After the petrification, it recovered, more than a hundred times in a row, if ordinary people would have collapsed long ago, such as Flanda, she would have almost wet her pants once.

"Yes, Mai Ye." Flanda shuddered and stood in the corner, like a student punished by the teacher: it's terrible, Mai Ye is too terrible.

"Join now, 100g of "Charlotte's Comet Factor". Ye Fei pressed a button, and a substance like phosphor was injected into the culture cabin.

Mai Ye Shiri and Flanda opened their lips while looking at the situation in the training cabin.

As soon as the fluorescent powder-like substance appeared, it drilled into the skins of Kenban Favorite and Takitsubo Rikō, causing them to glow with fluorescence all over their bodies.

Finally, adding the "power body crystal" with no side effects, the strengthening process is completed.

For Academy City, the crystals of ability bodies developed by themselves are used. The crystals of ability bodies with no side effects created by their own talents can be used by anyone with any level of ability.

The combination of these two things can make any level of ability quickly become level 5, and there are no side effects.

Time passed a little bit, and half an hour later, in Mai Yeshen, shaking her legs impatiently, Flanda crouched in the corner to reduce her sense of existence, but she looked at the training cabin seriously, although she was usually slapstick, She was actually worried about Takitsubo Rigo and Kinabalu's favorite.

The faces of Takitsubo Rihou and Kinabalu slowly came to their senses, and found that their heads were more sober than usual.


"Takitsubo, silk flags, how are you feeling? Are there any discomforts?" Flanda hurriedly handed over the ready-made disinfectant bath towel and asked nervously.

"It feels good, better than ever, and I feel that my ability has really improved a lot, but I just don't know how it is." Silk Qi loves to wrap the towel around her body quickly, and Director Ye Fei next to him is staring at it. The sight made her shy and twisted.

"Your ability has really improved!" Mai Ye Shenli asked quickly, it seems that she can really improve her ability, that is to say, she can also improve her ability, and she can also become level 6 like Accelerator.

"Well, really, ascension, I feel that I can not only manipulate nitrogen, I can manipulate any gas, but also decompose the gas composition, form any kind of gas at will, change oxygen into carbon dioxide, form gas into water, change It's like a flame." The silk flag stretched out his hand most excitedly, and a white cyclone visible to the naked eye appeared in his hand, and the cyclone was ignited and turned into a fireball.

"Wow, that's amazing." Flanda exclaimed in jaw-dropping, and then looked at Ye Fei with burning eyes.

"My narcolepsy is cured." Takitsubo Rihou rubbed his eyes and said brightly.

Ye Fei wrote the record just now in the notebook, looked at Takitsubo Riku and said.

"The cause of your narcolepsy is caused by the long-term use of the ability crystals with side effects, and even the gene sequence has been damaged. In order to repair your genes and brain, it cost me a bottle of super expensive universal gene repair. Liquid, even if you sell me your whole life, you can't pay it back.".

Chapter [*]: I just like your arrogant look

Takitsubo used a sterilized towel to cover his saturated plump with a sterilized towel. The milky white skin was sakura-colored, and even under the light, there was a halo of bewilderment. He looked at Ye Fei with a shy look in his clear eyes. Feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable, there was a submissive breath all over his body.


"You're welcome, it's almost enough to serve me all my life. After all, I didn't pay in vain." Ye Fei said with a smile, in his eyes, his subordinates are his subordinates all their lives, and he is like this A person with a strong desire to control, of course, this is limited to the people he likes, and some insignificant little people are completely unnecessary.

"I understood this kind of thing when Chairman Aleister gave us to you." Takitsubo Rikō said as if nothing happened, his voice calm and indifferent.

"After I think you won't betray me, I will cancel the contract. After all, the contract is useless at that time." Ye Fei said with a smile. Among the four props, his favorite is Takitsubo Ri who is submissive. later.

The ballpoint pen made a final note on the notebook and said: "Your ability has been successfully upgraded to level 5, but it can no longer be called ability tracking, but should be called "aim diffusion position manipulation", except for Accelerator, you are the second A person who can successfully become level 6, as for letting you become level 6, it depends on your performance. "

"What, what, Takitsubo can definitely become level 6! What about me, what about me."

Flanda hurried over and said with a look of excitement and flattery, the change of the silk flag is obvious to all, so she can also become level 5, level 5, there are only eight top superpowers in Academy City, and now there should be ten .

"You." Ye Fei half-squinted at Flanda, who was flattering.

"Oh! Director Ye Fei, let me squeeze your shoulders for you." Flanda hurriedly ran behind Ye Fei, pinched Ye Fei's shoulders with her slender fingers and said to please, "Takitsubo and Silk Flag have both been upgraded, It's my turn too. "."

"You, go away, do you think what I said before was fart?" Ye Fei snapped his fingers, and Flanda appeared in the corner.

"In front of me, hesitation will lead to defeat, and decisiveness will be given in vain. You all understand the truth of this sentence."

Mai Ye Shen Li pursed his lips, silently did not speak, although she really wanted to say, she also wanted to try to see if her ability would improve, but when it came to this, she tutted unwillingly.

There is a little regret in her heart, but she can't blame anyone, it's her own decision.

"Be careful, I curse you that you will never find a girlfriend." Flanda felt sour in her heart, seeing Takitsubo Rihou and Kanban's favorite, she suddenly ate a sour lemon in her heart.

"Takitsubo, your ability can be said to be the most potential except for Emperor Kakine's virgin substance. You can restrain anyone with ability except level 6." Ye Fei said, as for Accelerator, in fact, the vector The ability to operate this kind of ability is bad in Academy City. Accelerator's greatness mainly depends on computing power, so there is no ability to waste, only people who are waste.

It's just to create level 5. In his Babylonian treasury, there are never used up Charlotte's Comet fragments and crystals of ability bodies. He can even create a bunch of level 5 in a short time.

However, after he uses it on his own people, don't think about others.

Silk flag most despised and looked at the complaining Flanda, what did you do earlier, run faster than anyone else if it is good, flinch when it is dangerous, no good things will happen to you.

In fact, she is also going to gamble again. This time, her ability has indeed improved a lot, and it is completely two levels from before.

"As for the silk flag, your ability potential is much worse. It should be called gaseous molecule manipulation. You can manipulate the shape and strength of gaseous molecules to create various gases. As for the strength, it barely reaches the baseline of level 5." Ye Fei put down the notebook and said.

These super-power detection instruments were all made by Bu Shuxin. Since gaining a lot of knowledge about aim's diffusion position and high-tech knowledge, they have done a lot of things.

The skill of "innate wisdom" is fully displayed, coupled with the "conceptual transformation" of Mr. Mushan, the technological level of the created things is more than a level higher.

"Thank you very much, Director Ye Fei." Silk Flag said most gratefully, although she only improved her abilities because they were useful, but there was no doubt that she became level 5.

"What do I need to do to switch to the possibility of becoming Level 6?" Mai Ye Shenli gritted his teeth and asked directly, the attraction of becoming Level 6 is too great, and it is impossible for anyone with ability to ignore it.

"¨" Well, it's pretty simple. "Ye Fei looked at Mai Ye Shenli playfully, 90 in body, 90 in appearance, -100 in character, 70 in ability, 37.5 points overall, bad review.

"Accelerator, who became my person, got the qualification to become level 6, you, tsk tsk, ah, work harder~"

Mai Ye Shenli's face suddenly became gloomy, and the feeling that he wanted to tear this bastard into pieces suddenly rose in his heart, but a tingling feeling came from the tip of his toes, his face changed, he turned his head, and shamelessly meditated on the words to please Ye Fei.

"Accelerator, actually became level 6 in this way." Flanda was stunned.

Even Takitsubo Rihou and Kenban Favorite were stunned, looking like they couldn't pull it, so it turns out that you are such an Accelerator.

"Hey, you bastard, don't confuse black and white, I have never admitted it, don't be self-righteous." Accelerator went directly through the wall and entered the laboratory, looking at Ye Fei with a dark face and said.

"Yah, ah, just (Zhao Qian's) like your arrogant expression, I didn't expect you to be listening to the corner, why did you squat outside for half an hour." Ye Fei spread out his hands calmly, a moment Said with a helpless expression.

"Tsk, I didn't listen to the corner, you asked me to wait for you outside, you bastard," Accelerator said irritably.

"Seriously, seeing you treat my benefactor like this, I really want to take off my pants and spank your ass." Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth helplessly and said.

"I'm leaving." Accelerator's face was black, his hands were in his trouser pockets, he turned around and left, although he had become level 6, it was like teaching this bastard a lesson, but he knew very well that he would definitely be subdued, and this bastard would still All kinds of taking advantage of her, and it is not the first time that he has done this.

Flanda covered her mouth and stared at the two who looked like a couple quarreling.

There must be some really hot gossip in here.pure.

Chapter [*]: Director's Secretary Position

"Hey, you don't give me face like this. Although I want to test the actual data of level 6, there may be no experimental site on this earth." Ye Fei said helplessly, covering his forehead.

In fact, his ability is about to reach level 6, which is faster than what Aiwass judged. After all, Aiwass can't see through what the "simulated star creation map" can make him achieve. The mysterious leader is stronger than one grade.

"You are level 6 yourself, no, you are even more monster than level 6, don't you know the destructive power of level 6 yourself? If I do my best, Academy City will disappear in an instant, this country will also sink on the earth's territory, and the civilization of the earth will disappear. It will also be destroyed in an instant, unless it is tested in outer space, unfortunately, there is no such technology in Academy City now." Accelerator stopped and said nonchalantly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

In the past, I always wanted to get invincible power, but now I have invincible power and face such a problem. If you don't pay attention, the whole world will have a catastrophe, which is even more headache than before.

Mai Ye Shenli fell into contemplation after hearing the words, but the flickering light in her eyes was extremely frenetic. If she had such power, then she would not be regarded as a guinea pig by Academy City.

"Destroying Academy City, destroying a country, and destroying civilization in an instant is too exaggerated." Flanda stuck out her tongue.

Silk flag favorite and Takitsubo Rihou are not unbelievers, but they still have doubts.

"It's not impossible to go into space, but do you want to go?" Ye Fei said ponderingly, the Fraxinus Skyship is still floating in the air at an altitude of [*] meters in the research institute. As long as there is enough energy, it can run out of the solar system. Can.

"I'm not as boring as you." Accelerator said flatly, and then walked out of the research room with steady steps.

"This is a missed opportunity~" Ye Fei shrugged and said, "However, Yuriko Lingke, I'll give you a gift tomorrow, I'm sure you'll like it very much."

Sister Misaka has already finished the production, she only needs to get out of the training cabin, and the final work is completed, and the only thing left is to send it to Yuriko Suzuka. Anyway, Yuriko does not go to school or work, and she guards Academy City all day to eat money. , I just find something to do for her, it's just right to see the baby, let her experience the beauty of being a mother early at a young age, and she will become more skilled in the future.

"Well, Director Ye Fei, can we use the bathroom here? The nutrient solution on my body is sticky." Takitsubo adjusted his short hair uncomfortable and asked Ye Fei's ethereal voice.

"In the future, you can treat my research institute as your home. Your id can log in to most research institutes in Academy City." Ye Fei said happily.

Kinabalu's favorite and Takitsubo Rigo hurriedly ran to the bathroom after getting the sterilized white coats sent by the researcher.

"As for the two of you! Let's go play by yourself first, I'll inform you of something." Ye Fei glanced at Mai Ye Shenli and Flanda and said.

Mai Ye Shenli and Flanda looked at each other, gestured with their eyes, and obediently exited the laboratory.

"Mui Ye, do you think Kenban and Takitsubo have really become level 5?" Flanda asked with envy and sourness. She obviously had such an opportunity, but the cheapskate didn't give her a chance at all.

As long as it is a person, if you see the experimental bench and glass jar that looks like an alien dissection, you will not dare to go.

"I don't know, if she becomes level 5, then Academy City will definitely broadcast it in a wide range." Shirley Maino said, his fingers couldn't help but squeeze. If she really became level 5, it would mean she became leve(cibh)l6 Also very likely.

But the premise is to satisfy that terrifying director. If you think about it this way, if you can become a level 6, it is not impossible to sacrifice, after all, Accelerator has done the same.The secret passage of Mai Ye Shiri's face changed.

Human beings are such creatures. When I see someone who is stronger than me and can't be compared to it doing this, I will subconsciously think that even such a powerful person does this, then I can do it too.

Ye Fei came to the coffee seat in the rest area, which made him feel more cheerful than the serious office.

The phone rang.

"Yu Cai Haimei, I haven't seen her for a long time. It seems that I have seen her twice in such a long time." Ye Fei looked at the caller ID with a mean smile, for this smart girl who judged the situation and was extremely diplomatic. Still feel good.

"Long time no see, Senior Ye Fei, I'm at the door of your research institute, can I come to you?" A very gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Junior girl came to me at this time to give her a hug." Ye Fei couldn't help teasing.

"Junior girl wants to give her a hug, but is the senior willing to accept it?" A playful voice came.

"Of course I'm willing to accept it, or I'll try it with my junior sister now. The taste can only be appreciated after trying it." Ye Fei snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

A girl in a gorgeous pale pink dress appeared on the other side of the cafe, Yu Cai Hai Mei was stunned, then realized that it was Ye Fei's super power, and smiled calmly and gently: "Senior's ability is more powerful than before, During this period of time, the schoolgirl will miss it very much~”

"Since you don't mind kissing me like that," Ye Fei said, looking at her with a smile.

"Are you serious, senior?"


Under Ye Fei's astonished gaze, Yu Cai Haimei walked over without hesitation, her white arms wrapped around his neck, the smell of high-end perfume mixed with women's unique hormones was transmitted into the nasal cavity, and her lips were blocked.

"..." Actually being molested?

Ye Fei wasn't the kind of person who wouldn't resist when he was molested, and he didn't have any pressure in his heart. His sixth sense was already able to read his mind accurately, and he knew very well what Yu Cai Haimei was thinking.

It is nothing more than wanting to obtain his protection. Although her ability can largely save her from danger, Academy City itself is not a city of capable people, but a city of scientists.

As for whether you like him or not, yes, but it is not high, at most it is very good, but the desire to be protected is higher than this part of the goodwill.

For him now, protecting a person is really nothing, after all, he is a director now, and Yu Cai Haimei's ability is also very convenient, and the position of a secretary can still be taken. .

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