
"Being a director obviously wanted to enjoy life a little bit, but I didn't expect it, but I became tired." Ye Fei muttered in secret.

A beam of light appeared on the two of them, and the two instantly arrived at the Fraxinus Skyship at an altitude of [-] meters in Academy City. Except for one equipped with a super artificial intelligence computer, the rest are not the control room or the rest. s room.

"Wow! Where is this place?" Index looked around with the expression of a good baby, everything here made her curious.

"My personal base is also my base camp." Ye Fei laughed.

It is true to say that it is the base camp. Fraxinus is equipped with various ultra-high-tech attack systems and defense systems. Even nuclear bombs may not be able to blast the energy cover.

The door of the room where the supercomputer was loaded opened, and Haruo Kiyama came out with the aim diffusion stand crystal.

"Hey, Mushan-sensei, has Bushu entrusted you with the plan to study the use of the device for spreading the aim?" Ye Fei asked.

"No, I want to study it myself, after all, I'm an expert in this field." Mu Shanchun said flatly.

"Well, then you're busy, Index, you can play casually, I have something to do." Ye Fei smiled and walked into the rest room.

This time he is going to enter the "celestial aspect", and he has a thorough knowledge of the first two volumes of the "Bible" and should be able to operate in a certain range.

The artificial heaven has already made him receive a lot of goods, and this time it must be richer than the artificial heaven.Several.

Chapter [-] Deviating Sword, Ex-Machine Hubi

"God is satisfied and rests..."

"Christ is the redemption, salvation, and provision of God's people, and also the means by which they worship and serve God, so that they may be built up with God in Him so that they may see God, fellowship with each other, and dwell in each other."

Ye Fei flipped the illusory book in his hand, and read out the Hebrew words that ordinary people couldn't see and read. The book seemed to be flipping in violation of all the laws of the world, the brain lost its activity, and the consciousness left the material world.

The second time I came to this phase where only "spirit" existed, everything became familiar, unlike the last time when I couldn't even move my eyes except consciousness.

He was still in the middle of a huge river leading to the Garden of Eden, still holding the illusory Bible in his hand, and the Bible took him up the river quickly.

"This river "Seven Eight Three" is the root of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and going upstream means thinking about God's approach. The more devout you are, to reach the origin of the river means to finish the path of life.”

Aiwass appeared beside Ye Fei and said in a voice like an old-fashioned radio.

"Anyway, I just need to go to the throne." Ye Fei opened the virtual map to find the location of the card and said, looking at Aiwass, his pupils shrank.

At this time, Aiwass seems to be no longer a vague light and shadow. She is wearing a simple white robe with no decoration on it. Her skin is shining like jade, and her facial features have become clear. She is a mature and beautiful appearance. The long blond hair that was held together spread out behind him.

"It seems that you have already parsed out some of the rules of the Void Star Tai Sui, Aiwass, why did you choose this look." Ye Fei immediately understood the cause and effect. Eight points, this is not the mother of Archbishop Lola.

It's really exciting.

"It's just that it has an inseparable relationship with the owner of this appearance. If this shape makes you dissatisfied, I can change it."

"No need, just look like this, it makes me feel very exciting." Ye Fei said with a wicked taste in his heart: "But then again, can you be touched by me now?"

"Ye Fei, you are now a conscious body, and I am in a similar state. There are rules in the heaven so that the conscious body can be touched." Aiwass said.

"You'd better not look for the location of the angel, otherwise you will be severely injured if the conscious body is killed. After all, the "simulated star creation map" is only fused with your body and cannot be brought here by the conscious body. "

"I know this, so I'm just wandering around, and I'm not ready to do something like taking back the angels."

Ye Fei said with a smile, he doesn't want to die here, his conscious body state has no ability, and if he wants to have the ability, he must parse the rules of the heaven, which is impossible for him now, unless he captures an angel from the heaven. , let the other party protect him.

Stop at the upper part of the river, and a four-star card appears in front.

"The initial phase of the heaven is really terrifying and rich in resources. You can encounter a four-star card before you go far." Ye Fei raised his mouth, not too excited, because the Garden of Eden at the end of the river has a unique attribute. card.

I really want to get it. So far, he has only issued a novice gift package. What is that one? "Tiandong said Lingge", "Star Cup", "Simulated Star Creation Chart"...

"Order, congratulations to the host for getting a four-star card, whether to open it."

"No." Ye Fei secretly said, now that his consciousness has existed for too short a time in the celestial phase, just hurry up. According to the length of this river, it may not be possible to reach the Garden of Eden in ten days.

Above the Garden of Eden, there are 32 five-star cards, and these are all on those angels, which should have been 33 angels, but Coronzon possessed Laura.

If you arrive in the Garden of Eden, you will most likely be killed as an intruder, tsk, you can only see and not take it.

There is no concept of time here, and when you reach the upper reaches of the river, you have already got two four-star cards.

"Great harvest, great harvest, hahaha."

The figure gradually became confused and slowly disappeared in this world, and at this time, a group of light and shadow appeared in the place where Ye Fei disappeared, and an unbelievably beautiful angel appeared in...  

"Anomalous ***Unknown consciousness* patrol, Gabriel."

Consciousness gradually wakes up, looking at the clock, the hour hand has already pointed to the 5 position.

"Three four-star cards." Ye Fei spread out his hand, and four cards floated in the palm of his hand. It must be known that he has only obtained two four-star cards so far, one for "Yan Ye Infinite Deception", and one for The artificial sky has obtained the "Keke Emperor".

It's a bit incredible to get four four-stars so easily now.

"Ding! Does the host open three four-star cards?"

"Open." Ye Fei said without hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking three four-star cards and obtaining the following items."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Noble Phantasm, the Deviance Sword EA."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ex-specialized weapon machine, number üc207Pr4f57t9."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the props, the shining tri-octahedron."

Deviating Sword: From the world of Xingyue.

Level: EX (Unable to measure upper limit).

Type: Noble Phantasm

Function: The sword of "world concept" is cut open to form a time-space fault, the sword of creation that attacks large-scale destruction. The divinity comes from the great god EA in the words of Mesopotamia and Babylonian God 1.7.

"I didn't expect that the most powerful Noble Phantasm of Gold Sparkle will be released. This is so easy. With a weapon in hand, the treasure house of Babylon can officially be called the treasure of the king." Ye Fei immediately looked excitedly at the appearance in his hand. A sword with three cylindrical blades, said to be a sword, more like a short stick

God-made weapon, Ex-Machine, number üc207Pr4f57t9. "From the tenth of the sixteen race series of "Game of Life".

Type: Parse body.Note: Because it is an Ex-Machina analytic body, its performance is below the average Ex-Machina.The combat ability is lower than the average level among the Ex-Machina, and the output is less than 32% compared with the combat body.

"This is, Hubby." Ye Feimu was surprised. .

Chapter [-]: Hubby and Nyarlathotep

Hubby is the heroine of "The Game of Life Prequel", a special existence in the Ex-Machina. Because she couldn't analyze the "heart" and wanted to analyze the "heart", she was expelled from the group, and finally got the Ex-Machina with no emotion. Emotional Ex-Machina.

Ye Fei was one of the many paper wives on the front wall before Ye Fei passed through, but now I didn't expect to have it.

The golden four-star card turned into star dust and spread, and a dazzling light appeared in front of him. Ye Fei half-squinted his eyes, and then his pupils trembled slightly.

The light dissipated, and a petite girl appeared on the metal floor, looking like a human girl of about ten years old.With snow-white skin contrasting with her long brown-purple hair, her eyes were tightly closed, and she had not switched on, she was an impeccably beautiful girl.She is no different from a normal girl if she doesn't have the machinery that can be seen everywhere and the two tail-like pipelines.

The two pipelines behind him are similar to human nerves, and they are the source of power connecting the "Spirit Corridor".

However, there is no "elf corridor" in this world, but there are similar phases to the elf corridor. If you break the rules, you can 28 connection phases to absorb the power of angels.

Although Huobi is only an analytic body, her combat power is also at the level of a sky fortress. As an analytic body, she can analyze almost all detected abilities, magic, divine arts, and even rules. "Graphic Designer" is so powerful that I don't know how many levels.

"Speaking of which, how do you turn it on?" Ye Fei squatted down and gently stroked Hubby's cheek like a treasure. The touch was no different from real skin, but he had to know that there was machinery under the skin.


Suddenly, the two pipelines behind Xiobi glowed blue and moved like arms.

"The Ex-Machina company, type, analytic body, number üc207Pr4f57t9 machine begins to operate."

"No matching elf corridor detected, open the preparatory plan."

"Reserve Spirit Energy Activation."

The decorative receiving device on his head emits a ring of light, and his ruby-like eyes slowly open.

"Start to check the state of the body, good."

"Hello, Hubby." Ye Fei said softly, looking at the awakened Ex-Machina girl with a happy smile.

"Hubby? It's wrong, I can't understand it, Master." The Ex-Machina girl replied coldly and mechanically: "Analyze, whether it is to express a thing, a place, a name."

"This is your name, I don't want to call your body number." Ye Fei said with a smile, suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you have any memory?"

"Question, is it the name that the organism refers to?" Huobi asked mechanically.

"Well, my name is Ye Fei, you can just call me A Fei."

"To correct, master, Ye Fei, Ah Fei."

"Reply, Hubby's memory remains 7 hours, 36 minutes and 21 seconds after he proposed to analyze the "heart" and was expelled from the tribe. "Hugh replied coldly and mechanically.

"It's easy to handle, um~ I can simulate the personality of being timid, taciturn, and speaking intermittently. Once someone asks about the past, I feel very troublesome. Do you not say unnecessary words?" Ye Fei asked expectantly. , since it is the memory of Hughes in this time period, then naturally a lot of knowledge and skills from that world are stored, as well as simulated personality.

Among the dragon species, the final roar of Yanlong, the four major dragon kings, and the "Sky Movement" of the Flügel's movement in space, etc.

"Read! Simulated personality 067." Hughby's ruby-like eyes emitted a golden light like electricity passing through a circuit board, then his expression became timid and cowardly, he raised his head and said in a voice that seemed to be bullied: "Is that so? Master ."

"That's right, that's it." Ye Fei immediately hugged her and said excitedly when he heard the voice, as if his heart was hit by Cupid's arrow.

"Is this the type that Fei likes?" Hubby asked timidly.

"Yes, don't you want to analyze the "heart" now? Then learn from me. "Ye Fei rolled up his brown purple fingers and smiled.

"Well, Master, now Hubby's backup energy can only run the machine for 73.6 hours, and it needs to be connected to the "Ghost Corridor", but Hubby has not detected the existence of the "Ghost Corridor". "

"There is no "elf corridor" in this world, but there are many aspects. Have you detected the tiny energy field in the air?" Ye Fei scratched his cheek and asked.

The two pipelines behind Huobi glowed faintly, and then nodded: "Well, I found an energy source similar to the "Elf Corridor", Huobi can crack the energy source code. "

"The energy source code is being resolved." Hughby said timidly.


At this moment, a hazy figure slowly appeared beside Ye Fei and Xiubi, and a timid voice came: "That..."

"Feng Zhanbinghua." Ye Fei looked at the projection-like figure in surprise, and then showed a gentle smile: "Long time no see, how are you?"

"Thank you, that, just now..." Feng Zhanbinghua asked timidly and curiously as he looked at Xiubi, who was analyzing the spread of aim.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Ye Fei smiled, Huobi's password for analyzing aim's diffusion position would affect Feng Zhan Binghua. After all, she was one of the cornerstones of the imaginary math area and turned on the switch of the imaginary math area.

"I, I seem to be able to come here." Feng Zhanbinghua said happily after looking at his state.

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