Taking the initiative to hold the little girl in his arms, the physical touch and the melting body temperature all told Ilya that she was really not dreaming.

  actually meet someone.

  that.save her great brother.,

  "Shh, she just fell asleep.

  Bringing Skaha and Ilia back to Einzjian Lun's castle, Chen Qingchen finally let go of the tension.

  Keliya was holding on to his clothes tightly.

  After closing the bedroom, he and Skaha entered the conference room together.

  In the large conference room, in addition to the girls from Einzbern, many people from the last Holy Grail War were also there.

  For example, the Roman doctor Kishi Hakuno Fujimaru Tachika, Matthew. Erquite.Fiore.Da Vinci and Drake, the Chaldeans.

  besides.There are also several people who compile the clock tower and represent the church.

  For example, Webber and Kenneth L, who just came over, and Iskandar, who has a hangover and headache, supported Dee who didn't know what he was thinking.

  Ermude, Kotomine Kirei who said nothing.

  Finally, there are other Masters of this Holy Grail War.

  They are Liudong Yicheng and Cu Chulainn.

  Kuzumi-Lang and Hercules.

  Illya and Skaha are still sleeping

  Tohsaka Rin and Tamamo Mae e

  Alice Phil and Blue Most.

  Matou Sakura and Medusa e

  And...Chen Qingchen and Medea, take out the adjudicator of this time, Chief Okita.

  Emiya Kiritsugu, who has disappeared, is a magician who is on standby in Yog Domirenia

  Serenikai, as well as the mavericks Tres and Karna, have already arrived.

  Well, with the exception of Tohsaka Tokiomi and Wentong Kariya, these two guys still couldn't avoid the law of fate and died.

  "Everyone, see you soon."

  He looked around in a circle.Chen Qingchen motioned for everyone to sit down and talk.

  "First of all, let's talk about the old things: I will say that many of the people present here are friends. I can understand your excitement."

  "But before I say that, I have something to say."

  _ "Romain."

  pointed to one

  -The doctor next to me, Chen Qingchen, said it was your turn.


  "Introduce myself, I'm Romani Aqiman from Chaldea. Everyone can call me Doctor Roman."

  "The reason why I called everyone here L besides the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War _I have one more thing to say."

  "Da Vinci."

  After a simple self-introduction, Dr. Roman followed and fiddled with the instruments with Da Vinci.Then a three-dimensional picture appeared in the entire conference room.

  "this is?"

  Seeing that it's been destroyed so to speak

  It was the surface of the ruins, and Irisviel was the first to exclaim.

  "Could this be... the Earth?"

  Familiar Notre Dame Cathedral.The Statue of Liberty represents liberty.An unbreakable treasure--The Great Wall... _

  as the screen changes.Countless scenarios emerge from above without exception.All look destroyed.

  "That's right. This is the Earth, but in 2027, which is the Earth two years from now."

  Tossed with his long brown hair.Da Vinci took a sneak peek when he said this - Chen Qingchen, after getting the other party

  - After the pair of encouraging eyes, she hurriedly looked away.

  "Will Earth 3 be destroyed in two years?,"

  Taking the initiative to speak can make Diarmuid open 0. It seems that the seriousness of the matter is beyond homesickness.


  Nodding, Da Vinci said calmly.

  "Just kidding and destroying the earth.

  Standing up, L Tohsaka Rin was still thinking about the Holy Grail War just now. A and she only summoned Tamamo before yesterday..result now

  Such an escape scene. , it really makes her unacceptable.

  "Let me explain."

  "Well, everyone here is somewhat related to me, so I said it was better."

  Signaling Tohsaka Rin not to panic.Chen Qingchen stood up.

  In the second instant, people in the entire conference room sat up straight, the atmosphere instantly became serious and tense, and someone's aura was fully reflected at this moment.

  That's the meaning of the name tie...

  . !

Chapter [-]. We Support You (Volume [-] Prelude and Ending Chapter)

  The ultimate trial, exhausting human history until the journey to the other side.The plan of someone who calls himself the Magic King.Backlight Canal or Genesis Lightyear ended in failure.

  Congratulations to all of you, you have done your best to solve the incident of the burning of human principles. ; After completing the trial and regaining daily life, human principles will no longer be shaken.The future also survives.

  but.You are missing the fatal _ point.The Age of Gods with Utato, the showdown with the past has ended.So.Can you imagine what happened after that?

  This is just a little puzzle before that Tai incident.before the grand battle. , can be said to be like a prophecy.

  Throw fire to a bonfire. Offer an offering to an altar.Bless the new born of this planet in the name of the Mage King and see... this is the end.

  The elimination of human history itself, the malice of defeated history is the result of this.But no need to sigh, because there are no victims here.If human beings choose not to let the weak be eliminated naturally, but to eliminate them by themselves.Then it's just that this role falls on you.

  My name is Solomon.Have eyes to see through the past and the future.This result was already foreseen.At the same time, it will also fight for the final battle of Class A.A panoramic view on the other side.

  The roots of fantasy have taken root.from

  The signal in the sky has been cut off.Covered in ice, the planet fell into solitude.Filter alien history phenomena.Invaded. A planet turned into a blank sheet of paper.The order of justice is nowhere to be found, nor does the heroic spirit that protects human nature.There is no friend. Because here.You are evil.However, for survival, there is no distinction between good and evil.

  If you still don't give up, like then.If you still want to survive in this situation of nothing.Even stupid.Let's shout with all your might.

  No matter how much - cut 1, no matter how many mistakes you make, you will owe countless debts.The hopeful, human battle is now - the following is about to begin

  The beginning.

  bring it on.let me see your decision


  "Simply put... in the next two years, humanity will perish."

  "The reason for being poor is because a certain guy has edited history. He has revised some important eras in human history, and then burned down human principles."

  The brainworm echoed the words of _Getia in EG0.Chen Qingchen didn't think that this Xingyue world, which had been changed by him' Xia, would have ten singularities like ECO-.

  and.In addition to throwing the singularity, there is also the existence of the Loss Belt a

  Among them, there will even be Qin Shihuang's. Galaxy giant ship.

  In fact, I was not very confident in my heart, and Chen Qingchen hesitated for a while.

  Does he really need to confess the truth to everyone, and can he really complete this main quest while protecting others.

  "Although I don't quite understand what you mean, brother. But in short, we just need to follow your instructions." Huo Wei, the king of Macedonia. Iskandar is not good at wisdom. b.He is used to fighting head-on on the battlefield, relying on his charisma and the help of his subordinates. (06e The original Macedonian Empire

  It was built on the strategy of Xin Chen Qingchen and Hephaestion, and he was the first to express his support

  "Don't look at Yu Yu, who is mainly from Qin"

  Then conquer the king.The tyrant Nero also published his own opinion.

  "Look at what this king does 2, I don't care about such trivial matters."

  "There is really nothing to say, but the treasure of the king of the job has the wealth of the whole world."

  It's still the same dismissive attitude_ The most ancient dry mouth is always so proud of Joe.

  "Gilgamesh means to support all the decisions you make. Even if it takes the king out for it

  The treasure doesn't matter. "

  "By the way, I agree with her."

  A few supplementary interpretations of Gilgamesh's meaning.It was Enkidu who spoke.

  "Enkidu, you bastard. Don't talk too much."

  Rarely did not refute Enqidu, and even Niang Zhuan's ears were slightly red.

  "Well, although I don't think it matters to me about history. But this is the result of everyone's efforts."

  "Whether it's grief. Sadness. Despair and happiness. Since the end is set. Then there is no need to change.".

  "I support you."

  The crimson eyes shone with dazzling light just sitting there.Skaja exudes a unique pressure.

  and.After seeing Shaka and Chen Qingchen, a certain spear named Ku Qiulin was sitting upright, for fear that he would do something wrong and make the two teachers unhappy.

  "I don't want to see the demise of humanity. Even if I exist as a heroic spirit now, I was a human before."

  "I will help the teacher."

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