"Huh?" Uiharu Shiri was so unexpected to Saten.

"Senior Ye Fei, it has helped me a lot. The key is that it helped me regain my self-confidence. It's not too much to say that it saved me." Zuotian Leizi scratched his head and smiled: "So I like Senior Ye Fei. It's normal too."

"Then, why did you tell Senior Ye Fei directly? Senior Ye Fei doesn't have a girlfriend either." Chuchun Shili asked.

"This kind of thing is so embarrassing, I, how can I be so embarrassed to say it." Saten Leiko's cheeks flushed, and then changed the topic and said: "Okay, okay, it's also a potential opponent, such as Misaka-senpai. ."

"Eh? Misaka-senpai also likes Ye Fei-senpai?" Shiri Uiharu was surprised.

"I'm not sure~ Before, Misaka-senpai was asking me where Ye Fei-senpai often went. I guess I'll go to squat and make a chance encounter." Saten Leiko rubbed her chin suspiciously, and looked like a Sherlock Holmes. look.

"It's not good to talk about Misaka-senpai behind your back, and Misaka-senpai must have something to do with Ye Fei-senpai." Uchun Shiri said helplessly.

"Oh, yes, speaking of the development of new capabilities, Academy City will select 10 schools for development tomorrow, and our school happens to be one of them."

"Um!At that time, everyone in our school will be able. "

"I'm thinking that if everyone in Academy City has become a capable person, then the crime rate will skyrocket, which is very worrying."

"Chuchun is always worrying about the world. At that time, Chuchun will become level 5, and all criminals will be beaten down and become super little policewomen." Saten Leiko clenched her fists and shouted.

"Oops!" Uiharu covered her cheeks.

"Uh! Hehe." Saten Leiko scratched the back of her head awkwardly, noticing the sight cast from all around.

Misaka Mikoto found out at a certain hospital that this was where Ye Fei often came. Seeing the girl who was exactly like her, she felt a little guilty.

"Well, yes, elder sister, Mr. Ye Fei usually comes to the hospital at night to bring snacks to see Misaka, do, Misaka replied gratefully, and his heart is warm." Sister Misaka said expressionlessly, although her voice did not waver. , but (Zhao Qian's) can hear that he has feelings.

"Basically, I bring you snacks..." Misaka Mikoto frowned, why did she feel bad, the sense of sight she gave her was a scene of a bad slut deceiving the little girl.

"Yeah! When my elder sister came to see Misaka, she was empty-handed. Do, Misaka silently expressed her disappointment in her heart." Sister Misaka said with a sigh.

"Do you still need to bring gifts to see my sister? You guy, don't say what's in your heart, really." Misaka Mikoto said shyly.

"What did that guy teach you to learn? He is obviously my clone, and his personality is nothing like mine."

"What did you learn, do." Miss Misaka remembered something, looked down at her flat chest, and stroked her hands.

"Eh?" Misaka Mikoto blinked her eyes suspiciously.

"What does this action mean?".

Chapter [-]: This is the virtue of my clone

"Mr. Ye Fei is a very good person. Misaka thought that after losing his identity as an experimental animal, he would have no meaning. At that time, Misaka was confused about life, and Misaka sighed in his heart." Misaka's sister looked at Misaka Mikoto blankly. Said, the corners of his mouth showed a slight arc.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Misaka Mikoto's expression stiffened, she lowered her head, pinched her hands, bit her lips, and said, "If, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this. "

In her mind, she recalled the progress of the information she saw that night two days ago. So many of them had died in places she didn't know about. So far, she had no right to complain, even if they hated the accusations, they didn't refute them. reason.

"Yes, if it weren't for the elder sister, we would not be like this." Miss Misaka looked at her elder sister and said.

Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath and came, the late accusation is finally coming, it's all my fault, even if Ye Fei-senpai solved these frustrating plans for me, what I have to do now is to straighten my chest accept their accusations.

"This world is so beautiful, if there is no elder sister, we can't see the beauty of this world, do, Misaka said gratefully." Miss Misaka raised her head and looked at the scenery outside the hospital window, she liked everything here.

"Hey!" Misaka Mikoto was stunned and raised her head. She was obviously ready to face the accusation of the storm, but she was grateful: "Wait, shouldn't you hate accusing me?"

Holding the corners of his clothes unnaturally with his hands, his voice trembled: "I made you encounter this."

When Miss Misaka heard the words, she looked at Misaka Mikoto with bright but not empty brown eyes and said, "Sister Misaka misunderstood, Misaka has never resented her, because it was her who brought us to this beautiful world, Misaka. I am very grateful to my sister.”

"Even if you say this, you can't wash away that much..." Misaka Mikoto pursed her lips. Of course she knew this, but if she really thought so, she would be too arrogant to life.

"Sister, let Misaka be born in this world, but Mr. Ye Fei gave Misaka the meaning and the human heart." Misaka's slender hand covered her heart.

"Hoo~ I gave you hearts, I also want to thank him (cibh) well." Misaka Mikoto let out a long sigh of relief and smiled, and the boy said like: "I did so much secretly from me. matter."

They were born from machines. They knew that they were my clones and suffered so many inhuman experiments, but they didn't have any resentment. They were rescued in the middle. This kind of ending is really good.

"Yes, in order to let Misaka find his purpose in life, he really put a lot of thought into it, and Misaka also made a lot of excessive demands on him." Sister Misaka said, the words of Ye Fei resounded in her mind, those words, now It became the meaning of all Misaka life.

Misaka Mikoto walked to the window, looked at the street and asked with a smile, "A lot has really happened."

"Yes, Mr. Yefei really racked his brains in order to let Misaka find the meaning of life. He is willing to let Misaka be his wife, take Misaka back to Mr. Yefei's house, and let Misaka live like an ordinary person." sister said.

"Really, he's really a good guy..." Misaka said, his expression suddenly stiffened when he heard the second half of the sentence, and the words stopped, like an old machine crunching and turning his head.

"Just now, you, what did you say? Be his wife—"

The voice went from stiff to unbelievable to exclamation, cheeks flushed instantly, from neck to ear base.


"Idiot!" Misaka Mikoto screamed, grabbing Misaka's sister's shoulder with both hands and shouting, "You, you, you, how can you do this?"

Misaka Mikoto felt uncomfortable all over, like a prawn that had been cooked all the time. Sister Misaka was her clone, everything was exactly the same as her, and the guy who was exactly the same as himself became his?Wife, isn't it...

My God, my head suddenly became hot, my eyes were circled, and smoke was coming out of my head.

"How to do what? do."

"Don't ask yourself, why did you let that, Senior Ye Fei..."

"Misaka is very willing, do," Misaka said.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto was stunned, what, very willing, the whole person was not well, one hand covered her hot cheek, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Is this her clone? How could it be this virtue, what knowledge did those researchers instill in her?

"Mr. Ye Fei said that he would like to be Misaka's husband, so Misaka checked a lot of books on how to become a qualified wife, as well as official magazines. Does your elder sister want it? Misaka can lend it to her, but it must be returned." Misaka sister pulled Open the drawer, take out a few magazines and put them on the table.

"..." Misaka Mikoto looked at these magazines as if her whole body was broken. It turned out that it wasn't Ye Fei-senpai who was that kind of person.

"Yeah! Misaka is seeing this. Every era has different criteria. Before the Showa era, the standard of a good wife was to be able to spread the branches for her husband. After the Showa era, the standard..."

"Wait, wait, don't say it, it's not allowed, it's absolutely not allowed." Misaka Mikoto covered her sister's lips with red cheeks, and her expression was a little scary. ringing

"Protest, my elder sister not only did not bring gifts to Misaka, but also stole Misaka's magazines. Do, Misaka complained and stared at my elder sister." Sister Misaka looked expressionless and looked at the pile of books hidden behind her back. Misaka Mikoto.

"Confiscated, confiscated, all of these confiscated, these are not things you should look at at all." Misaka Mikoto's cheeks flushed: "I will supervise you from today."

"Protest, protest, protest..." Sister Misaka said blankly.

"The protest is invalid. Anyway, you mustn't watch it, and you mustn't do anything weird to Senior Ye Fei."

"Even if the elder sister said that, the other Misaka would not listen, do, Misaka sighed that she was behind the other Misaka because of the delay of the elder sister."


Chapter [-]: Entering the heaven again

When Misaka Mikoto was at a loss because of the information given by Misaka sister, Ye Fei was enjoying the warm coffee and looked at the clock that it was 11:30.

"Is it already lunch time? As usual, if the food at home runs out, Index casually walks the street and encounters kind-hearted people for dinner, or if she is too hungry, she will go to the hospital to eat for free. Meal, and also left ten thousand yuan for her." Ye Fei secretly said very calmly.

As for the free meals in the hospital, the amount is fixed, but I am not afraid that Index will be deducted for eating too much.

However, Index is not currently in these three ideal places, Ye Fei frowned slightly, and her figure disappeared instantly.

Index stared at the buttons on the vending machine as if she had no choice but to shake the vending machine exhaustedly, and peeped at the entrance to return the banknotes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[-]Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuously, I ate all the money Ah Fei gave me." Index turned around in front of the vending machine. She looked like a cornered kitten with a sphinx on her chest. S's head came out and yawned leisurely.

Originally, I was hungry and wanted to come out to eat at the store I went to with A Fei, but I was thirsty and wanted to drink water, so I dared to use the vending machine.

"Press the refund button to quit. Didn't I teach you many times." A familiar voice came from behind, Index showed a surprised smile and turned around: "A Fei."

"I thought you-won't be back at noon today."

"Idiot, how can your character make me feel at ease." Ye Fei tapped Index's little head and said angrily, then bought two cans of drinks, opened the tab and handed them to her.

In fact, Index has a phobia of opening cans. According to her, the sound of opening cans is terrifying.

"The vending machine has taught you so many times that you can't use it, I really doubt your "complete memory ability" is fake. "

"Science and magic are two fields of technology, wouldn't it be normal for me to learn it?" Index said warmly, then gulped and drank it in one breath, burping comfortably and exhaling steam.

"You just hate science, so you don't learn it. Even if you force me to remember it, you don't want to understand it." Ye Fei saw through Index's thoughts at a glance, which caused the latter to puff out her cheeks like a small Like squirrels.

"Let's go, let's have dinner together." Ye Fei took Index's hand and said, "Kanzaki's words should arrive tomorrow. In this case, someone will play with you."

"Actually, I don't really want to meet her, although I really want to apologize to her." Hearing that, Index's lively expression became dull, her blue eyes didn't know what she was thinking, and there was a hint of childishness in her eyes. expression.

"Why? Want to see Kanzaki, but don't want to see her." Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"Because, he is a good friend, he didn't explain it to me after I lost my memory, and it made me misunderstood, so I am very angry! Even if I want to say sorry, this matter will not change." Intik Silk said angrily like a little squirrel.

"So, Index is getting angry with a child, hahaha." Ye Fei couldn't help laughing.

Index was like a kitten with fried fur, blushing, her lips open, her sharp teeth reflecting light, and she bit Ye Fei's arm.

"Oops!" Index's teeth seemed to be biting into a very resilient rubber band. The teeth were bounced, and they trembled at all. She felt a shock all over her body, and looked at Ye Fei with tears in her eyes.

"Conditioned reflex, because of the saint's reason, the toughness of the body is a hundred times that of ordinary people, so... um." Ye Fei shrugged and said, just a conditioned reflex.

Because he has integrated all the skills of Mr. Li Shuwen, Chinese martial arts A+++ (you can see if you don't hear it, you can see if you don't hear it, you can see the gods without breaking the void), the highest level of martial arts, and the potential of all the muscles, meridians and acupoints of the human body can be opened up. Even tougher.

A+++ level martial arts is already the god of martial arts. With one punch, you can use the force of your muscles to hit 25 tons of force, which is the highest level of Bajiquan.

It can be said that even if it is only the body of a saint, combined with Chinese martial arts, it is possible to defeat Kanzaki.

Not to mention, there are magic skills of the Noble Phantasm, such as "Magic Spear Perfection" and "Gangquan Perfection", which almost reach the rules.

However, a saint who has reached the level of the water in the rear, even if he has more superpowers, will increase his combat power by about twice at most.

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"Who told Ah Fei to laugh at me?" Index said angrily, patted her face with tears in her eyes.

"Since they are friends, then they should have a good heart-to-heart talk and clear up the misunderstanding. If the cold war continues like this, Kanzaki will be very sad." Ye Fei said.

"I know." Index said, she still knew who was kind to her. Even if she deceived her, it was for her own good, but she was very angry about such an approach.

After lunch, Index patted her bulging stomach and wiped her lips contentedly. Because Index didn't want to go home, she went to the research institute with Ye Fei.

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