Subconsciously, he wanted to fight back, but Mr. Okita gave up the idea in an instant.Looking at the side face that is so close, she has not been hugged by a man for a long time.

  I still remember that when she was a child, she was not in good health, and she was often held in Chen Qingchen's arms like this, and it was not until the Empress Dowager that she stopped doing this behavior.

  "Long-lost hug, how does it feel?

  "The chief's body is still so light.

  He smiled and looked at Souji Okita in his arms.Chen Qingchen

  Some molested their little retainers.

  "My lord, this is


  Tap the girl's forehead with her forehead, and look at those amber eyes - Chen Qingchen's breath could even touch Director Di Tian's face.

  _ "Don't talk. Someone is coming."

  With the whistling sound of the gun blade in the air, and a red figure jumping back and forth vigorously in the jungle, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows looked angrily at the two people in front of you, "You Nong Me" Xi Nong".

  "Who's on the side? Don't you know this is private territory?_"


  Fiercely" looking at Chief Okita, or at a certain man holding Sakura Saber, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows_

  "You bastard, are you provoking the old lady?"

  Even the old lady's self-declaration came out. Shaka turned the tip of the gun in his hand a few times, and then threw it to check the flower.

  Step by step towards Chen Qingchen, her body exudes a powerful oppressive nine.

  Well, except

  "My lord, her walking posture. Could it be the legend of the same hands and feet?_'

  Although greedy for Chen Qingchen's embrace.But the head office of Okita can still see the relationship between Skaha and his lord.

  some strange atmosphere in the room.

  Lightly got down from the man's arms. She looked at the fearless and imposing Skaha and complained.

  "Probably. I didn't expect her to have this skill."

  Sighing, looking at Skaha who was approaching, Chen Qingchen easily caught the powerless spear.

  "Yo, long time no see, Skaha."

  Originally, the attack was just a pretense, but after seeing Chen Qingchen's indifference, Skaha felt that the fire was not consistent.

  "Didn't you bastard say we can meet soon?

  Mother has been waiting for you for so many years. "

  "There was a little accident. So it's late."

  Not caring about the ruthless and changeable character of the Queen of Shadows, Chen Qingchen smiled and said

  "That's your reason?"

  The corners of her eyes twitched. Skaha's rare little daughter stomped her feet.

  "Well, can't you?"

  "Then add another one. I have already found the husband I promised to introduce to you. How about this?_"

  Suddenly approaching Skaha, at the moment when the queen was frightened by herself: she instantly embraced the other's waist, looking at the crimson

  eye.Chen Qingchen laughed.

  "The magic power that supports me is not small, so Illya is still sleeping e2"

  "I'll tell you. Chen Qingchen. I just let you two in because I didn't want to cause an extra fight for the time being. Don't think I'm the

  With a cold face, he led Chen Qingchen and Chief Director Okita into the castle.Because the plot has changed slightly, there are no two maids who took care of Illya in the original book.

  There were only Skaha and Illya.Nuoda's castle is full of icy aura.

  "Really? But I read in the literature that a woman declared she had a husband and was still

  three-letter name. "

  "Strange, did you get married after I left?"

  "Who is that man. Do I know 3

  He followed Skaha into the living room. Sitting lazily on the sofa, Chen Qingchen enjoyed the shoulder massage of Chief Ottawa behind him.smiling

  "Er..." Mei's eyes widened suddenly.The tone is not as strong as it was at the beginning.Skaha's body stiffened. "Hmm. I should say know. Or don't know?"

  "What's the matter? This also involves quantum and relativity?"

  "I didn't say it. Shaka, you can do that.

  No, we are old friends anyway. You have to explain something to me. _

  "Do I know your husband?"

  Holding back his smile, Chen Qingchen continued to tease the Queen of Shadows.

  "It should be known., It should be.

  His voice was getting lower and lower, and Shaka's smile was a little forced.

  "You bastard L has no end!

  With a sigh, just when Skaha's ears started to turn red, the Queen of Shadows finally saw Chen Qingchen's blank smile.

  Stomping her feet, her voice suddenly changed

  "Really, who is my husband, do you have no points?"

  "Do you have to tell me what I'm doing?"

  "You are like this. You always bully me like a little girl when I first met. It's still like this now."

  With his arms on his chest, Skaha proudly raised his head to prevent Chen Qingchen from seeing the corners of her eyes that were already dripping with tears.

  "Really? That's really sorry.

  "Speaking of which, I had breakfast today. 3 I remember you didn't like breakfast before. Would you like me to cook something for you?_"

  "Just take it, what I have done to you all these years

  Make it up. ".

  Looking at Skaha with a smile, Chen Qingchen said.

  "If you cook for me this time. I'll let you cook for the rest of your life."

  Finally, before she could hold back her tears, Queen Skaha let go of her restraint.

  He slammed into Chen Qingchen's arms.She buried her head in the man's chest and said s

  "That's not enough, a lifetime is not enough.

  "If you want to do it, do it forever and ever."

  Lifting the chin of the Queen of Shadows...Under Skaha's stunned expression, Chen Qingchen kissed gently....evenly ___


Chapter [-]. Gather together

  "It's so cold, so uncomfortable"

  "Dad, mom, where are you?"

  "Illya is so cold and so scared.

  In the lonely forest, the silver-haired girl in blue winter clothes looked at the faint green highlights in the distance at a loss.

  She knew. Those were wild wolves and other beasts in the forest that were already hungry.

  The weak shoulders, the young face, and the hands and feet without the power to resist. , known as Einzbern's most outstanding humanoid for thousands of years, Elias Phil.Von Einzbern was, after all, a product of the Holy Grail War ten years ago.

  However, at the age of ten, she was helplessly curling up Xiaoy Xiao&'s body, and she could only close her eyes and hope that someone could come and save her.

  "Dad, Mom

  I've never met my parents, and I don't know who they are.But in Illya's heart, the people who can save her should be her father and mother.

  That, only seen in books, the greatest word.

  "Illya, wake up."

  Who is it? Who is calling me?

  The light above the head makes people unable to open their eyes 1 The panic in the air also settles down in vain s

  open in disbelief

  Eyes open 1 Illya saw a gentle smile.

  "Have a nightmare?" 797

  Gently pulling the wet hair on the little girl's forehead to the sides, Chen Qingchen sat beside Illya's bed.

  Unexpectedly, she would see Chen Qingchen, and Illya was stunned.

  "Well, it's me."

  Nodding, Chen Qingchen looked at Ilya and smiled.

  " it my big brother_you?"

  "Illya isn't dreaming?"

  Sitting up from the bed, he wanted to touch Chen Qingchen, but he was afraid

  The other party disappeared like a bubble, and Illya has seen this scene countless times in her dreams.

  "This is not a dream, Illya."

  "I'm really back e"

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