"Hehe, it's so cute. You've discovered it now. I've done a good job of keeping secrets." Ye Fei looked at Misaka Mikoto's cute appearance, and reached out and rubbed her head.

"Hey!" Misaka Mikoto's cheeks were flushed, but she didn't dodge, there was nothing but shyness.

"But then again, the words of thanks are just one sentence. Ai is a little disappointed. I thought I would bring the biscuits or cakes I baked, but it doesn't look like an apology with empty hands." Ye Fei smiled.

"That, me, this, this..." Misaka Mikoto raised her head in a panic, and she was at a loss. Yes, I came here to thank you. I didn't have any thank you. I was empty-handed and took care of him in all aspects. She was careless and thought she would definitely be considered casual.

"Just kidding, don't take it too seriously." Ye Fei said contentedly, it was already embarrassing for her to be so shy to thank her, as long as she knew her heart was enough, otherwise it would be too much.

"Well, thank you, thank you for taking care of you in all aspects." Misaka Mikoto blushed, feeling like she was about to faint, she lowered her head and bowed slightly, not daring to look at Ye Fei at all.

"Why, don't tell me about this, although the senior stopped the experiment, but I hurt a lot of people..."

Ye Fei sighed, and she really blamed herself for knowing this, I am afraid this matter will always be in her heart.

"You know, when I first saw you, you were cute, lively, full of youthful energy, like a lark in the sun, but, knowing this, you will definitely blame yourself Worry, I don't want to see you like that." Ye Fei looked at Misaka Mikoto calmly and said, "After the experiment is over, even if you find out, you won't blame yourself too much."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

It's true that I won't blame myself too much, but I will turn this emotion into gratitude to me. After time fermenting, there will be some fetters. This is the wonder of feeling.

Feelings are never born out of nowhere. If he doesn't like sister Misaka, he will definitely not get involved. It is because he likes it that he acts.

He is not a hero and a saint with noble thoughts, so everything starts with sensibility.


"Hmm..." Misaka Mikoto blushed and lost her ability to think in an instant. These words are a confession, let's confess.

He seemed to recall the conversation with Misaka-san in his ears. "Mr. Ye Fei likes Misaka very much, and is willing to make Misaka his wife." His body was a little weak.

"But after talking nonsense, you still have to pay attention to the cake that Misaka you bake yourself." Ye Fei sighed and said, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Really, really, you, do you think I'm someone who can do this kind of thing?" Misaka Mikoto turned her head and stammered with red cheeks.

"Thank you, thank me, I'll be ready."

"Since we're all here, let's go to the hospital and chat with the Misaka sisters." Ye Fei changed the subject and talked about such a shy topic, I'm afraid she will always be like this.

"Yeah!" Misaka Mikoto came back to her senses, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she continued to talk, even though she was my clone, how could it be that kind of virtue.

Thinking that Ye Fei had pinched the breasts of the sisters, her cheeks suddenly turned red again. The sisters were exactly the same as her. Isn't touching the sister the same as touching her.

Ye Fei looked at Misaka Mikoto, took her hand, and walked into the hospital like a puppet.

She won't always be this shy and stumbling, will she?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for contacting the four-star card character, the conditions for unlocking the card..." Ji.

Chapter [*]: The Myth of Humanity, Lightning Comes

"Ding, congratulations to the host for contacting the four-star card character, unlocking the card conditions, and holding the target character's hand for one minute."

Ye Fei's eyes lit up. The four-star card used to be three-star, but now it has become four-star?Although I know that the cards will change every day, I am still happy.

In addition to one-star cards, cards with two or more stars are very useful. You must know that four-star cards are related to rules and regulations.

Ye Fei squinted at Misaka Mikoto, who was blushing and bowed her head, and clenched slightly silently.

"This guy, clenched tightly, sure enough, he likes me..." Misaka Mikoto raised her head slightly and looked at Ye Fei's face, her heart was pounding, he, what does he want to do?Now they are holding hands like a couple.

Misaka Mikoto was dragged away by Ye Fei like a puppet, her eyes circled.

"Like this, it should be fine to hold "Seven Eight Seven" for one minute." Ye Fei couldn't help grinning, and he couldn't help but complain, I'm really guilty.

"Misaka, are you ready to go somewhere during the summer vacation?" Ye Fei asked off topic.

"Yeah, the summer vacation is three days away, I, I haven't made up my mind yet. Probably, no, I won't leave Academy City." Misaka Mikoto lowered her head and whispered shyly.

Because it is too troublesome for students to leave Academy City, they need not only the approval of the school, but also the official approval of various institutions, otherwise they will not even be able to get out of the gate of Academy City. Of course, this is also to protect the safety of students.

After all, some organizations outside Academy City are eager for DNA samples of capable people, especially those with high-level abilities. It is difficult to go out.

"I'm going to the beach for a vacation, let's come together, don't worry about going out, I'm one of the directors of Academy City." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Huh? Director!" Misaka Mikoto was stunned when she heard the words, she blinked, and then raised her head in astonishment.

"Well, director, how should I say it, I was originally a student, because I want to stop the "absolutely capable person evolution plan", the status of a student is not enough, even if it is a level 5 superpower, so I just become a director, then everything will be Simple. "Ye Fei said brightly as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Senior, you are still a high school student, and you have become a director!" Misaka Mikoto seemed to have seen an alien, which was too exaggerated.

If it were her, let alone becoming a director, even being the owner of a convenience store couldn't do it with all her strength. If it were her, she would definitely be able to solve this matter.

"Superpowers can't solve everything, of course, abilities are also indispensable."

After walking to the ward where Sister Ichimisaka works, I finally unlocked the four-star card.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Noble Phantasm, the human myth, thunder and lightning is coming."

Human mythology: Thunder and lightning come.

Level: EX (Unable to measure upper limit).

Type: Anti-city Noble Phantasm (Concept Noble Phantasm).

Ability: The theocracy of Zeus, which only existed in mythology, was shown on the earth with scientific technology, and the concept that human civilization could be developed was sublimated. This is the myth of human beings, the theocracy on earth, and the final concept that dominates modern thunder and lightning.

"The Noble Phantasm of Human Mythology, hehe, Tesla, you and Mr. Li Shuwen have the same fate as me. First, your skill "Electricity" is your Noble Phantasm. Ye Fei couldn't help but sigh, looking at Misaka Mikoto, who had let go of her little hand and her cheeks were flushed red, daring not to look at him.

These are reserved for Sister Pao. Electricity plus human mythology is enough to make her a level 6. You must know that "human mythology, thunder and lightning" is the final concept of modern electrical civilization.

We could have chatted for a while, but Misaka Mikoto was too shy because of Ye Fei's confession and holding hands, so she sat and chatted for a while before slipping away.

However, in the past two days, almost all the Misaka sisters have come out of the research institute. However, because too many Misaka sisters will cause riots, in order to ensure that the Misaka sisters will not be exposed because of this incident, most Misaka sisters have already begun to assign To the research institutions belonging to Academy City all over the world.

Among these research institutions, [*]% of the research institutes are under the banner of Hisako Yaomi, which is equivalent to him, so there is no concern for the safety of Misaka sisters.

There were only less than fifteen sisters of Misaka who stayed in Academy City, two in a certain hospital, who were mistaken for twins, some were allocated by other hospitals, and some were going to stay in Fraxinus so that they could learn to fly the sky ship .

Finally, there is a "last work" that remains in the underground facility of the Seventh Pharmacy Research Center.

The next day, two days before the summer vacation, Index was still staying at home, and Ye Fei went to school. After all, today is the school breakout ceremony and the day for the development of new superpowers...  

Came to the school, the school pulled banners and a lot of promotional flyers.

In the ceremony hall, each class stood neatly in a square, and there was a lot of noisy voices discussing.

"Yefei, this way." Fukiyose Shiri waved at Yefei, folded his arms, and said in a disciplined manner as the class leader in charge: "Today is the school break ceremony, you are actually late, You've become lazy lately, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life when you cut corners in your life."

"I've been very busy recently. Besides, you're thinking too far, Fukiji. We're only in high school. I don't know how many years it will take to grow old." Ye Fei said shamelessly, when he grows old? Can he live in this life? Maybe even when he is old, he will still look like this after hundreds of millions of years.

"You're a person." Fukiyose Jiri clasped his arms and seemed to exude a strong aura.

"Cough, teachers and students..."

Next was the principal's speech, which made some soulful and boring manuscripts, and then said that he was going to develop super powers.

This made the originally drowsy atmosphere explode in an instant.

"Really? [*]% developed super powers," Fukiyose said in surprise.

"This must be true." Ye Fei said mysteriously.

"Do you know the inside story?" Fukiyose Jiri asked with great interest.

"You'll know about 1.7 in a while."

"Hahaha, it's really amazing, maybe all of us can develop superpowers, of course, except for you." Tsuchimikado Yuanchun laughed and patted Kamijou Touma's shoulder: "After all, Aka. You are completely insulated from superpowers."

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me, but it really has nothing to do with me." Kamijou Touma looked at his right hand with a sullen look. As long as this hand is there, whether it is magic or superpower, it will be with him. No luck.

With a sigh, I've been really unlucky recently. I've always been involved in inexplicable events. Even magicians exist in this world.

"Tuyumen, are you looking forward to developing super powers? If so, most of your powers will probably be scrapped." Ye Fei teased with arms crossed. .

Chapter [*]: This amazing awareness

Although Tsuchimikado Yuanchun is level 0, it is only a weak aim diffusion position and is judged to be level 0. In fact, this effect is equivalent to level 2.

As long as the superhuman who has developed the ability cannot use the common sense of magic, if he is disabled or severely disabled, he will die on the spot. Because his ability and physical regeneration can be slowly recovered after using magic, he will not die after using magic two or three times.

The main thing is that his magic is basically based on "feng shui", which can be used for a very small price, and uses the magic power flow in the earth and the air, that is, "qi" to perform magic. It has nothing to do with human magic power.

This is just that his superpower is only level 0. If he upgrades to level 3 or higher, all his magic will be scrapped. The price of using magic with only minor injuries has become, and he will die suddenly after using it once.

"Haha, that's it, so I'm not going to develop my abilities, but level 0 feels pretty good meow~" Tsuchiyamen Yuanchun scratched his head carelessly, with a whimsical tone and a hearty voice. laughed.

"What ability? Why do you feel like you two are playing a riddle." Kamijou Touma stared at the two of them in despair.

"You heard it wrong just now, but it's true that I'm not going to improve my abilities. I still think it's better to be an ordinary person." Tsuchimikado Motoharu patted Kamijou Touma's shoulder and said.

"Really? Didn't you always envy those with high-level abilities?" Kamijou Touma couldn't believe it, and looked at this friend like a fool. He wanted the ability to tease me because he couldn't get it.

"So that's the past. From today onwards, I'm going to be an ordinary person in our class, leading the way, meow." Tuyumen Yuanchun said with a full mouth of lies.

Ye Fei pouted, Tuyumen's words were like farts, only if they believed it would be a ghost.

Back to the classroom.

"Little cats, congratulations to everyone who will successfully develop superpowers in the future. Make sure to use the knowledge you usually learn, and start filling in the information now."

Teacher Xiaomeng happily held a stack of information paper and said sweetly to everyone.

Except Ye Fei, everyone was excited to fill in the information.

"At most half a month, the basic Academy City students in the puberty period will become capable people. It is really exciting to think that at least 230 million of the 150 million people are capable people." Ye Fei looked at those excited thoughts. The student who was going to roll on the ground raised the corner of his mouth.

I used to be level 1, but I know that the expectation of ability and high ability finally turned into despair and then numbness.

Ye Fei watched Fukiyose Shiri fill out the information form and walked over: "Fukiyose, you don't look very excited, aren't you looking forward to your abilities?"

Fukiyose Jiri raised his head and looked at the boy he liked and said, "Of course I expect myself to have abilities, but for my life, it doesn't make much difference whether I have abilities or not, at most it is because abilities become more convenient. a little."

"Fukiyose is quite conscious, but you must have high-level abilities to be safe. Of course, the higher the level, the more trouble you will encounter. The greater the so-called ability, the greater the trouble." Ye Fei He touched his chin and said.

This is indeed the case. For example, at level 5, even if you don't do anything and go to school quietly, troubles will come to you, and there are many people who are popular.

"Is there such a saying? But I feel that everyone in Academy City will become equal when they have the ability." Fukiyose Sairi thought for a while and said.

"This is not necessarily the case. There will also be comparisons between capable people. The difference in level will always be the source of disputes." Ye Fei said with a shrug.

The new ability development program dilutes the materials, and it is unlikely that Level 5 will be born. Level 5 can be born because the original ability can reach Level 5.

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