Although her ability would not make her pinching too painful, this uncomfortable feeling still made her complain.

"No, I'm not afraid, what if I run away, what if he just turns me into a stone." Flanda scratched her head in embarrassment and laughed.

"It may turn you into a stone, but it's useless for you to hide behind me, you are even taller than me." Silk flag slapped Fu-Landa's hand off the most dissatisfied.

"That's right!" Flanda stuck out her tongue playfully, and ran behind Taki-Kori behind.

"If you are mean, you might be turned into stone," Takitsubo said sleepily.

At this moment, the automatic glass door opened, a white figure appeared in front of the group of four, and an irritable voice sounded.

"You are the guy that the guy asked me to pick up, tsk, it's amazing how much you have made me come to receive you."

Accelerator looked impatiently at the four people standing at the door with their thumbs in their trouser pockets, and said with a strong negative emotion.

"Ha! What did you say, this guy?" Mai Ye Shenli suddenly became irritable when he heard this ironic remark, and he was full of anger after being deflated in that guy's hand. barked at her.

"Wait, wait, Mai Ye, wait, don't be angry."

Silk flag favorite frowned slightly, and when he saw the face of the person speaking, his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly stopped in front of Mai Ye Shenli.

"Silk flag what are you doing?"

"Mai Ye, she, she is Accelerator." Silk Qi Favorite swallowed her saliva and said in horror, her legs with graceful lines like suet and white jade couldn't help shaking.

With white hair, red eyes, and this kind of figure that is scary just by looking at it, although I have only seen photos of Accelerator in the former laboratory, there is nothing wrong, it is definitely her.

At level 5, they were terrifying to the point of despair, and now they have become level 6, which is a horror they can't imagine.

"Accelerator..." Mai Ye Shen Li's pupils shrank, watching Accelerator's face pouring cold water from head to toe, he tutted unwillingly.

"Follow me." Accelerator glanced at her and turned and walked towards the research institute. She recognized who this woman was, but it was only level 5. When she was still level 5, she despised any level 5, and now she is level 6. , not even interested in watching.

It's not level6, it's not clear where the gap between level5 and level6 is, it's completely dimension level.

At level 5, she can already control electronic-level units and can control the direction of everything that her skin touches. At level 6, she can control the direction of dimensions and act like a god. She can instantly decompose a person into an atomic state, even a corpse. Evaporation out of thin air can also restore a person who has been decomposed into an atomic state back to its original state.

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And she doesn't need to touch it with her hands at all, and she can even destroy the entire Academy City in just one second, so as to truly stop the earth's autobiography and achieve various cosmic effects to destroy human civilization in a few minutes.

"Well, is Director Yefei here? Takitsubo, do you want to go in... eh! Wait for me."

In front of a sliding door, Frenda grabbed Takitsubo Rikō's clothes, hid behind her, and stuck her head out to look at the sliding door. Takitsubo was very speechless. She pushed open the sliding door and walked in. Frenda quickly panicked.

Mai Ye Shenli's face changed a bit to keep up with the pace, and he was very upset.

"Mai Ye, don't be angry, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood if you keep Qingshan, as long as we don't scold him, we'll be fine." Silk Flag said to Mai Ye Shenli in a low voice.

"I know, that guy is really as irresistible as a monster." Mai Ye Shenli smiled bitterly, no one knew how badly she was tortured during this time.

Accelerator leaned against the wall with his arms folded, and looked at the group of four indifferently. He was indeed as irresistible as a monster, and he also thought of when he was brutally abused.

However, there are two such monsters in Academy City, and there are many more in this world.

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wearing this white coat, with a pair of glasses and a stethoscope-like instrument hanging around his neck, Ye Fei looked at the group of four who entered the laboratory with the style of a researcher.

"Well, boss, did you have a mission to call us here?" Flanda asked cautiously, sticking her head out timidly.

"Is there any task, just send it to us directly?" Mai Ye said irritably, turning his head away from looking at this terrifying person, for fear of subconsciously raising hostility towards him.

"No task, just want to study your body, take off your clothes." Ye Fei said with the corners of his mouth raised.Several.

Chapter [*]: The reason why the girl becomes stronger

"What, what?" The expressions of everyone present changed, and they took a step back defensively, with eyes like the kind of lecherous elements that only appear in the subway.

"Is it the one from last time who called us here!" Flanda exclaimed. Last time, because she sold her virginity in exchange for her life, how could it be? I thought he forgot, what should I do? The brush came out from the forehead.

"Director Ye Fei, you are serious!" Silk Qi most unnaturally shook her graceful legs: "I, I'm still a minor, you, you didn't expect you to be such a beast."

"That's right, that's right, I'm just talking about the previous one. If you dare to mess around, I'll definitely blow you up and make that thing of yours explode into foam." Flanda saw that someone was angry first, and hurried from Two crocodile bombs were pulled out from under the skirt, as if trying desperately for her own chastity.

Takitsubo Rigo and Mai Ye Shirley stared at Ye Fei coldly.

"Hehe, do you think I'm interested in your poor and weak body? Although Lolita is very eye-catching and Mai Ye's body is pretty good, but even if you put you in one hundred and eighty poses, you won't be in the research institute. ." Ye Fei couldn't help but squinted his eyes and looked at the group of four with aggressive eyes.

"Damn you bastard, you really are a lecherous lolicon. If you want to put me in one hundred and eighty poses, I will fry you into Momo first."

"Silk flag, don't pull me, I'll detonate the bomb now."

"Okay, let's go, I won't stop you." Silk Flag said with a sneer, pushing Flanda, who was hiding behind her and grabbing her soft flesh, to the front.

"Uh..." Flanda was immediately stunned, and immediately looked at Ye Fei who was smiling at her, and Dou Da's cold sweat broke out instantly, and she put the bomb in her hand back into the space under her skirt with a dry smile. .

"Aren't you going to blow me up into Momo? Why haven't you done it yet?" Ye Fei looked at Flanda playfully, the ballpoint pen in his hand spinning.

"I was wrong, please let me go." Flanda lost her integrity in an instant, and fell to the ground in front of Ye Fei, praying pitifully.

"I don't think the restraints on you are enough, and we need to consider adding more punishment to you." Ye Fei snapped his fingers, and a chair appeared behind him, sat down lazily, with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Frenda!!" Three roars resounded through the sky.

"Wow——" Flanda held her head in her hands, her bowels were full of regret, she saw the angry San Rang with an expression that she was about to eat her, and even crawled and crawled her hair behind Ye Fei, as if It's safer here.

"Please let us go, I was just joking." Flanda clasped her hands together and cried and prayed like a god.

"For the sake of you're not malicious towards me, forget it this time." Ye Fei raised a smile and said maliciously. If Flanda really went against him just now, it would have been petrified.

With this layer of unsolvable shackles, even Mai Ye Shenri, who has a violent nature, will be trained to become a good baby.

"Stand in a row for me, and I'll tell you something." Ye Fei said, looking at Flanda, who was afraid to come out with his hands behind the chair.

Looking at the serious Ye Fei, Flanda quickly patted herself with dust on her body, and returned to the team in embarrassment. The angry gazes of the three made her shudder.

"I called you here this time to improve your strength. A mere level 5 and three level 4s are completely useless to me." Ye Fei looked at the four people with disgust and said, to be honest, although Mai Ye Shenli is in level 5 It has the highest lethality, but if there is no Takitsubo rear support, it will not hit people after more than [*] meters, and its ability is super unstable.

The other four, Takitsubo Rihou's ability does not have the "ability body crystal" to make the ability runaway, basically can't play a practical role, and if the ability runs rampant more times, the ability will completely runaway, and even life-threatening.

As for Silk Flag Favorite and Flanda, they are still good-looking, and their ability is equivalent to paying for the phone bill. Even if the silk flag favorite simulates the calculation formula of Accelerator, it will defend in front of it, and it will be finished if it encounters a cannonball. .

"Improve ability? Can our ability be improved?" Mai Ye Shenli asked.

"Of course, otherwise you think who made Accelerator into level 6, except for the atomic collapse, your abilities are simply unsightly. It's okay to peck each other in Academy City, if you really fight against the strong, Soaring in place in minutes..." Ye Fei said while looking at the four of them.

"You think everyone is a monster like you and Accelerator." Flanda secretly said unconvinced, but did not dare to say it.

"In other words, I can also become level 6, right?" Mai Ye Shenli asked in a hasty tone, her eyes twinkling, she didn't think Ye Fei was really lying to them, after all, the truth is here.

In her eyes, the guy who can manipulate them like a curse must be level 6, this level.

Her ability hadn't been improved a long time ago, which made her very unwilling.

"You, it's impossible to become a level 6 under normal circumstances, but you listen to me, I don't mind letting you become a level 6."

Even if Mai Ye Shenli has a godhead, it is impossible to become level 6, her potential is impossible to reach, and it is impossible to even reach the threshold of level 6, but if she has the core of that angel embryo, it will be no problem.

"Now, I'll let the three Takitsubo grow into level 5 first, and level 4 is too weak." Ye Fei said disdainfully, putting his hands in the pockets of his white coat, and turning around to open the door of the laboratory behind him.

"follow me."

The furnishings behind the door made Mai Ye Shenli and others tremble in their hearts.

The training cabin is like studying aliens, the silver 1.7-color operating table, and the computer that keeps calculating something, the cold sense of technology blows.

"Take off your clothes and go to the training cabin by yourself." Ye Fei pointed to the training cabin and said, "You only have one chance, and I won't force you if you don't want to be level 5."

"Can Chao be level 5?" Silk Flag asked the most, and after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Although it feels like you just want to use us as an experiment, if you can become level 5, I don't want to let it go."

With Ye Fei's eyes shining, Silk Flag quickly took off his short sleeves and denim shorts, even the last restraint, and entered the training cabin with a hot head.

Working in Anbu, she knows the importance of abilities better than anyone else, except for level 5, those with abilities like them can be discarded at will. .

Chapter [*]: You can't afford me for the rest of your life

One slender arm was in front of him, which could not cover the downturned vision, the other arm blocked below the navel, the delicate and small collarbone, the suet white jade-like skin glowed with a faint cherry color, the cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't turn his head away. Watch the night fly.

"I'll see how the silk flag can improve the ability first, there's no problem." Mai Ye Shenli said hesitantly, she didn't want to be the subject of the unknown experiment.

"Where are you two?" Ye Fei asked, looking at Flanda and Takitsubo Rihou.

"I'll take a look first, I'll take a look first." Flanda scratched her head timidly and smirked, hiding behind Takitsubo Rikō, holding onto Takitsubo Rikoku's clothes with both hands.

"I have a question, can I ask?" Takitsubo Rikou raised his hand and asked cautiously, his lazy and sleepy eyes becoming energized at this moment.

"Well, is there any danger?"


Takitsubo lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and seemed to have made a desperate decision. He grabbed the corners of his clothes with both hands, and took off his loose sportswear lazily like a Persian cat. Shy and awkward, he slowly walked into the training cabin.

"It's not bad, OK, you two are now disqualified, you know the famous saying that if you hesitate, you will lose." Ye Fei said decisively with a wave of his hand.

"I don't care, such a suspicious glass jar obviously wants to use us as an experiment." Flanda whispered disdainfully.

"Tsk!" Mai Ye tutted his mouth in disgust, clasped his arms and tapped his fingers on his arms. Although she performed well to make her a level 6, it is hard to say whether she can become an ethereal level 6. Forget about the training cabin, wait for the silk flag and the others to try it, and wait and see what happens.

Ye Fei turned around and started the operation.

Anesthetic gas began to be injected into the culture cabin, and Senban Favorite and Takitsubo Rigo fell asleep, and then the pipeline began to inject light blue nutrient solution, and the two women floated in the culture cabin.

Electrodes began to stick to them, and data about their bodies began to appear on the computer.

"The biomagnetic field is too weak, the aim is barely spreading, and the physical fitness is okay."

Ye Fei analyzed the data of the two women and touched his chin.

Flanda tiptoed her head, looked at the operation interface, and curiously looked at the various data of Senqi Favorite and Takitsubo Rika.

"What is the judgment of personal literacy, and what is the ranking of aptitude? Takitsubo is actually ranked eighth. It's a lie, Takitsubo can successfully become level 5." Flanda exclaimed.

"Let's go, don't disturb me." Ye Fei grabbed Flanda by the back collar, picked her up, and gently tossed her to the back.

"Whoops!" Flanda was suddenly in pain, fell to her knees, rubbed her buttocks with tears in her eyes, and stared at Ye Fei with gnashing teeth: "Damn you, you don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all, I curse you will never be found. girlfriend."

"Flanda, please calm down for me." Mai Ye Shenli glared at Flanda fiercely. Every time Flanda dropped the chain, if he angered this monster, there would be no good fruit to eat.

As another director, if they dared to say this to her, they would stuff him into the sewers one after another, but in the face of this kind of monster that was tormenting her so badly, she couldn't even think of doing it.

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