loki went to protest against a certain goddess-"

  "These gods are so boring."

  "Otherwise, it won't be in the lower bounds."

  The Big Three chatted about some and some non-nutritious topics and passed the time.

  the other side.

  After finishing the daytime magic course, Floen got into his workshop again.After ten days of progress, he began to become more and more skilled, and his skills began to improve.

  During these times, he made a total of several items.A pair of gloves, a pair of leather boots, a cloak, a large backpack.

  Coupled with the first work belt, the basic equipment of the adventurer can be considered fully alive.

  His task today is to make a spare weapon dagger. .

Chapter 40

  "Pfft" - the water is boiling.

  Holding the polished [No. 3 Short Sword] in his hand, he took a closer look at it in the sunlight, and the corners of Frohn's mouth rose.

  "The baby dragon's teeth are my best work. If I sell it - 2 pf, right?"

  "Most of this price is for materials, maybe my craftsmanship is only worth 5000?"

  Shrugging his shoulders, he took the hard leather holster that he had made earlier, and installed the [No. 3 Short Sword].

  "The staff should also be maintained. It's all money."

  After ten days of hard work and practice, Frohn's savings have been exhausted, and he has begun to be strapped again.

  "There is no other way, call Welf to make money. Stop by the union to see if there is any suitable commission."

  After tidying up the messy workshop, I took the work and went to the Adventurer's Guild headquarters.

  It is still the noisy crowd and the busy union reception ladies.There is never a shortage of curious people at the bulletin board—Frohn also squeezed in.

  [The "lower floor" of the dungeon is haunted by armed monsters who will snatch the weapons of adventurers]

  Frohn narrowed his eyes at what looked like an inconspicuous announcement in the corner.

  'Is there a sign of heretics now, too--as if Firth and Uranus started funding them 15 years ago. '

  [Familiar recruits members with healing abilities, including food and shelter, except for the Freya family. 】


  'Which funny sticker is this?A skilled one who hides his ears and steals bells, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is the Loki Familiar, okay?Fool. '

  Floen complained frantically, do you think that no one will know who's announcement if you don't say your name?

  [Looking for the missing adventurer on the 27th floor, number of requests: 17]

  [Go to Rivera Town on the 18th floor to receive items and bring them back to the union]

  [Mysterious singing appears in the "lower level" area, look for its source]

  [Buy a large number of "Blue Papilio Wings", "Poisonous Moth Powder" - Dean Kate Family]

  [Buy a large number of "Blue Papilio Wings" and "Poisonous Moth Powder" - Mihe Family]


  Frohn had a question mark in his head, are these two family members who belong to the pharmaceutical faction are born and die enemies.

  As far as I know from the mythology of the last life, Dean Kate seems to be jealous of Mihe, the god of medicine, so... it has continued here? ? ?

  'These two requests are good. One of the two drop items is the main material of "Antidote", and the other is the main material of "Mental Power Recovery Medicine", which is just within my ability.Take it. '

  After making the decision, Flonn went to the counter to go through the formalities of the adventurer's entrustment.

  After waiting in line for a while, it was finally his turn.

  "Hello, is there anything I need to do-hey, is it you?"

  "Long time no see, Miss Misha."

  "Huh, there's been no news for almost a month, I thought you were missing."

  "...Is it all that direct?"

  Misha rolled her eyes cutely:

  "How many years have I worked in the trade union? I've seen this kind of thing a lot, not to mention every day, every once in a while, an adventurer looking for a missing family is commissioned to publish it."

  As she said that, she also pointed to a certain elite counter lady behind her who was working hard in two stacks of half-height documents.

  "Well, this is Aegina, my best friend. You can see the two stacks of documents, they are all entrusted to find the missing adventurer."


  Frohn raised his eyebrows and twitched the corner of his mouth.

  Apparently he was really frightened - there were so many.

  "Adventurer, no matter if you're being laughed at or what, in short, living is victory. Oh, far away, what's the matter with you this time?"

  "Ah, accept the request, the request of the Mihe family and the Deankite family."

  "That, no problem - wait, you say god horse??"

  Miss Mi Xia listened calmly at first, but then collapsed directly, her voice soaring to the point of screaming out of order.

  Her face was full of disbelief, and she pointed at Frohn tremblingly:

  "Well, that's a monster that only appeared on the 11th and 12th floors. Do you want to court death!"

  Looking at her terrified appearance, Frohn decided to hide the truth.

  "Don't be nervous, Miss Misha. I'm not alone, there are several teammates. Do you think I can go to the 12th floor with a newcomer? I'm afraid I don't know how to die."

  "Huh, startle me. Oh wait, when did you have teammates?"

  Looking at her stance of breaking the casserole and asking to the end, Frohn even tricked her into fooling her.

  "I can tell you that if you don't want to become one of the missing members, you must do what you can, and don't do stupid things and be blinded by greed."

  "Well, don't worry."

  Seeing his expression of disapproval, Misha sighed.

  At this moment, Miss Half-elf stood beside her.

  "Misha is all for your own good, this gentleman."

  "Are you—the one Misha said, Miss Eina?"

  Aegina pushed her glasses and said with a smile:

  "Yes, first meeting."

  Frohn shook hands with her.

  "Ah, I heard Riveria tell you, as if she and your mother were old acquaintances."

  "Hey? Lord Riviria???"

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